Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 259 Heatwave

Chapter 259 Heatwave
Ji Jiashu quietly watched the scene on the ring, and the comments of other people seemed to be out of his ears.

The battle on the arena has also become intense, Wu Lifu's swordsmanship has become more and more superb, and the opening and closing are extremely powerful!
"The Nine Swords of Lei Fa, he has mastered at least seven swords," Ji Jiashu said lightly, looking quietly at his junior in the arena, "It's really good."

The northern sword school is not as diverse as the southern sword school. Lei Fajian has few sword moves in the four sword schools of wind, fire, water and thunder. Only nine swords have been handed down. Of course, there are secrets in these sword moves, and Ji Jiashu will not know them until the critical moment. show.

Leifa's eighth and ninth swords need to be mastered at the fifth level, and Wu Lifu's ability to master the seven swords is considered excellent.

"That's right, that's really powerful," Chen Zichu couldn't help sighing, and was about to boast about the bright future of Lei Yuan, but the next moment he heard Ji Jiashu speak again, "But he's about to lose."

What?Chen Zichu was taken aback for a moment, before he could react, Ying Baoyue nodded and said softly, "I can't survive three moves."

Chen Zichu understood.

One brain is not enough to talk to these two people.

Wait, Ji Jiashu, a thunderbolt, can see clearly, how did this woman see it?Are you just guessing?

Ying Baoyue didn't know that Chen Zichu was slandering her. Although she didn't know sword moves, she knew how to fight.

The three tricks have been passed, and in the eyes of those who know how to do it, Wu Lifu's disadvantages are already obvious.

The more violent the sword technique, the more attention should be paid to quick battles and quick decisions. Although he was embarrassed, Wang Liangcai had already blocked Wu Lifu's three big moves. This young man from the Northern Wei Dynasty had already lost his chance.

This was not at all expected by others.

Although Wu Lifu was gaining momentum, and the people from the Northern Wei Dynasty shouted loudly, but unlike other practitioners who looked on in shock, on the other side of the Huoyuan, all the disciples did not have the slightest worry on their faces.Ye Siyuan sat at the front, still smiling inscrutablely.

High-level practitioners all know where this confidence comes from.

After all, the Huo Academy is the No. [-] courtyard of Jixia Academy, and it is also the No. [-] seed. In terms of hard power, it is still stronger than the No. [-] seeds of other colleges.

Sure enough, after the three moves, Wang Liangcai started to fight back, and Wu Lifu's decline gradually became apparent.

Chen Zichu stared wide-eyed, watching the scene on the stage take a sharp turn as Ying Baoyue said, and it was the third move that she predicted would not survive the third move.

"Fire tree and silver flower!"

Accompanied by the shouts of other teenagers beside the ring, hot and bright sparks surged on the high platform, and the final move will determine the winner!

Wang Liangcai's victory was right in front of him, Ying Baoyue quietly watched the scene on the ring, and people shouted that the victory had been affirmed.

"This is really a win, win, win..."

Infected by the atmosphere, Chen Zichu also raised his hands, but when he shouted, he caught a glimpse of the girl next to him and was suddenly startled.

In the midst of people's cheers ahead of time, Ying Baoyue's eyes suddenly froze.

Where no one else could see, she looked at a very small spot of light in the sparks on the high platform, and her pupils shrank.

The spot of light was too small, and it was submerged in the sparks in the next moment, and no one noticed Wang Liangcai's movement.

With a loud "boom", Wu Lifu's huge body hit the railing of the ring, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"In the first match, Wang Liangcai of the Fire Academy won!"

The ceremony official announced loudly, and the audience applauded thunderously.



Ying Baoyue applauded quietly along with the crowd.The first match of the Jixia Banquet ended just like that, and the time was just within a stick of incense.

Although the time was short, this powerful battle was full of climaxes, which greatly stimulated the blood of the young practitioners in the audience. Wu Lifu's heavy body was lifted down, and he looked scarred but his life was safe.

The first scene was so tragic that the teenagers looked at Wang Liangcai on the high platform with more and more awe.

After all, Wu Lifu is a formidable opponent in all aspects, but facing such an opponent can be defeated in such a short period of time, which shows the strong strength of Huoyuan.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Ye!"

"The disciples of the Fire Academy really deserve their reputation! The pillars of the country!"

After a while, the practitioners picked up the wine glasses on the table to congratulate Ye Siyuan.

"Where is it?" Ye Siyuan said modestly, but couldn't hide the smug smile on his face.

The expressions of the other college students who were eager to play were not so good.

"This matter is really difficult," Chen Zichu murmured from behind, "Who will play next?"

