Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Looking at the practitioners who started to gather in a completely different state from the previous Jixia Banquet, Ying Baoyue suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

She had heard before that there were three main steps in the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony.

The first step is to announce the examiners, and the main examiner and the examiners will come to the stage to accept the worship of the practitioners; the second step is to walk through the scene with the stepchildren of the six countries with their own people; the third step is the most important process, which is the one that attracts everyone's attention. Fight first.

The stepchildren of various countries will send a person to compete for the order of appearance in the primary ceremony.The ranking of the representatives will determine the order of entering the mountain in the first round of the preliminary ceremony.

The reason why it is important to fight first is that it can be said to be the outpost of each country in the initial ceremony.The result has a huge impact on the first round of the crowd battle, and if they win, it will be a real good start.

No matter which world you are in, the jackpot for winning the first battle is extremely important.

It is very unlucky for countries to compete first and rank lower.From the perspective of luck, this is equivalent to losing at the starting line, and morale will be greatly affected afterwards.

Therefore, all countries have always attached great importance to the first battle. Even if the stepson does not appear in person, he will show his best.

Ying Baoyue looked up at the gradually darkening sky outside the house and the lit lanterns, her eyes flickered slightly.

The morning was the engagement banquet, and the afternoon was the Jixia banquet. After a rest at dusk, when the lights were turned on, the most important and final grand event was finally ushered in the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province.

The opening of the primary ceremony.

It's already night.

The most important things are always saved for the last.

In this long day, if the feast of Jixia is just the appetizer, then the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony is the main course of today.

And the scramble is the main course of the main course.

Ying Baoyue had been focusing all her attention on the first battle before, and selectively ignored the previous two processes.

But at this time, hearing Ji Jiashu subtly mentioned "appearance" and seeing the practitioners gathered in front of him in units of countries, Ying Baoyue's foreboding became more and more intense.

"Excuse me... what exactly does this appearance mean?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the stepchildren from various countries walking around in the crowd with a list of names and directing the team of practitioners, and a guess came up in his heart.

Speaking of which, the first step in the opening ceremony of the elementary ceremony is for the examiners to take their seats on the high platform...

Why do you feel a bit like the leaders sitting on the rostrum?

And the second step...

Ying Baoyue looked at the team of practitioners whose team shape was constantly moving closer to the square formation, with a delicate mood.

Wouldn't it be practitioners from all over the world walking in a phalanx?
And then... accept the rostrum review?
Just when this strange sense of déjà vu appeared before Ying Baoyue's eyes, Ji Jiashu confirmed Ying Baoyue's conjecture with a complicated expression.

"The so-called appearance..." he breathed out and introduced to Ying Baoyue, "the stepchildren of various countries will line up everyone in a square line according to the order of the roster, and then re-enter from the gate, and the examiners will meet with the teachers and representatives of the royal family On the high platform, I watched the teams from all over the world walk by."

It's really a phalanx for the opening ceremony of the sports meeting...

Master, you have designed some strange processes...

Ying Baoyue sighed silently in her heart, the main process of the primary ceremony was basically decided by Lin Shubai, the chief commander back then, but Ying Baoyue did not expect that it was just the beginning, and she saw the ability of her master back then.

Thinking that there are still many things she doesn't understand in the next round, Ying Baoyue suddenly feels that the future is difficult.

I always feel that many unexpected things will happen in the entire elementary ceremony...

And before that...

"Then you, as the examiner, are going to sit on the stage later?" Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and asked.

During the rest period in the evening, the high stage they sat on during the previous engagement banquet had been cleaned up, and the ring in the hall of the venue was also demolished temporarily, although it was almost destroyed by her... Zhan Xianzhan probably needs to replace it with a new one up.

Ji Jiashu glanced at the high platform that had been rearranged and nodded, "Well, we need to go up for a cutscene."

This statement is really honest, Ying Baoyue laughed.

Just as they were talking, the eyes of the practitioners who were still queuing up in a hurry all turned to him.

"You are really eye-catching," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, but then looked at the girl in front of him. Although there were indeed many people looking at him, that was not what he noticed.

People were looking at him the same way they always were, but it was a little bit different because people weren't just looking at him anymore.

For the first time, he discovered that when he was around others, some people looked at another person.

He looked at the girl next to him.

But at this moment, Ji Jiashu's eyes suddenly froze slightly, and across the countless crowd, he suddenly met a pair of pure black eyes.

It was a very inconspicuous man, the only conspicuous thing was the thick bronze mask on his face.

The moment the two eyes met, the pure black pupils behind the mask seemed to be startled, and then looked away.

It's him.

The guard of the Soochow stepson.

The next moment, the man's aura disappeared almost instantly, and the crowd immediately overwhelmed him.

But for some reason, Ji Jiashu had a feeling that that person was watching the girl beside him just now.

"Your Highness, you..." Ji Jiashu said hesitantly, Ying Baoyue looked at him, and also at the direction he was staring at inexplicably.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing," he really couldn't find that breath anywhere, everything just now was like his hallucination.Ji Jiashu withdrew his gaze and looked at the girl in front of him quietly, "What are you going to do next?"

"How to do it?" Ying Baoyue paused, then remembered the appearance just mentioned, her expression was a little subtle for a while, but she smiled the next moment.

"Since we have decided to participate in the primary ceremony," Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Xun who seemed to have noticed her in the crowd, but seemed to resist looking at her, and smiled.

"Since we're going to make an appearance, let's make an appearance," she looked at Ji Jiashu, "Of course I'm going to find our country's stepson next."

But the stepson in your country doesn't seem to want to see you very much...

Ji Jiashu also noticed Ying Xun's complicated eyes in the crowd.

In all fairness, it would be a headache for a stepson in any country to encounter this woman, not to mention that the only son of Emperor Ying's eldest son is still related to this girl.

"Do you want to..." At this moment, he looked at Ying Baoyue and asked.

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue looked at him, only to see the young man in front of him took a step back, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out a hand slightly to her.

"Do you want to go up to the high platform with me to watch?"

Ji Jiashu quietly stared at the girl with scars on her face.

Instead of walking in a phalanx off the stage, but standing by his side, she still has such an identity now.

Whether it is the princess of the former Qin Dynasty, or the marriage contract between them that has not yet been cancelled.

But she obviously could, but she didn't make any demands.


Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback, but then smiled and looked at him, shaking her head.

"Thank you." She thanked earnestly.

"But you rely on your ability to become an examiner and stand on the high platform. That is your battlefield, not mine."

The girl looked at the chaotic and crowded crowd, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was firm and gentle.

"My battlefield is here now."

(End of this chapter)

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