Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 304

Chapter 304
Just when the boy stood up, no one could have imagined that he could still stand up.

The arena was full of people inside and outside, mainly local practitioners from Southern Chu. In any case, the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province or Southern Chu practitioners were more relaxed, and most of them stayed downstairs.

Looking at Ying Xun who vomited blood from Ye Siyuan's blow, cheers erupted from the Southern Chu practitioners in the audience.Upstairs, the former Qin practitioner who regarded Ying Xun as his last hope looked gloomy.

"Jiang is still old and hot! How could this nephew beat uncle!"

"But Mr. Ye is only one year older than Mr. Ying Xun..."

"After all, he is the big brother of the Huoyuan. Before the internal martial arts in the Huoyuan, Mr. Ying Xun never defeated Mr. Ye!"

"But Mr. Ye is ruthless this time... No one can stand up now..."

However, amidst the cheers of the Southern Chu practitioners, the young man stood up.

Everyone outside the arena watched this scene in astonishment, especially the high-level practitioners.

Ji Jiashu stood by the window of Wuyi Pavilion, looking at Ying Xun who stood up staggeringly, the expression in his eyes changed slightly.

Chen Zichu noticed his reaction, and frowned at him, "Jiashu, what's going on? Did you see anything?"

Just when Ying Xun stood up, Ji Jiashu also stood up suddenly and walked to the window, showing a surprised look.

It's okay to change someone else, but this is Ji Jiashu.

Xu Yishan looked at Ji Jiashu's back and his eyes darkened slightly.It's because they all know that in the eyes of practitioners who are one level higher than themselves, they can often predict the outcome of battles with practitioners who are lower than their own level.

Standing at different heights, especially rank five with a huge difference in strength, as long as the opponent makes a few moves, a high-level practitioner can find out the strength of the opponent.This is also one of the reasons why it is impossible to win the leapfrog battle.

Both Ying Xun and Ye Siyuan are only in the sixth rank, not to mention that they are frequent visitors to the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion and Jixia Academy, and they are practitioners that Ji Jiashu is very familiar with.

In other words, before the start of this battle, Ji Jiashu already knew the result.

But at this time, his reaction, could it be that what happened on the court exceeded his prediction?
What happened that even Mr. Chunhua didn't expect?
When Ji Jiashu heard the words, he turned around and saw Xu Yishan and Chen Zichu's serious eyes, so he understood what they were thinking.

He was indeed able to predict the outcome of the two before the start, but he never liked high-level practitioners showing off their so-called predictions.He has always believed that it is because of the ever-changing situation on the battlefield that the practice is so mysterious and fascinating.

But he has rarely encountered wrong predictions, so he simply stopped predicting.

until today.

Ying Xun on the ring caused the practitioners around the ring to exclaim, but Ji Jiashu stopped looking at him, and looked slightly sideways at... the woman sitting next to Ji Ange.

until today.

There was a girl who broke his prediction.

Perhaps it wasn't the first time, when he was screened in the fourth palace of Jixia Academy, he first saw a clue, but it was Xu Yishan who restrained his realm, Ji Jiashu wasn't sure yet, but I saw him today.

That girl repeatedly broke the common sense of the world and the predictions that high-level practitioners could make.

And it was the first time he encountered the variables on the battlefield.

Ying Baoyue's shot made Ji Jiashu interested in predicting this kind of thing after a long absence. He wanted to predict it once, but just then, he didn't expect Ying Xun to behave differently from usual.

"What happened to Ying Xun just now?" Chen Zichu walked up to Ji Jiashu, "Don't tell me you can't tell."

"If Ye Siyuan hadn't taken the elixir, the two of them should be able to draw evenly." Ji Jiashu said quietly.

Ying Xun and Ye Siyuan faced each other, and the winning rate in Jixia Academy was [-]-[-]. Ye Siyuan sometimes won a little more.In Guoshi Mansion and Hou Mansion, Ye Siyuan won Ying Xun more times, winning seven or eight out of ten times.

However, whether Ying Xun lost because of inferior skills or because of other reasons is unknown.

"Ying Xun's sword skills should be slightly higher than Ye Siyuan's," Ji Jiashu said calmly, looking at the sword tightly held by the youth on the stage, "but Ye Siyuan's true energy is slightly stronger than him."

At this time, Ye Siyuan's face on the stage was flushed abnormally, and Ji Jiashu's eyes were slightly dark.This person lost to Xu Yishan before, so he may have taken some kind of medicine during the rest time.

Relying on external force is the consistent practice of the Ye family.

