Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 245 Late Night

Chapter 245 Late Night
The news was like a thunderbolt, as Jiang Yuanyuan expected, Chen Zihan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Your Highness..." Chen Zihan even changed his address back, looking at Jiang Yuanyuan in disbelief, "What are you kidding?"

Could it be revenge for mentioning the former Qin princess before him?

Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at him with a half-smile, "It's true."

"I have nothing to lie to you. Tomorrow this news will probably spread all over the city," Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly, "If you don't believe it, you can go back and ask your brother now. He is also here today. I heard that he brought him of."

Chen Zihan opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and his breath became a little disordered for a moment, "He...where did he find the woman..."

For a while, Chen Zihan quickly searched for the women Chen Zichu knew, but he quickly gave up on it.You must know that Chen Zichu claims that people walk through the flowers without touching any leaves, and he has countless confidante friends in the entire Danyang City.

Only him, it is too difficult to find a woman who is familiar with him.

Thanks to Chen Zichu's reputation, the few people who received the news today are still unable to speculate on the identity of the woman.

"I don't know who it is, but now I can confirm that it's not the faces of those ladies who are common in Danyang City."

At least not any woman who appeared at the family tea party.

However, the probability of natural practitioners appearing among the common people is extremely low, all of which cast a veil on the identity of the woman.

"It can't be..." Talking about the face of the lady from the family who didn't show up, Chen Zihan immediately thought of the woman in Xuezang of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, "Could it be Ji..."

"No," Jiang Yuanyuan vetoed it as if he knew what he was going to say, "The lady of the Ji family is staying in the mansion all day today."

As for how he knew, Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly, "I heard that there was a conflict with the third miss of the Ye family, and Ye Jingshu went to the Ye family."

This alibi can be said to be quite sufficient.

"Who the hell is that?" Chen Zihan was confused, and regretted why he didn't catch Chen Zichu in the mansion to ask what happened.

But that person probably wouldn't say it, let his own mother know that he thought he was finally going to compete with Chen Zichu for the family property.

Forget it……

"Wait," Chen Zihan, who was shocked by the shocking news, finally remembered the biggest question in the news, "How could there be a female bachelor? Which school is so bold, isn't it afraid of people from Ninggu Pagoda? Beihan Pavilion Saint Nuke is also in Danyang City!"

Beihan Pavilion prides itself on maintaining the order of practitioners in the world, and the Ninggu Pagoda on the back mountain is backed by He Bo, the national teacher of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and specializes in imprisoning practitioners who violate the order.

Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at him, "It was taken by Mr. Zhenshan from Shuiyuan."

"Shuiyuan..." Chen Zihan let out a breath of foul air, "It seems that he is really desperate, and he can even do things with women."

"I thought so too," Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly, "but I heard that the woman took three moves from the big brother of the Water Academy and the big brother of the Fire Academy on the spot."

"Catch it..." Chen Zihan was confused for a moment, "Why is Ye Siyuan involved again? Didn't you say he was recruited by the Water Academy?"

"The girl challenged the Huoyuan first," Jiang Yuanyuan handed him a thin piece of silk, on which was densely written the selection process of the fourth palace in Jixia Academy today.

There are descriptions for each duel. Chen Zihan saw the word "women" at a glance. The description of the two duels of the woman was particularly detailed, and there were simple pictures. From the pen, one could even feel the shock of the recorder.

Chen Zihan knew that this was a battle report used by the aristocratic family's intelligence line to collect information on young practitioners, but it was the first time he had seen such detailed information.

"If this record is true, then this woman's background should not be simple." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the cold sweat on Chen Zihan's forehead and said lightly, "A little girl can't do such a thing, and she is a sensationalist who finds two senior brothers in a row The duel, the picture is not small, there should be someone behind it."

There must be expert guidance.

Jiang Yuanyuan's gaze was ice-cold, but such a person with bad intentions has successfully entered the Jixia Academy, at least he will be able to attend the Jixia Banquet two days later.

"Your Highness means..." Chen Zihan originally thought that Jiang Yuanyuan became interested in a female scholar whom he saw only once in ten years on a whim, but now seeing his cold eyes, he knew it was not that simple.

"I'm indeed a little interested in that female scholar," Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at him and chuckled, but the next moment he put away his smile.

"But it's impossible for a woman to just participate in the screening and be done. There must be something else."

"Do you think she will attend the Jixia Banquet?" Chen Zihan was stunned.

"Of course," Jiang Yuanyuan sneered, "If she doesn't participate, she can be cleared of being a spy."

But now there are only two disciples in the Water Academy, so it's hard to believe that she won't participate.And for the eligibility to participate in the academy, Mr. Zhenshan will try his best to keep her at least before the primary ceremony.

"Second Highness, could it be that the royal family attending the banquet at Jixia and the opening of the primary ceremony..." Chen Zihan stared at the sneering young man for a moment, then suddenly asked.

Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at him, "You guessed right, it's me."

The primary ceremony is such a grand event, every Southern Chu must have a royal family to participate and act as the deputy chief examiner.

The Southern Chu royal family is now able to move only two princes, Jiang Yuanyuan and his elder brother.

It was only natural for His Highness the Second Highness of Southern Chu to attend the relevant ceremonies of the primary ceremony, but Chen Zichu did not expect Jiang Yuanyuan to attend the opening ceremony.

After all, this opening ceremony is not only about the opening, but also...

"Why, do you think there is still my ex-fiancee's engagement banquet, so I can't go?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at him and suddenly laughed.

Chen Zihan nodded, doesn't this person feel embarrassed?
"I said I'm not interested in her, but my father and I begged for this job," Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly.

Being able to attend the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony and the banquet under Jixia would be of great benefit to the consolidation of his status, and he could even officiate the marriage for that woman if necessary.

But a tool.

She is, and so is he.

The young man in the red robe raised his head and looked at the sky in all directions within the walls of the Zenith Palace.

She could go out anyway, but he didn't even have the choice to go out.

Can only climb up.

When he was young, he dreamed that someone would take him out of this place, but when he woke up, it was just that the charcoal in the house had gone out and he almost froze to death.

He no longer dreams.

He just wants to live and make the people who want him dead pay the price.

"By the way, let's not talk about that woman, I have some big news," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Chen Zihan, who was grinning in fear that he was going to attend the engagement banquet, and said indifferently, "Just today, Tian Guang, the stepson of Soochow, lived in National Teacher's Mansion."

Chen Zihan's shoulders shook, and he put away his expression.

"It seems that our national teacher is ready to form an alliance with Soochow." Chen Zihan took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what the Northern Wei is planning."

No matter what the Northern Wei Dynasty planned, it was time to see the truth.

"Where is Zhongtang's stepson?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Chen Zihan and asked.

"Going to the city tomorrow." Chen Zihan replied.

"This is the last one." Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly.

The boy looked up at the dark night outside the palace wall in the distance.

This is the night in Nanchu.

Quiet, but dark tide turbulent.

Everything is about to begin.

And tomorrow.

In Danyang City, the stepchildren of the six countries are about to gather.

(End of this chapter)

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