Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2457 Sealing the Cave

Chapter 2457 Sealing the Cave

"here it is……"

In a remote courtyard in Guiyang City, Ying Baoyue and Li Ji pushed open a broken wooden door.

"Who is it?"

An old voice came from inside the house. He could only hear the voice but not see the person. Li Ji couldn't help being surprised.

Ying Baoyue held his hand and shouted into the house, "Aunt Zheng from the countryside asked me to get the radishes."

"Oh, let's collect radishes," the old voice returned, "How many do you want?"

"White radish and green radish, five pounds each, do you have them?"

"Yes," the voice said lazily, "it's in the basket on the cabinet. You can take it yourself. Remember to put the money in the cash box."

After hearing this answer, Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief and took Li Ji's hand to the dark counter in the house. There was a big basket on top. Ying Baoyue reached out and took out two packages, one green and one white, and put a piece of broken silver into the cash box on the side.

"Old man, I want to find a place to wash off the mud. Is there a place?"

Li Ji's pupils shrank slightly, he raised his hands to unbutton his coat, exposed his back, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

She pushed the things on the bed, freeing up a space, and untied the bundle in her hands. Inside were a set of clothes for a palace maid and a set of clothes for a eunuch, with a waist tag placed next to the clothes.

Ying Baoyue's eyes flickered slightly and she reached out to touch his back.

"Baoyue, this is..."

"do not move."

Thirty years ago?

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "This place is where the maids and eunuchs who leave the palace meet. It is considered an old stronghold."

"My master told me about this place."

Li Ji didn't dare to express his anger until he saw this scene and asked, "Is this the place you mentioned?"

Li Ji's shoulders trembled, "Hug the moon?"

The light in the room was very dim, and without any hesitation, he exposed all the vital points in front of her eyes.

As soon as Ying Baoyue walked into the house, she turned around and locked the door.

Li Ji glanced towards the door, "That old man is..."

"Don't ask," Ying Baoyue lowered her gaze, "You just need to know that he was in this place thirty years ago."

No wonder eight years have passed, and Ying Baoyue is still sure that this place is still there.

"it is good."

"You can only stay here for half an hour at most," Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the clothes on the bed, "You come first?"

It was a small utility room with blocked windows. There was only one bed and it was filled with dusty pots and pans.

Ying Baoyue winked at Li Ji, took his hand and walked into the empty room on the left.

Li Ji was secretly frightened. This was even longer than the founding of the Qin Dynasty. Maybe they were all figures from the generation of Emperor Taizu's fathers. Indeed, he couldn't ask any more questions.

"There's no one in the room on the left," the old voice said, "I'll lend it to you and don't rummage through things."

Ying Baoyue said softly, "It will be fine soon."

She lifted the needle up and down, and soon dozens of golden needles were inserted into Li Ji's back. With Li Ji's rapid breathing, all the dozens of golden needles were inserted into his back, which looked very scary for a moment.

Compared with the last time the acupoints were sealed, the number of golden needles was more than three times greater.

Wanting to seal a heaven-level practitioner is inherently difficult and almost impossible.

Li Ji's breathing became much weaker, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he remained silent during the whole process.

After all the golden needles were gone, he turned around, with beads of sweat still hanging on his chin, looking at Ying Baoyue with a smile, "Your medical skills are still so superb."

"Are you ok?"

Ying Baoyue reached out and wiped the sweat off his chin, "How do you feel now?"

"It's okay, but I'm a little weak, and my body suddenly feels a lot heavier."

Li Ji stretched his muscles and bones, and looked at the cloth bag with the golden needle in Ying Baoyue's hand, his eyes became much more serious, "Baoyue, I'm afraid I can't do the needle like you do. Do you really want to..."

