Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2446 Come here

Chapter 2446 Come here

When Ying Baoyue walked into the top floor of Liuyun Building, Li Meiniang had already taken off her armor and was wearing white uniform. She was sitting at the table opposite Wan Liuyun drinking tea.

Seeing her walking in, the woman in white clothes looked over with gleaming eyes and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

This tone...

Ying Baoyue smiled bitterly and sat down at the table, "Why don't I come here? Haven't we seen each other for many years?"

God knows how shocked and moved she was when she saw the silver-armored general on the battlefield.

"Shouldn't you be with that Lord Zhaohua?"

Li Meiniang held her forehead with one hand and looked at her with a smile, "I thought I wouldn't see you again until the morning."

"Mei Niang..."

Ying Baoyue got a headache from being teased, and she covered her forehead and said, "He and I had some misunderstandings before, but now we've cleared it up."

"Really? That's a good thing."

Li Meiniang stared at Ying Baoyue's eyebrows and said, "It's just, Baoyue, why do you seem to be worried?"

Ying Baoyue was startled and looked at her blankly.

At this moment, she no longer looked like a master of the heavenly level, but like a lost child.

She can hide her true emotions in front of many people, but she can't in front of Li Meiniang.

"We have spent so much time together, I can naturally tell what you are thinking."

Li Meiniang's weathered brows softened, and she reached across the table and touched Ying Baoyue's cheek, "Sure enough, it's just your appearance that has changed, you are still exactly the same as before."

Just one word diluted the time gap between them, as if they had never been separated.

This sentence reminded Ying Baoyue, and she was shocked. She lowered her head and whispered softly, "Mei Niang, I'm sorry."

"Well, you should apologize to me," Li Meiniang rubbed her chin and said softly, "After all, you left us and died alone."

Ying Baoyue felt a sting in her heart and raised her head guiltily.

There was silence around the table, Wan Liuyun sat aside with a teacup in his hands and did not dare to express his anger.

Although this was her territory, once Li Meiniang became more aggressive, no one in the Yinchan Guards dared to interrupt.

Even the master of Yin Chan Guard is like this.

Wan Liuyun looked at Ying Baoyue, who was sitting in front of Li Meiniang like a sister, and inexplicably thought of Li Jinniang, who was sitting in a similar position drinking tea that day.

Only Yinchanwei knew that in his previous life, Shao Siming, who had been making waves outside, was only as powerful as he was supporting his own people. But Lin Baoyue has always had little momentum in front of her own people.

Especially in front of Li Meiniang.

Li Meiniang has a strong personality and loves Lin Baoyue too much. Wan Liuyun is sometimes afraid of her. However, it is precisely because Li Meiniang is such a person that she can return with so many soldiers.

Hide your identity, hide your gender, and work hard, just for the sake of a person who everyone thinks will never come back.

These were the eight years of Li Meiniang's life.

Ying Baoyue stared at the woman in white across the table, feeling sour in her heart.

She knew that she was in the wrong and that she owed all the Yinchan Guards an answer.

"I'm sorry," Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth, "It was my failure to take good care of you that made Yin Chan Guard become like this."

"No," Li Meiniang shook her head, "You have nothing to take care of. We are your soldiers, and it is natural for us to die for you."

Otherwise, it was because they failed to protect their general in their previous life that she died quietly in an unknown place.

"I think you didn't leave any explanation in your previous life. You probably thought that Da Siming would arrange it later, right?" Li Meiniang said lightly.

Ying Baoyue nodded.

She really did not expect that her master would pass away a year after her death.

"Okay, I understand," Li Meiniang took a deep breath, "Baoyue, I just want to ask you one question."

"Why did you die in your last life?" Li Meiniang didn't think that any force on the Shanhai Continent at that time could kill her. Even if there were really strong enemies, why didn't she gather all the forces to fight openly?

Princess Zhaoyang is not a timid person.

What Li Meiniang couldn't figure out from beginning to end was why she chose to die alone?

Ying Baoyue was stunned, "I..."

"Sorry," she bit her lip, "There's something wrong with my memory. I haven't remembered who the enemy is yet."


Li Meiniang let out a long breath, "That's all, we will meet sooner or later."

"Just this time, don't try to run away," she stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "If there are any problems, we will face them together. You will never leave alone again."

Ying Baoyue felt extremely sour in her heart and nodded, "Okay."

After receiving her consent, Li Meiniang relaxed completely, let go of Ying Baoyue's face and said with a smile, "You'd better keep your word."

Ying Baoyue smiled bitterly, "When did I stop keeping my words?"

Li Meiniang didn't bother to expose her and fiddled with the teacup in her hand, "You haven't answered me yet, why are you worried?"

Ying Baoyue froze, "I'm just worried about what's going to happen tomorrow. The Xirong people came with bad intentions, and Chun Yuye captured them so easily. I'm afraid there are still back-ups waiting for them."

"That's natural," Li Meiniang's eyes sharpened, "Even with the military talisman in hand, Chun Yuye, a Xirong man, cannot command the army of the former Qin Dynasty. It will be a matter of time before they collapse. It is impossible for Yun Zhongjun not to know this."

Chun Yuye was more like a sacrifice at the front, or a bait.

So, what is Yun Zhongjun’s real back-up plan?

"I have asked my people to guard all suspicious places in the city," Li Meiniang said, "but many of them have little combat experience and may not be able to guard against them."

Ying Baoyue nodded, "I understand."

After Chun Yuye was arrested, they fell into a passive position. They are in the light and the enemy is in the dark.

"However, I would also like to know, what other people does Yun Zhongjun have that he can mobilize?"

Li Meiniang frowned, "Are we still looking for those Zen Academy disciples?"

No matter how strong the practitioner is, except for the heavenly level, he cannot resist thousands of troops.

The battle of forces on the battlefield has reached an advanced stage, and the trump cards of all parties have been exposed. No army can appear out of thin air. Yun Zhongjun even used methods such as stealing military talismans. What other power could he use?

Ying Baoyue had an ominous premonition.

When the power of the world comes to an end, then only the power of the gods is left.

"Hug the moon? Hug the moon?"

Li Meiniang's shout brought Ying Baoyue back to her senses. She looked over and met two pairs of worried eyes.

"No, I still think something is wrong with you."

"Holding the moon, give me your hand."

Li Meiniang narrowed her eyes and reached out to grab Ying Baoyue's pulse gate, trying to feel her pulse, but Ying Baoyue quickly dodged it with her eyes and hands.

"Hug the moon!"

"I'm fine," Ying Baoyue smiled at her, "You'd better give up. If I don't want to, you can't touch me."

Li Meiniang's uneasiness became more and more serious. She was sure that Ying Baoyue was hiding some secret from all of them.

But as Ying Baoyue said, with her level and seniority, no one can force her to speak.

And just when Li Meiniang was restless and anxious all night, she didn't expect that in the early morning of the next day, someone who could force Ying Baoyue to submit would appear.

"Long time no see, little Ayue."

In front of Shanhaiguan Gate, a dusty man took off his bamboo hat and smiled at the shocked young people at the city gate.

Ji Jiashu looked at this man with whom he had a relationship in astonishment.

"Sword Master, Lin Wan Gong?"

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