Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
Just the day before the engagement banquet, that is, yesterday, Ying Baoyue stayed at Jixia Academy for a day.

But she was not like what Ji Jiashu thought, she had received a whole day of assault training in the water academy.

Because Xu Yishan didn't want to teach her at all.

Mr. Zhenshan hesitated, but he did not insist on teaching under Xu Yishan's stop. After all, he didn't have time to mediate with the senior officials of Jixia Academy to attend the Jixia Banquet.

So she was at Jixia Academy yesterday, and no one taught her any sword.

Ying Baoyue didn't know that Ji Jiashu learned that she went to Jixia Academy yesterday and thought she was there to receive teaching. It would be great if that was the case, but this is not normal.

In human affairs, unsatisfactory things are often eighty-nine, but they are no different from the speaker.

Looking at the stubborn young man on the high platform, thinking about what happened yesterday, Ying Baoyue didn't have any emotions in her heart. Of course, it's not because her heart is wider than the sea, but because Xu Yishan's actions can't find any faults.

After all, if you think that she didn’t explain her identity clearly, the nominal disciple who just joined the division for a day can immediately get the inheritance of the most core swordsmanship of the sword sect, and the senior brother and the master don’t care about everything... that’s a big mistake Very wrong.

The inheritance of the school's mountain gate swordsmanship is not so simple.

After all, in this world, you have to wash dishes for three years before learning to be a cook. Who will teach you swordsmanship if you don't know the details at the beginning?

What's more, Xu Yishan stopped her probably because he knew her identity.

He didn't believe from the beginning that she could play.

Even if it's only one day away from Jixia's Banquet, Shuiyuan won't rush to teach her swordsmanship in order to train her into combat power.

Because in the eyes of the senior brother of the Water Academy and the head of the Academy, she is not a combat power at all.

They didn't expect her to be a fighting force from the beginning.

Although Ying Baoyue knew that at least Xu Yishan was really sincere when he asked Mr. Zhenshan to accept him as an apprentice, but at this Jixia banquet.

She is indeed just used to fill up the number.

Because that woman is impossible to play.

Xu Yishan thought in his heart on the high platform.

There's no way she's going to show up.

For her identity, for her status, for her engagement, but also because of her weakness and powerlessness.

On the high platform, facing the menacing fire and listening to people's random discussions, Xu Yishan suddenly remembered the girl sitting on the steps yesterday, holding her chin and watching him practicing sword.

It was just a revolving door for a moment, and the time was extremely short, but the eyes of the girl who was sitting on the steps and staring intently at him flashed past his eyes.

Yesterday he opened the stone gate of the academy, and saw a woman who had been standing at the gate for an untold amount of time. Xu Yishan knew what she wanted, but the rules of the master's school were too strict. Someone whose real name isn't even on the list.

He thought she would be angry, she would curse, he was used to it, he just didn't respond a word, and anyone who scolded him.

But that woman didn't, but she didn't go back to obediently prepare for her engagement wedding as Xu Yishan thought, but caught Mr. Zhenshan who was about to go out and won the only right for her.

Just to watch him practice sword.

Xu Yishan couldn't stop her from doing something that disciples from the outer court could do, so he could only let her go.

The water courtyard has always been quiet, no one came, he closed the door and practiced sword in it every day.

This is his daily life, but yesterday's tranquility was broken.

It happened to be the last day when he was intensively preparing for the Jixia Banquet. At the beginning, he was unavoidably irritable. No matter whether this woman insisted on disturbing for revenge, if she kept asking questions like those people who came here occasionally like looking at rare things , that's what he hates the most.

But Xu Yishan didn't expect that the woman really just sat there all day without saying a word.

They didn't say a word all day.

As the sun was setting, he put away his sword, and she thanked her and left after a salute.

Xu Yishan had no idea that he had anything to thank her for.

But he doesn't need to know either.The revolving lantern passed by in an instant, looking at Ye Siyuan's murderous sword front, Xu Yishan quietly concentrated all his true energy on the cold front in his hand.

