Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 311 The Full Moon

Chapter 311 The Full Moon
Fire Sword, No.13 sword.

Unrecognized fire sword.

The fire sword that belongs only to her.

All kinds of noises filled her ears, Ying Baoyue stood by the window, staring blankly at the young man on the ring, at things that belonged to her that she didn't even know about.

"It's actually the No.13 sword." Facing the more astonishing reality than before, Chen Zichu's expression was not as stunned as before. Instead, he stood unusually quietly by the window, quietly watching the young man on the ring, and just repeated Again, "Am I reading that right?"

"No." Ji Jiashu's expression was complicated. At this moment, they all understood the complexity of their feelings.

The situation in front of them has exceeded their ability to evaluate.

Fire method No.13 sword, the moon is full of the west building.

This is no longer a question of whether sword skills are rare or not, but that this move of fire sword will not be taught in the fire academy at all.There is even a lot of controversy about whether or not it counts as a fire sword.

People now know that the Fire Sword has only twelve swords.

But seven years ago, the Fire Sword had eighteen swords.

Generally, practitioners only know one name from other sword schools, and the order may not be correct.But Fire Sword is different.Although everyone on the surface says that the Fire Sword is twelve swords, almost every practitioner knows the abandoned "six swords" of the Fire Sword.

It is really something related to those two women, although people keep it secret, they are hard to forget.

Just because they are so special.

Fire Sword, because they have become too special.

The sword skills of general sword sects can only be increased by one or two moves after years of accumulation, and the expansion to more than ten moves is close to the limit.At the beginning of the birth of the four major sword sects, the power of each sword sect was very different from what it is now.

Under the protection of the Qinglong God, the head of the Eight Beast Gods, the strongest sword school is the Water Sword, followed by the Fire Sword. It took many years to catch up with the number of water sword moves. Many practitioners think that this is the It's the limit, and it's an honor for Huofa to be the second child of ten thousand years.

However, no one thought that just over ten years ago, a pair of master and apprentice changed this order in unison.

The pair of master and apprentice created a total of six sword techniques, and the total amount reached half of the original fire sword technique.

Ji Jiashu pursed her lips tightly, and the No. 13 to No. 18 swords of the fire method were originally their positions.Of the eighteen swords in the fire art, Lin Shubai created four swords, and her apprentice, at the age of fourteen or fifteen, also created two swords.

However, with the collapse of the Qin Empire and the things caused by the two, even if everyone died, the high-level practitioners in the practice world were ashamed to work with it. The original six swords created by those two people were removed from the sword, and even their names were not allowed to be mentioned again.

But to be honest, when Ji Jiashu heard about this for the first time when he was a child, he suspected that the six-stroke swordsmanship created by those two people was too difficult... Could it be that the later fire masters simply concealed the fact that they could not learn it? delete it……

Otherwise, as a swordsman, he really felt that this kind of behavior was inexplicable, and it would only lead to retreat instead of progress in practice.

Although in the upper level of the Fire Academy, those two women are simply the incarnations of beasts and witches, but for the young practitioners who are naturally curious about the strong, there are some things that future generations like them will not know if they don't try their best to cover them up.

Ji Jiashu knew very well that in Jixia Academy, the six swords from which the Fire Sword was deleted were secretly called "the last six swords" among the students, and their names and characteristics have been quietly circulated as legends.

But today, those young people who grew up listening to the legend, saw the legend become reality for the first time in front of their eyes.

"Hey? What kind of sword technique is that?"

"It's the first time I've seen such a sword fire..."

"It's the first time I've seen a Huima gun. Did that boy Meng Shi say something just now? The moon is full in the west building?"

"The last six this Moon Man West Tower?!"

The screams of the teenagers nearly knocked the roof down, and in an accordion full of teachers from Jixia Academy on the third floor of the Imperial Prayer Department, Mr. Haoran suddenly stood up with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Haoran, what's going on?" An old man with white beard and hair was sitting beside him, his face was also blue, "Why is there still a fire magician who will fill the moon in the west building?"

"I didn't teach it!" Mr. Haoran squeezed out the words through his teeth, and stared at Meng Shi on the ring.

"This kid was very happy back then, and he ran away after he didn't practice for long in the Fire Academy. He didn't expect to fall into evil ways! Sure enough, the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty can't conspire with him!"

