Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 309 Lights

Chapter 309 Lights
The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the tree of lights beside the ring was blazing, but it was completely inferior to the bright flames on the red-burning sword blades of the two men.

And when he asked that sentence, the boy's eyes were also burning.

The young man's vigorous face was reflected in the shadow of the sword, light and sword, Ying Xun's face flushed red and blood was surging, and there were flames burning in his piercing eyes.

And those pupils reflected Meng Shi's stern and icy face.

The thin young man pursed his thin lips into a straight line without saying a word.

Ying Xun was a full head taller than Meng Shi, but Ying Xun didn't gain an advantage when the two fought swords, let alone top-down and even faintly overwhelmed.

Even though his body is so thin and small, he looks fragile, but this young man is as stubborn as an iron wedge.

It is clearly in front of you, but you can't move forward even a step, the hands holding the sword are like cast iron.

Hearing Gui Chen's questioning, the strength of Meng Shi's hands did not change at all, but the pupils of this thin and hard boy shook for the first time.

The next moment he raised his head and glanced at Gui Chen expressionlessly, "The Twelve Swords of Fire Art are all taught in the academy, aren't they?"

What you really want to learn is not these.

"Then let me ask another question." Gui Chen kept his hands firm, staring at Meng Shi's dark gray pupils, "Where did you learn that sword intent?"

Only moves are taught in the academy, and the real sword intent can only be understood by people like him who have seen it with their own eyes.

There is only one sword move, but there are countless kinds of sword intents that belong to everyone.

When Meng Shi made that move, Ying Xun did feel something familiar.

Something quite similar to his own sword intent.

Hearing Ying Xun's questioning, Meng Shi's eyes flickered again, but the next moment he changed into that cold look again.

Seeing that familiar look, Ji Jiashu by the window was slightly taken aback.

Ying Xun opened the barrier, coupled with the surrounding formations, almost no one could hear what they were saying.No one would have thought that under such a fierce sword fight, the two on the high platform were still talking.

Although Ji Jiashu could hear it, it wasn't the dialogue that attracted his attention, but Meng Shi's silent appearance as usual.

Although the time in Jixia Academy was short, Meng Shi still left a deep impression on him.

As Chen Zichu said before, Meng Shi was also a strange person in Jixia Academy where the students were extremely rich in personality. The reason for the blame was that this person was very lonely, hardly interacted with anyone, and was always taciturn.

For the same person who cherishes words like gold, Meng Shi's silence is completely different from Xu Yishan's.

Xu Yishan was really not good at words, but Meng Shi... Ji Jiashu always felt that this young man had deep thoughts hidden in his heart.

He seemed to have some purpose in his heart, but apart from this purpose, he was not interested in anything else.

This is Meng Shi.

But this kind of Meng Shi showed his emotions for the first time in the dialogue with Ying Xun.

Seeing the two swords clashing tightly and not giving an inch, Ji Jiashu suddenly realized that the swordplay just now might have a different meaning to these two people.

But what is it?

What will this match look like?
"Answer me!" The flames danced, the real essence on Ying Xun's body continued to increase, and the sword intent of the two continued to increase in mid-air, and it seemed that crackling sounds could be heard in the air.

However, in the face of Ying Xun's questioning, Meng Shi also quietly raised his true essence, and stared at Ying Xun with gray eyes, "What about you? Where did you learn it?"

"Me? I..." Ying Xun was taken aback for a moment, and was at a loss for words. Looking at him like this, Meng Shi took a deep breath.

"You don't want to say it yourself, but do you expect others to tell you?"

No matter how gentle they are, these princes and nobles will never understand how to make them, commoners, answer questions willingly.

There is always only one person who can do it.

What's more, he would never tell this person, it was the deepest secret in his heart,

"The prince of the former Qin Dynasty," Meng Shi said lightly, "If you want to know, at least wait until..."

"Wait until you can defeat me!"

Accompanied by these words, Meng Shi's true energy suddenly exploded, and Ying Xun's pupils shrank!
There was a sharp sword cry, and the two swords rubbed against each other to produce dazzling sparks. The next moment, the two of them jumped back at the same time, and the stalemate of fighting swords was suddenly broken!

Sparks splashed, swords screamed, and practitioners cheered all around.

Even for a short attack and defense, the two of them responded wonderfully, and their blood spurted from the sidelines.

