Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 293 See Through

Chapter 293 See Through
Being stopped suddenly in no one's place should be enough to startle everyone.

But it never seemed to happen to this woman.

Looking at the girl who turned around quietly after hearing the sound, Jiang Yuanyuan smiled, "Your Highness, can I tell you what you are thinking now?"

He was really curious.

Seeing Jiang Yuanyuan approaching from nowhere, Ying Baoyue looked up at Chen Zihan behind him.

"I'm thinking, your guard shouldn't be able to break through to level five soon."

The so-called hidden master probably refers to this kind of person.

Chen Zichu's younger brother is more capable than he imagined, and the power of the barrier has already approached Ji Jiashu.

But of course it can't compare with Li Ji's.

Ying Baoyue noticed someone following her a hundred steps away, and she walked to the secluded place because she was actually curious about what the prince, who had just made a blood alliance with her, wanted to find her in private.

When something happened, she tended to solve it immediately.

If Jiang Yuanyuan really had some bad plans, Chen Zihan was in such a good state, she wouldn't mind guiding him to discover the two observers farther away.

Hearing Ying Baoyue's answer, Jiang Yuanyuan didn't respond and Chen Zihan froze for a while.

Glancing at Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes, he looked at the opposite girl who had been unexpected countless times with a complicated expression, "His Royal Highness praised you, the villain just specially practiced this ability."

In case of a prince's contingency.

But even if he didn't say this sentence, he knew that the girl in front of him knew it a long time ago.

When she said this, Chen Zihan knew that she knew someone was following her.

The extremely terrifying insight ability made him raise his vigilance again.

He had never seen a level seven with such acuity, no, maybe it wasn't just acuity.

It seems that the Second Highness has done a lot of things to stop people from talking in the grove in a secluded place...

Ying Baoyue looked at Jiang Yuanyuan who was opposite and smiled, "It's not a coincidence, is there anything else the Second Highness wants to do?"

This person really didn't bother to talk about the scene, Jiang Yuanyuan laughed when he heard this.

"It's nothing wrong, but there were so many people just now, I'm worried if you have something to say to the public, princess." Jiang Yuanyuan didn't have the consciousness to stop people in private, and looked at Ying Baoyue with a smile.

The person who said this is you, right?Ying Baoyue stared at the moody young man in front of him, "Is there something you forgot to say just now, Your Highness?"

this woman...

Jiang Yuanyuan squinted his eyes and said lightly, "Is there anyone around here?"

Of course, this question was about Chen Zihan.

"There is no such thing as rank five or below." Chen Zihan said, "But if it's rank five like Ji Jiashu, I can't help it."

The kind of heaven-defying he can practice for another ten years.

"You are really good," Ying Baoyue looked at him with a smile. It is common sense that practitioners cannot detect the hidden aura of high-level people, but Chen Zihan can clearly detect the aura of practitioners by stepping up. rare.

"I didn't expect you to notice what he said," Jiang Yuanyuan chuckled, looking at the girl who was forced into a corner by him but didn't panic at all, "You know? Even if he is here, he can't save you."

No one can save you even if you shout your voice out, is that what you mean?
What kind of villain's lines are these, Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly, "Second Highness, what's the matter with you?"

It's like trying to kill people.

The boy in front of him stared at her for two seconds, then stepped forward to get a very close distance.

"That..." Ying Baoyue smiled and moved a step to the side, away from the corner behind her.

Seeing that the girl trapped in the corner and pressed against the wall was completely eliminated from the angle, Chen Zihan's mouth twitched.

Jiang Yuanyuan smiled, "It seems that you are not afraid of me."

This shouldn't be a reason for interest, right? Speaking of which, where did this strange reason come from?
Is it special if others are afraid of others?Everyone likes fear differently, what the hell is this.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"I thought I had a bad reputation, but it seems that it didn't spread to the former Qin Dynasty." Jiang Yuanyuan said.

"There are various rumors," Ying Baoyue said, "I generally only believe what I have witnessed."

Do you really believe the rumors that she has a more vicious reputation than him? No one needs to dislike anyone...

"Really, then I won't joke with you anymore," Jiang Yuanyuan chuckled, "It's tiring to try and try."

So can I realize this sooner next time?Ying Baoyue said heartily.

But the next moment the young man in front of him moved closer, staring into her eyes and whispering, "I do have something that I cannot say in front of everyone, and I want to tell you."

"Please tell me." Jing Jing looked at him, and Ying Baoyue was very curious about what this man wanted to do.