"Is this really Moon Man West Building?"

"Where did it come from sorcery?"

Just beside the ring, this voice also sounded at this time.


Ji Jiashu stood by the Wuyi Pavilion window, looking at Meng Shi who was standing quietly on the ring, and Ying Xun who was standing opposite him, who had already let go of the sword but did not pick it up.

Whether it was magic or not, none of the young people at the scene knew whether it was Moon Man Xilou or not.

After all, no one has seen it with their own eyes.

That Shao Si Ming died almost ten years ago, and they were only eight or nine years old at that time.In other words, they were not in the same era as that person. If the teacher didn't speak up, he really had no way of knowing.

Compared with this mysterious sword technique, people gradually calmed down and remembered what they were doing just now when they saw Ying Xun who had already let go of the sword in the arena.

"By the way, who won this battle?"

"Mr. Ying Xun's sword has been knocked out, this should be..."

"Why doesn't Meng Shi make up the knife, and Mr. Ying Xun doesn't pick up the sword, what are these two doing?"

On the ring, Meng Shi still maintained the posture of returning the sword just now, while Ying Xun stood on the ring empty-handed, just staring at the sword in Ying Xun's hand.

The brilliance of the full moon hit the two of them.

The two of them didn't speak, and the ritual officer didn't know what was going on, so he didn't dare to disturb them.

After the silence, Meng Shi's sword intent slowly dissipated. He looked at Ying Xun and said quietly, "Do you want to do it again?"

Upon hearing this, Ying Xun looked at his long sword that had been thrown flying on the ground, "I lost just now."

He won't lose out on losing to that person's swordsmanship.

"But..." He stared firmly into Meng Shi's eyes, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Ying Xun knelt down and picked up the sword, staring at Meng Shi with a terrifying murderous intent, "If you don't say anything this time, I don't mind killing you here."

"You won't know if you kill me." However, facing Ying Xun's threat, Meng Shi remained as cold as usual.

Leaning on his sword, he stood up slowly, and looked at Ying Xun, "Is there anything wrong with the sword technique of the fire magician?"

Meng Shi looked at Ying Xun, his dark gray eyes were like the hardest rock, "The Fire Sword is eighteen swords."

Just after Ying Xun finished typing, the ritual officer who acquiesced that the battle was over untied the formation, and when he heard the conversation between the two on the ring, there was an uproar in the ring.

Because of this conversation, the identity of the sword move just now was almost affirmed.

"This...Young Master Ying Xun's statement...was that really full moon in the west building just now?"

"Otherwise Young Master Ying Xun wouldn't be so surprised..."

"Speaking of Young Master Ying Xun, it's not impossible to know that sword technique, after all, it's his who created this sword technique..."

is his……

Ying Xun was silent for a moment, then looked at Meng Shi and asked, "What's your relationship with...she?"

Meng Shi's eyes froze, and he glanced sideways at Ying Xun, "Who is she?"

"You..." Ying Xun gritted his teeth, "Don't..."

"If you can't even make that claim, then in what capacity are you questioning me?" Meng Shi glanced at him and said indifferently, "Is it a son or an enemy?"


Ying Baoyue, who had no sense of substitution by the window, felt a chill down her back when she heard the words.

"This guy Meng he trying to force Ying Xun to call his mother? What does he have to do with that young commander?" At this moment, Chen Zichu suddenly spoke, making Ying Baoyue's back even colder.

But fortunately no one noticed, Chen Zichu frowned and continued, "By the way, the kid just used the sword technique of Shao Siming?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes were fixed, but the next moment his heart moved, he turned to look at Ji Qingyuan who was sitting behind him, his pupils shrank when he was about to ask.

Ji Qingyuan, who was originally motionless no matter what happened, stood up at some point and stared out of the window. There was a fallen chair behind him, which showed how anxious he was to stand up just now.

There is no need to ask whether the trick just now is true or not.

"Why did Meng Shi lose his commanding sword skills?" Ji Jiashu murmured on the side.

Chen Zichu glanced at him and shrugged, "The only option is to go underground and ask the young master for orders."

No no, even if you can really go underground, she won't know about Shao Siming.

Ying Baoyue had a delicate expression.

She really didn't know this boy.

However, at this moment, another exclamation suddenly sounded outside the window!
(End of this chapter)

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