Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2459 Goodbye

Chapter 2459 Goodbye

It is undoubtedly very difficult to find a hidden Ying Hanri in the huge Epang Palace.

Not to mention that there are now multiple Zen monastery crypts under the Epang Palace, which is simply hell-level difficulty.

Even if they could find clues and follow them to find Ying Hanri, it would be too late.

"A Ji," Ying Baoyue looked into Li Ji's eyes and said softly, "we have no time."

No one knows when the evil fetus will be born.

The aura of the birth of the evil fetus temporarily disappeared for a while after its first appearance, but it did not mean that it had completely disappeared.

When the evil fetus aura appeared before, it really seemed like it was about to be born and break through, which scared Ying Baoyue and others to death.

But everyone, who was facing a formidable enemy, did not expect that the strong fresh breath disappeared after half a day, as if it had never existed.

It stands to reason that unless the heaven-level cultivator who wants to break through the realm is dead, his aura cannot disappear.

At that time, some optimistic practitioners in Shanhaiguan believed that the evil fetus might not exist or had died, but Ying Baoyue dispelled those people's delusions with one sentence.

The aura they felt before was probably the aura of premature birth.

Yun Zhongjun and others should have hidden the traces of the evil fetus very well before, and would never let it be exposed to the world until it was born.

But for some reason, the evil fetus showed signs of being born early.

Originally, according to Queen Qin's pregnancy time, the fetus was only six or seven months old, not yet ready to mature.

Although I don't know why the evil fetus showed signs of premature birth, judging from the fact that no changes in the world occurred, the evil fetus should not have had a miscarriage and was still well within the mother's body.

Yun Zhongjun has put all his efforts into planning such a child, and he will definitely do his best to protect him, just to allow him to be born smoothly.

But this time the aura of miscarriage exposed the existence of the evil fetus. Yun Zhongjun must also know that the existence of the evil fetus has been noticed by other high-level practitioners on the mainland.

The mother of the evil fetus and Ying Hanri, who was the sacrifice for the birth of the evil fetus, should be under strict supervision at this time.

Although Ying Baoyue is well-informed, she has never seen such a fetus.

No one knew what would happen after the birth of this world-destroying lord, but she knew very well that once the evil fetus was born, the situation would inevitably get out of control.

"We must find Ying Hanri as soon as possible," Ying Baoyue tightened her grip on Li Ji's chest, "He is carrying too many lives."

Before she knew that Ying Hanri was the Gu King, Ying Baoyue originally didn't care that much about his life and death. After all, with the blood debt that Ying Hanri carried, he should die as many times as he wanted.

But it's different now.

"Aji," Ying Baoyue's voice was harsh.

"If the Gu King dies, those who have been planted with the Heart-Eating Gu will also die."

"What?" Li Ji was stunned, "Is there no way to solve it?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "Unless the poison can be allowed to leave the body of the person who was poisoned before it attacks."

Goosebumps appeared on Li Ji's back. He remembered that Ying Baoyue once said that Ying Hanri was probably the sacrifice for the birth of the evil fetus.

This also means that as soon as the evil fetus is born, Ying Han will die.

And now when Ying Hanri dies, thousands of palace officials and guards inside and outside Afang Palace will be buried with him.

"But so many palace people are dead, and there is no one left to protect Afang Palace..."

Ying Baoyue raised her head, her eyes as deep as ink, "Once the new king is born, the old man who served the old king will have no value in existing."

I am afraid that Lord Yun Zhong will immediately issue an order to select new palace guards and guards in the name of the new Lord, and at the same time let the disciples of the Zen Academy take key positions.

In short, now Ying Hanri... has actually become a very important existence.

He cannot live, nor can he die.

"Anyway, we can only find him quickly, before the child is born," Ying Baoyue looked at the tall palace in the distance, her eyes gradually becoming sharper.

Li Ji was most afraid of her showing such a look, because it meant that she was prepared to achieve her goal at all costs. "You said you didn't have enough time to find someone," Li Ji stared closely into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "What are you going to do?"

In fact, he already had a premonition before asking this question.

"Since we don't know where he is, we can only let him take the initiative to appear in front of us," Ying Baoyue searched in her arms and finally found a long-forgotten token.

Engraved on it were the title of Princess Ying Baoyue and the family emblem of the Ying family.

The last time Li Ji saw this thing was in Guijia's courtyard, when Ying Baoyue revealed her identity as a princess for the first time to save Gui Li and Gui Chen.

The scenes at this time and that time were so similar.


Ying Baoyue walked out of the shadow of the tree, turned back and smiled at Li Ji, "Although I can't find him, fortunately, he might want to see me."

She was going to find the disciples of the Zen Academy, take the initiative to reveal her identity, and meet Ying Hanri as a princess.

"You are crazy!"

Li Ji grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulders from behind, "Don't forget, we just sealed the acupoint, and now you are just an ordinary person!"

Once Ying Baoyue's identity is exposed, who knows where she will be taken?

Who can guarantee that she will definitely see Ying Hanri.

Once the golden needle sealing acupoints starts, it can't be stopped at will. Even if he pulls out the needles for Ying Baoyue now, her meridians will be paralyzed for at least twelve hours.

"I know," Ying Baoyue smiled. "It's just that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. Now I can only take this risk."

She told the mainland in the White Wolf King's Court that now the Afang Palace should have received the news that Ying Baoyue and Lin Baoyue are the same person. Even if she is caught by the disciples of the Zen Academy, I am afraid she will not be executed for a while. She should There is a chance to meet important people.

As for who she will see, it depends on her luck.

If Ying Hanri had not been completely made into a puppet at this time and still retained consciousness, then after he learned that she wanted to see her, he would more or less want to see him.

"No, it's too dangerous..."

Li Ji wanted to stop him, but Ying Baoyue had already walked out of the Leng Palace area, and his determination was shocking.

Different from her previous submissive appearance, this time she straightened her back.

Li Ji looked at the back, gritted his teeth and followed him.

It's strange, it's obviously the same person in the same dress, but Ying Baoyue walking on the road in the palace now feels completely different from what she gave people before.

This scene obviously attracted the attention of other cautious palace people around, and Li Ji, who was following behind, was frightened.

Ying Baoyue walked all the way to the Ganlu Palace. Some guards who dressed differently from ordinary palace people were slowly approaching her.

Of course Ying Baoyue also noticed that someone was following her. She walked to the Manna Palace, which was mostly burned by fire, gritted her teeth and reached for the princess token in her arms.

But just when she was about to shout out her identity, a person's hand suddenly reached out and held down her hand holding the token.

"What are you doing? Don't be impulsive!"

This is a palace man dressed as a royal guard.

When Ying Baoyue heard this familiar voice, she was stunned for a moment and then raised her head, looking at the man wearing a Qin-style helmet in front of her.

She didn't expect that she would see this person in the palace of King Qin.

It was obvious that she had changed her appearance, but the eyes of the man in front of her under his helmet were staring at her, as if he could recognize her at a glance.

"Chu Yan."

Ying Baoyue looked at that face and called out that name.

"How will you be here?"

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