"The blood alliance we made before," Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly laughed, "is not only an oath, but also a curse."

He took out the dagger from his bosom, looked at Ying Baoyue with a half-smile and said, "If Her Royal Highness fails to do so, she will really die as promised."

The reason why Jiang Yuanyuan appeared at this time was because she saw that the girl who was brave enough to be alone at this time, remembered her reaction before, and wanted to confirm whether the curse had been planted.

But at this moment, he suddenly changed his plan, telling this not-so-secret matter, and wanted to see how the princess in the deep palace who didn't know the cruelty of the world would react.

"Really?" However, to Jiang Yuanyuan's surprise, Ying Baoyue glanced at him when he heard the words, "It means that although it is an oath, Second Highness, you played tricks inside."

Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed his eyes, "That's right, I've lied to you."

Ying Baoyue smiled when he suddenly admitted which one it was.Of course she wouldn't think it was the boy's conscience.

"It's okay. Many people mentioned this before, and I heard it more or less."

Cursing was mentioned in so many discussions, even if she didn't know it, she could know it, let alone she knew it early on.

"Really, you just said that you don't believe the rumors." Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly.

"But since His Royal Highness said so, it can be confirmed," Ying Baoyue said.

"Really," Jiang Yuanyuan looked down at the face of the girl who was close at hand, "then you are not afraid of the curse?"

"So what do you want to say, Second Highness?" Ying Baoyue looked at him speechlessly, "The oath has already been concluded."

"This is exactly the thing I didn't say to the public just now," Jiang Yuanyuan smiled, "especially not in front of Jiashu."

Ying Baoyue hoped that this person could speak in front of everyone.I always feel that it is not a good thing.

"Besides being imprisoned for life, you have another choice," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at her with a slight smile, and said something that made Ying Baoyue regret not having a sword.

"That is to become a concubine in the palace." The young man in front of him suddenly said with a smile.

"Those who become the royal family of Southern Chu will become princesses as they are." Jiang Yuanyuan said with a smile, "My princess."

It's a good thing I didn't say it at the venue before, Ying Baoyue looked at him speechlessly, these are all bloody lines.It's not a storybook novel, I also know that this person is talking nonsense.

"Why, your engagement was originally tied to me." Seeing her expression, Jiang Yuanyuan slowly said the planned words, pretending to be surprised, "Don't you know?"

"The person who doesn't want this engagement is obviously Nan Chu." Ying Baoyue said flatly.

"That's right, but did I say that I want to take you as the main concubine?" Jiang Yuanyuan chuckled, "How can such a good thing happen. I'm talking about the side concubine."

He finished his planned words, but he didn't expect that the girl on the other side didn't give him a corresponding reaction.

Returning to the main concubine and side concubine, Ying Baoyue laughed when he heard this.

"No matter what concubine," Ying Baoyue spread her hands, "Do you think I can be the master?"

"I think as long as you agree, your brother will not object," Jiang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

this person……

Of course Ying Hanri would not object, he wanted to send her into the Southern Chu royal family one hundred times.

But concubine...

Who was the one who said he wanted to marry her as his side concubine last time?

Oh, it's Ying Hao.

The father of this body.

Forget it, she had better not think about it, the relationship was in a mess.

Looking at the young man who was watching her reaction with great interest, Ying Baoyue couldn't bear to tell him that the last person who said that was dead.

"Second Highness, since it's not your truth, there's really no need to say it," she said quietly, "It's nothing more than three things."

Jiang Yuanyuan paused, "Really?"

She knew it again.

This is his third round of temptation, after he said no to try and no joke, a test within a test.

Not a word of truth.

This was indeed planned by him, he never thought that he would marry her, but the truth and lies are always the most convincing, usually this time, some women should believe it.

But she was still awake as usual.

The girl really smiled nonchalantly.

"At the venue just now, what did you mean by the last sentence you said?" The smile on Jiang Yuanyuan's face finally faded.

Straight to his second purpose.

What does it mean to tell him not to make an alliance with others again?He quietly looked at the girl in front of him.

Being approached to such a distance is actually not afraid.

Those clear eyes seemed to be able to see into the bottom of a person's heart, and at a very close distance, Ying Baoyue suddenly spoke softly.

"Second Highness, you were poisoned a month ago, right?"

Jiang Yuanyuan's pupils shrank.

There was only a click, and behind him Chen Zihan was shocked when he heard the words, and suddenly drew his sword!

(End of this chapter)

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