"Beautiful," Chen Zichu clapped his hands by the window, "but the situation is still the same."

Who can win?
Under the arena, Mr. Zhenshan watched the young men with extraordinary skills on the stage.

Meng Shi's sword intent is indeed better than Ying Xun's, but the two are in the same realm, Ying Xun's basic skills are extremely solid, and his defense is tight. Under the circumstances of the same sword moves and similar sword intent, there is no decisive gap between the two.

But how exactly does this create a decisive gap?

Three crisp sounds, Ying Xun and Meng Shi's figures were staggered, and the two received three swords in just a moment, still inseparable.

"When will this fight?" Chen Zichu was stunned.

"When either side is able to catch anyone by surprise," a female voice sounded beside him at this moment, and Chen Zichu looked at the girl next to him holding the edge of the window.

The tricks used no longer work, it's like a battle with oneself, so if you want to win, you can only go up.

Go forward and don't look back.

Don't cry, don't look back.

The thin boy on the high platform raised his head and looked towards the moonlit courtyard.

Then Meng Shi lowered his head and held the long sword in his hand. Looking at the panting young man passing by, he slowly raised the sword.The next moment, clusters of flames floated up beside his sword.


"what is that!?"

Shocked voices sounded from the people, and Chen Zichu suddenly leaned out, staring at the ring.

Regardless of the sword technique of the Fire Sword, the flames will eventually fall. This is the first time he has seen such a picture.

A gust of cold wind blew through and blew out several lamp trees beside the arena. On the slightly dim arena, everyone stared blankly at the bright flames rising from Meng Shi's long sword.

Like a star.

Dongfeng puts flowers and thousands of trees at night.More blowing down, the stars are like rain.

"This is..." Ji Jiashu's pupils narrowed. Maybe there are many people who have never met before who don't understand, but he can understand, and so does the other young man on the high platform.

Ying Xun stared at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and the next moment, the young man's eyes were fixed, and he closed his eyes quietly while holding a long sword in his hand.

"Look!" A practitioner shouted, Ying Baoyue stood by the window, watching the same flame rise from the Chu sword in Ying Xun's hand.

The flames of the two floated up, in twos and threes, as if they were facing each other.

Carved BMWs fill the road with fragrance, the phoenix flute moves, the jade pot turns brightly, and fish and dragons dance all night.

In such a confrontation, the murderous intent kept brewing and rising.The dark tide is raging, and the fire waves are flying, just for a short moment.

Some were still laughing, unaware of what was happening.

The golden strands of moth snow willow, the smile is full of fragrance.

Ying Baoyue clenched the window edge tightly, watching the rising flames belonging to those two people.Ji Jiashu was also staring at the astonishing scene in a daze, and the next moment he suddenly heard a soft cry from beside him.

When he turned around, he found that there was actually a ball of flame rising to the second floor, and for some reason, the next moment, it burned the hair of the girl beside him.

And at this moment, Meng Shi on the high platform suddenly opened his eyes.

Clusters of flames, wisps of sword light, bloom in the darkness like the lights of thousands of families.

But his light has been lost since long ago.

He kept looking, and kept looking, but he couldn't find it.

Ying Xun also opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other on the high platform. The next moment there was a loud bang, and the sword intent of the two collided, sparking thousands of sparks!
"Fire Art No.11 Sword."

The teenagers spoke softly.

"The lights are dim."

Ying Xun and Meng Shi rushed towards each other with swords in hand.

In the huge lights that suddenly came out from the collision of the two swordsmanship, Ji Jiashu saw the girl next to her gently twirling her scorched hair, time seemed to freeze, the fire reflected her face and the bright sword light downstairs, The fire changes and everything seems unreal.

His heart suffocated slightly.

The lights were dim.

People search for her thousands of Baidu.

Suddenly looking back.

The man was there, dimly lit.

 I tried my best to restore the image in my mind.Ah, the No.11 sword appeared, and the name alone can be regarded as one of my favorite swords.

  "Eastern wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night. It blows more and falls, and the stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. Fengxiao sounds, jade pot lights turn, fish and dragons dance all night. Moths, snow willows and golden strands. Laughter is full of fragrance. The crowd searched for him thousands of times. When I looked back suddenly, the man was there, in a dimly lit place." --Song Xin Qiji's "Sapphire Case·Yuanxi".

(End of this chapter)

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