When Ying Baoyue just asked him to seal the acupoint first, Li Ji didn't think too much. But now he suddenly realized that the person who sealed the acupuncture points first was a practitioner who performed the acupuncture, and the process was completed in one go and very quickly. But now he is an ordinary person. Without the help of true energy, the process of helping Ying Baoyue seal the acupoints will be much more difficult.

Not to mention that his medical skills are far inferior to Ying Baoyue.

"Baoyue," Li Ji's hands trembled, "If I want to sneak in, I can do it alone. Baoyue, just wait for my news outside the palace."

"No, you are not as familiar with the internal structure of Afang Palace as I am."

Ying Baoyue stared at Li Ji quietly, raised her hand to unbutton her collar. "Hug the moon!"

The snow-white skin stimulated Li Ji's eyes. He turned around suddenly, breathing rapidly.

I don't know if it was because of the sealed realm, but he seemed to have returned to his youth, and his blood suddenly surged like a young man.

In the quiet room, Li Ji heard the sound of clothes falling to the ground behind him.

Then, there was the sound of his own heart pounding.

Once Ying Baoyue becomes stubborn, the aggression in his eyes is simply too much for him to resist.

"It doesn't matter, just prick boldly."

"If I get it wrong, I'll tell you."

Ying Baoyue's voice came from behind, her tone was terrifyingly calm, "Aji, you can turn around now."

Li Ji took a shaky breath and turned around slowly.

Ying Baoyue had already sat on the bed, with her back to him. The clothes on her upper body had been taken off, and the petals were piled on the girl's slender waist like petals.

In the dark and messy room, her body was as bright as the moon.


She handed over the gold needle cloth bag with her backhand.

Li Ji took it, calmed his breathing, and started to inject the needle.

He was very nervous, even more nervous than when he broke through. His palms were covered with sweat, and his fingers twisting the golden needle couldn't stop trembling.

Li Ji gritted his teeth, and when the needle landed on Ying Baoyue's skin, his hand steadied.

One shot, two shots, three shots...

As the golden needles penetrated Ying Baoyue's back one by one, her back was gradually covered with fine beads of sweat.

This scene made Li Ji heartbroken, but at the same time he found it thrillingly beautiful.

He wanted to ask Ying Baoyue if he had hurt her, but he was in a state of high concentration, his mind seemed to be separated from his body, and he couldn't say a word.

Until the last needle, when the needle tip touched Ying Baoyue's lower back, she suddenly spoke softly, "It's off by an inch."

Li Ji was startled, calmed down, and found the correct position.

Ying Baoyue replied, "Yes, okay, this is it."

The last needle went in, and Li Ji fell backwards without any strength, gasping for air.

It was clear that the person who was stabbed was Ying Baoyue, but he looked even weaker, as if he had been fished out of the water.

"Aji, thank you for your hard work."

Ying Baoyue gathered up her clothes and turned around. Her face was as pale as paper, but her smile was as gentle as before.

"I'm fine, you're doing great, don't worry."

It was obvious that she had received the injection, but she came to comfort him.

At this time, both of them no longer have the aura of heaven-level practitioners, just like an ordinary man and woman in the human world.

Li Ji propped up his body with his arms and looked at the person sitting on the bed quietly for several seconds.

He suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed Ying Baoyue's wrist, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.


Ying Baoyue was arranging her clothes and was stunned when she was hugged.

But Li Ji didn't say a word or take any further action. He just hugged her awkwardly and eagerly.

Like a silly, apologetic child.

Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment, with a smile on her lips. She hugged Li Ji back and patted his back gently, "Didn't I tell you that I was fine? You have suffered this crime twice, and I am the third one." one time."

"This is different."

Li Ji shook his head, feeling so complicated that he didn't know how to describe it, "I just want to hug you."

I don’t know when the next time I’ll hug like this will be.

Without the protection of true energy, their bodies were so fragile that they were vulnerable to a blow.

"It's okay, Ah Ji," Ying Baoyue knew what he was worried about, "No matter what happens, let's go together this time, right?"

"let's go."

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