Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 262 Swept

Chapter 262 Swept
The icy cold wind blows past the arena, but it seems to blow on the hearts of everyone in the audience.

Not even the formations around the ring could block the power of the cold wind. People closed their eyes instinctively and opened them after a long time, staring blankly at the high platform, silent and silent.

Sitting on the high platform, Ying Baoyue and others also watched the ring quietly.

The cold wind swept through.

And on the silent high platform, there was only one person standing at this time.

With a click, Chen Zihan put his sword back into its sheath.

And Wang Liangcai, who was flaunting his might, lay quietly on the ground like a dead thing.

Everyone was speechless in shock.

Even the etiquette officer who was standing on the side stood there in a daze, Ye Siyuan's face under the stage was extremely ugly, he slapped the table suddenly, and the etiquette officer realized it.

"What are you doing in a daze, save someone!"

The officer of ceremonies shouted loudly, and the palace servants who had just brought back the stretcher immediately went up to the stage and carried Wang Liangcai onto the stretcher.Seeing Wang Liangcai, who was as cold as a corpse, even the well-informed palace officials were taken aback. Didn't this cause a death?
Looking at the pale face of the ritual officer, Chen Zihan nodded slightly, and said calmly, "He's fine, he just fainted for a while."

Temporary fainting, excessive fright, no worries about life.

This is indeed very much in line with the style of the wind magician pacifist. The reason why the wind magic sword is not taken seriously is because there are almost no killing moves in it that can kill in one blow.

In people's eyes, the wind magician is a tiger without teeth.

A tiger with no teeth?
Looking at the stiff, motionless Wang Liangcai with a bluish complexion, who else would regard the wind magician as a toothless tiger after seeing this scene?

To make a sixth-level cultivator faint for such a long time, any fool knows that killing him is only a matter of minutes.

Anyone with a little practice of common sense would understand that as long as the young man had that intention at that moment, he could kill Wang Liangcai at any time.

This level can be achieved by relying on swordsmanship without ultimate moves.

this person……

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.Ji Jiashu beside her also looked solemn.

It's better to say that all the cultivators present looked not quite right, looking at the only boy left on the stage, his eyes were shaking violently.

Wang Liangcai was carried down on a stretcher, and the palace servants who carried him were panting, because not long ago they carried down the previous opponent Wang Liangcai defeated, but they didn't expect to be called back so soon. Hit someone else's son.

too fast.

The speed of this battle is really too fast, far beyond everyone's imagination.

Feng Shui took turns, watching Wang Liangcai being carried down, the other practitioners watching under the high platform unknowingly took a step back.

This retreat is not for the people off the stage, but for the people on the stage.

Everyone can see how powerful Wang Liangcai is. As the third in command of the Fire Academy, his usual strength is engraved in the hearts of all the disciples. When Wang Liangcai was taken out for medical treatment, the entire Fire Academy was in chaos.

Looking at the young man on the high platform who was calm and calm, a feeling of uneasiness grew in the silence below the high platform.

"Who is this person? What is the ranking in Fengyuan?"

"Chen Zihan...what does he have to do with Fengyuan senior brother Chen Zichu?"

"Regardless of the ranking, why has I never seen such a strong Wind Spell before? How can such a person be unknown?"

"Can the Fengfa sword be so strong? How come the senior brother of Fengyuan, I have seen him compete with swords, but he is not so strong? Why is such a person not ranked in Fengyuan?"

"It seems that the Second Highness has the discerning eye..."

"Is there something shady?!"

In the silence, the question was loud and loud.

Amidst the gossip, Ying Baoyue quietly looked at Chen Zichu who was standing beside her with her lips tightly pressed.

Noticing that the girl's gaze did not contain any questioning, Chen Zichu suddenly smiled.

"I said that I never wanted to hide his strength. He didn't want to choose these. Do you believe it?"

Chen Zichu thought he would not get an answer, but at the next moment, he heard a nonchalant voice, "Well, of course I believe it."

Chen Zichu stared at Ying Baoyue with wide eyes.