Listening to the "woman" mentioned by chance in people's discussions, he was expressionless.

She will not come, because that woman is not Gui Mingyue at all, she is Ying Baoyue, the woman who was tied up in the former Qin Guoshu and the marriage certificate with Chunhuajun.

From the beginning to the end of the water academy, he was the only disciple.

He alone is enough.

Because he is strong enough.

Xu Yishan couldn't hear any other voices. He didn't know that a woman on the high platform had pronounced the same name. He looked at Ye Siyuan's distorted face in the opposite fire, and jumped up.

Chop up and down.

This is not a mountain forest, there is no rain here, and there are not enough water drops, but at the moment when the young man's sword pointed and the tip of his sword swept across, a huge amount of real energy came overwhelmingly, and in the trembling of the formation, people saw the sword energy The vertical and horizontal true essence surged out.


"The second sword of the water technique."

Xu Yishan spoke quietly.

"A drop of water wears away a stone."

Ji Jiashu heard the voice of the girl beside him overlapped with his voice, and then he saw, bigger than anything he had ever seen before, the true essence sword energy accumulated by that boy day after day, day and night.

If it is said that the fiery trees and silver flowers are brilliant and gorgeous falling down from a hundred swords, then dripping water and wearing stones is a sword that has been accumulated for many years and broken out of stones.

The emphasis is on accumulating momentum in advance and gushing out.

But in this early stage of gaining momentum, only that man Xu Yishan could do it, dripping water through stone, and working alone.

On his path he has no companions, no rivals, but repetitive, monotonous efforts.

Someone once said that the first three swords of the Water Sword are the most difficult swordsmanship, just to grasp the timing of the depletion of true energy savings requires thousands of monotonous repetitions of swords.

The legendary stupid swordsmanship that even geniuses can be wiped out, the swordsmanship that was almost disappearing, was full of vitality in the hands of that humble man.

The tsunami soared into the sky, shocking everyone's eyes.

"How can the Water Magic Sword burst out so much true energy at once?!"

"Didn't you say that the sword technique is dedicated to defense? Isn't it the most traditional?"

"The last time I saw the Water Magic Sword was ten years ago, who remembers what it looked like!"

"I remember that this kid didn't use this trick three years ago. He said he didn't practice it well. He didn't even practice the second sword in the four years since he started. Everyone is still laughing at him!"

But at this time, everyone couldn't laugh.

The eight winds and thunder move around Yanzhou, and the huge sea waves flow around.

There are no waves in the sea, but the mountains are full of trees.

The huge current engulfed the sparks and stars in an instant, and the tsunami swooped down, engulfing Ye Siyuan with his sword.

Ye Siyuan's eyes were cracked, but the red-hot sword in his hand began to hiss and gas, as if being swallowed by cooling, his sword intent, his originally indomitable sword actually seemed to have fallen into a swamp!
"What's wrong! Move me!"

Ye Siyuan's eyes were red, and he desperately mobilized his true energy, and a scream came out of his mouth.

"Bastard! I'll kill you! You idiot, you..."

Yet his foul language froze on his lips.

The waves rise.

Vicissitudes of life.

The huge air wave spread to the audience.

Ye Siyuan flew up like a kite and crashed into the formation!
With a high buzzing sound, the waves rushed down, rushing out of the sword he had already let go.

There was a dead silence.

Ji Jiashu watched all this quietly.

Looking at the blue long sword in the man's hand.

Xu Yishan was still standing there, his posture unchanged, just like he had practiced so many times.

The girl rested her chin and looked at him quietly, watching him repeat all the sword moves over and over again.

Water method sword, known as the hopeless sword method.

But only few people know about it.

Hopeless end.

Is hope.

 "Eight winds and thunder move around Yanzhou, and the waves of the huge sea flow around." -- Song Song Taizong "Xiaoyaoyong"

  "There are no waves in the sea, but there are trees in the deep mountains." --Song Song Taizong "Fate Knowledge"

(End of this chapter)

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