"According to Ying Xun's original strength, Ye Siyuan's move just now, he should not be able to stand up." Ji Jiashu looked at the young man who stood up despite shaking but said slowly.

Although the elixir and other powers are powerful, they last for a limited time, but unlike the Ji Xia Banquet, there is no time limit.Ye Siyuan obviously wanted to make a quick decision, and the move just now was a deadly move.

Just because they know each other, they each know where their dead line is.

Judging from the strength Ying Xun has shown so far, it is impossible for Ye Siyuan to give him a chance to fight back with the big move specially designed for him.

Ye Siyuan's reaction on the high platform also confirmed Ji Jiashu's guess.

"You... Impossible!" Looking at Ying Xun who stood up, Ye Siyuan seemed to see an impossible scene, and the breath on his body was momentarily disturbed.

"What? Then how could this kid..." Chen Zichu in Wuyi Pavilion was stunned when he heard Ji Jiashu's words, but looking at the scene in front of him, he suddenly remembered the scene of Chen Zihan's previous battle.

A word with that woman at that time.

"Wait, is this kid..." Chen Zichu turned his head and looked behind him.

At this moment, Ji Jiashu also thought of something and stared.

At this moment, he suddenly saw something out of the corner of his eye, and was slightly taken aback.

"Young Master Ye," Ying Xun, who was standing on the high platform at this time, stood up, looked at the unbelievable Ye Siyuan, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and clenched the Chu sword in his hand.

"Sorry, there are some things I can't say."

Sorry for ignoring so many people.

He didn't intend to deceive others.Even he couldn't remember where some memories came from.

Maybe he used to be a noble royal family in the former Qin Dynasty, but under the fence of others in Southern Chu, there are some things that he can only hide in his heart.

But fortunately he still remembers, even if his heart doesn't remember things, his body does.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the high stage suddenly changed. Compared with the blazing flames before, an unimaginable tranquility and precision enveloped the entire arena.

Looking at Ying Xun's straight arm holding the sword, Ji Jiashu was slightly taken aback. Although Ying Xun's performance was not outstanding among the younger generation, every time Ying Xun fought against others, no matter whether he won or lost, his eyes were often caught by the eyes. Attracted by his gesture of holding a sword.

Unusually precise, every sword move seemed to be carved out of a mold.

Although Ying Xun's swordsmanship does not have a gorgeous big move, it is far more solid than Ye Siyuan's in terms of technique.

He was even more precise and solid than anyone in Jixia Xuegong Fire Institute.

This is not the current style of Huoyuan, nor is it Mr. Haoran's style. For Huoyuan, who has always pursued powerful moves with strong attack power, Ying Xun's swordsmanship is incompatible.

This difference and precision seemed to have been engraved on his body a long time ago.

Before his current teacher, someone left these things on him.

Standing on the ring, Ying Xun's arms were straight, as if he could still feel the pain from the tree branch when he was in his arms when he was young.

One time at a time, exactly.

It's just a gesture, but that person can insist on him repeating it thousands of times.

Don't think about being lazy, even if it's just a little bit, it can't escape her eyes.

No matter what that person is doing, the branch will come up with precision.

When he didn't understand anything, he once hated the figure holding the branch in his memory so much, maybe because of this hatred, he chose to forget her.

But at that moment, he suddenly understood how precious things he had obtained.

And it is that precision that allows him to use that sword technique today.

If Huo Shu Yin Hua is a powerful and relatively easy-to-learn sword art among fire swords, then there is another sword art in fire swords, which is not favored by fire swordsmen because it is too cumbersome and delicate.

"That is!"

Ji Jiashu by the window narrowed his eyes, looking at the sword flower in Ying Xun's hand.

Fire Sword, the sword technique with the most moves in the world so far, has more than ten sword moves, and sword techniques with ten and above are rarely seen in actual combat because of their high difficulty.

And at this time, it finally appeared.

The moment Ying Xun drew his sword, from the corner of Ji Jiashu's eyes, he saw the smile on the girl's mouth.

Just when everyone was nervous and shocked, that girl was actually laughing.

The stars, the sun and the moon are high in the sky, and the snow is scattered and the fireworks are all over the sea.

The rising flames on the young man's sword illuminated the smile on the corner of Ying Baoyue's mouth.

"Fire Law Tenth Sword"

On the ring, Ying Xun looked at Ye Siyuan, who was forcibly raising a large amount of real energy, and spoke softly.

"Fireworks in the world."

 The stars, the sun and the moon are high in the sky, and the snow is scattered and the fireworks are all over the sea. —— Song Taizong "Fate Knowledge"

  The name of each sword move comes from an idiom, and the effect comes from an ancient poem.

(End of this chapter)

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