The girl in front of her smiled, "Do these positions have any meaning?"

The height is not cold.

"And now," Chen Zichu looked at Ying Baoyue and the young man on the high platform, and smiled, "Everyone knows how powerful he is."

And in such a dazzling form with such a good reputation.

Showcasing the wisdom of those who dug out this piece of rough jade.

Ying Baoyue looked ahead quietly, and felt countless admiring and eager eyes looking at the one at the top...the Second Highness.

Is this your purpose?

A wise monarch must have the knowledge of people, and a thousand-mile horse often has it, but Bole does not often have it.

For these young practitioners who are eager to make contributions, the so-called Bole is obviously their greatest desire.

What's more, he also has the identity of a royal family, which makes people flock to him.

Even that person didn't need to take the initiative to recruit talents, but left such an impression on people without making any mistakes.

Ying Baoyue didn't look at him, but seemed to be able to see the extremely cold eyes behind the young man's kind smile.

Looking at everyone from the highest point, as if looking at his carefully arranged chess pieces.

The Second Highness did not say a word, but in this way, he completed his prestige at the Jixia Banquet.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath. It must be very difficult for such a person to be his enemy.

But it's too early to think about this at this time, because the situation in front of him is changing drastically, and the addition of Chen Zihan, an outlier, has completely muddied the waters of Jixia Banquet.

"An unexpected master appeared..."

"I didn't expect such a person to appear at Caixia Banquet..."

"By the way, what sword technique did this person use just now?"

"The second-in-command of the Fire Institute is gone, who will come next? Could it be that the Wind Institute will be the winner this time? This is a big blow..."

People whispered, but with a bell, everyone returned to their places.

"Chen Zihan, a disciple of Fengyuan Academy, asks for advice from his peers. May I ask who will fight?"

A voice that was many times lower than that of Wang Liangcai echoed in the arena, but everyone remained silent.

"Hiss, who's up?"

"The Thunder Academy just lost a game, and the Fire Academy and the Wind Academy each won a game. It's the turn of the Water Academy, right?"

Under the high platform, Xu Yishan looked at the young man on the high platform with a complicated expression, clenched the water-breaking sword scabbard by his waist, and looked at Mr. Zhenshan beside him.

But the next moment he was taken aback, looking at the solemn eyes of Mr. Zhenshan beside him.

Mr. Zhenshan quietly stared at Chen Zihan on the high platform, narrowing his eyes, "There is something wrong with this kid, it's best to avoid his edge."

After speaking, the old man raised his wrinkled hand, but the ceremony officer looked over, but only heard Mr. Zhenshan announce loudly, "For this round of Water Court, abstain!"

Abstain! ?
The old man's voice resounded like a bell, and the other academies immediately exploded.

"What's the matter? Is the water courtyard cowardly? Don't even dare to go to an unknown disciple?"

"No wonder even women are always coming, it's a shame to us practitioners!"

"By the way, where did that woman go? Hide under the table and cry?"

"Hey, that's right, you're too scared to come here, right?"

Hearing the cynicism around him, Xu Yishan clenched his teeth and his joints creaked, but Mr. Zhenshan kept his eyes closed and remained motionless.

Hearing the dirty water splashed on her, Chen Zichu immediately looked at Ying Baoyue, only to find that she was looking... in the direction of Huoyuan.

Ye Siyuan, who was originally ugly, looked much better when he heard the people around him taunting and insulting the ugly appearance of the water courtyard.

"Sure enough, it's a nest with that woman's snake mouse, and the water courtyard is something that can't be put on the table," he said contemptuously, then stood up, straightened his clothes, and looked at Chen Zihan on the high platform with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Wind Master," Ye Siyuan snorted coldly, stood up proudly, and climbed onto the high platform amidst the shock and admiration of everyone.

"I'll meet you."

The ritual officer opened his eyes wide, then cheered up and shouted excitedly.

"The third scene of the Jixia Banquet!"

"Chen Zihan, a disciple of Fengyuan, is right!"

"Big Brother Ye Siyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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