According to the rules of the wheel battle, Wu Lifu was carried down, but Wang Liangcai was still standing on the stage. The arrogant young man shook off the blood on the long sword and shouted loudly, "Wang Liangcai of the Fire Academy, continue to ask for advice, who else is there?" Come up!"

Although there are many sword marks on the body, it can be seen that the wounds are still shallow. The battle of a stick of incense does not consume too much real energy for the practitioner. At this time, in the eyes of other practitioners, standing on the high platform covered with blood The Wang Liangcai on the scene looks like a king of Hades.

Wang Liangcai yelled a few times, but there was still no response from other colleges, but he was not in a hurry, he inserted the sword into the high platform with a thud, and waited leisurely with his hands folded.

People around were discussing who might play, and Chen Zichu knew very well that such a stalemate would not last long.

According to the rules, if no one played for Yizhuxiang, Wang Liangcai would be sentenced to win again.

"Hey, Jiashu, who do you think will be next?" Chen Zichu looked sideways and wanted to ask Ji Jiashu, but when everyone else was discussing who would play, Ji Jiashu just stared at the girl beside him.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and asked.

Ji Jiashu was silent, looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "Did you see something just now... when you made the last move?"

Chen Zichu was startled, and immediately thought of the girl's unusual eyes when Wang Liangcai finally won.

Ying Baoyue stared quietly at Ji Jiashu, "What did Mr. Ji see?"

Ji Jiashu didn't see anything, but only saw what she saw, and his expression was a little weird for a while.

He found that this woman seemed to be able to see things that ordinary people couldn't see, and her acuity might even surpass him at some point.

"I didn't find it, but I think you seem to have found something." He asked honestly, "What did you see?"

Ying Baoyue paused for a moment when she heard the words, and felt that the young man around her pulled up an extremely concealed barrier again. Looking at Wang Liangcai, who was imposing on the high platform, and Wu Lifu, who was carried out of the venue on the other side, she spoke softly.

"I'm not sure what that is, but I think it's..." Ying Baoyue paused and said the word, "Poison needle."

In Wang Liangcai's last move, she found that the light of Wu Lifu's sword attacking Wang Liangcai seemed to be mixed with poisonous needles.

What's even more frightening is that Wu Lifu held the knife in both hands, and the poisonous needle was not fired by Wu Lifu himself, but broke through the formation from the shadow behind him.

Ji Jiashu's shoulders shook when he heard this.

Because of the girl's sensitivity and the content of her words, if what Ying Baoyue said is true, it would be frightening to think about.

Wu Lifu was obviously inferior to Wang Liangcai, but just when he was about to lose, someone actually wanted to plot against Wang Liangcai?

who is it?Who is so bold?

"That needle might have been melted by Wang Liangcai's sword fire," Ying Baoyue said looking at Wang Liangcai who was still alive and well on the high platform.

There is a clear gap between Wu Lifu and Wang Liangcai, the poisonous needle may have been a temptation, but the black hand behind the scenes seems to have failed.

But at the same time, no one found out about it.

Except for the woman beside him.Ji Jiashu looked sideways at the face of the girl wearing a scarlet veil.

What is she...

"If there is no one to challenge, this will be considered the prince's victory," at this moment the courtesy official's shout interrupted his thoughts, and Ji Jiashu knew that the next opponent was about to appear.

"The candidates for the second match have been decided!" A little boy ran to the ceremony officer and handed a note.

"Who is it? Could it be that the Water Academy is going to be admitted?" Chen Zichu muttered, and Ji Jiashu glanced at him, "Is it okay with you Fengyuan? It stands to reason that you shouldn't be there?"

"There is no one in our Fengyuan that can win." Chen Zichu looked at the motionless Fengyuan seats under the stage and waved his hands heartily, "This time it will definitely be..."

Chen Zichu's voice suddenly stopped, as if he sensed something, he looked up in a higher direction in astonishment, his pupils shrank.

"Wind Academy to fight!"

At this moment, the officer of ceremonies shouted loudly, but people did not see anyone coming out of the seat in the Fengyuan. However, at this moment, with the sound of a person's footsteps, people raised their heads in a daze.

Looking at the figure walking down the high steps.

That figure actually came from the highest place in the hall, where the Prince of the Southern Chu royal family sat.

The light from the patio hit the boy's armor, emitting a faint light.

The young man walked down the highest step step by step and onto the high platform, and there was suddenly silence around him.

Ying Baoyue watched Chen Zichu staring at the people on the stage stiffly like a statue, and watched the young man bow his head to Wang Liangcai and quietly draw out the long sword at his waist.

"The second feast of Jixia!"

The bell rang, and the ceremony official on the high platform shouted, saying the name of that person.

"Chen Zihan, a disciple of the Wind Academy, versus Wang Liangcai, a disciple of the Fire Academy!"

(End of this chapter)

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