Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 318 Lies

Chapter 318 Lies
The mask of the man under the moonlight was as cold and silent as ever, standing there quietly without even raising his hand.

But he stood there firmly, like a wall that would not move no matter how close it was.

Of course, under the eyes of outsiders, it actually looks like a wooden stake that suddenly appeared and stuck there, but this woman's heart is strong enough, so she was not scared to death by this person.Zhao Guang sat on the wall of the palace, looked down at Li Ji who was behind the girl who was sitting next to him in the corner and appeared in the next moment, and said in his heart.

"Who is this person?" A familiar male voice suddenly sounded beside him, Ji Jiashu frowned and looked at Mo Hua, whose figure was hidden in the darkness but was still there, "Why are you still here?"

The stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty had left, but this person didn't follow, so what happened?

"He doesn't know that I'm here." Mo Hua glanced at him indifferently, and said quietly in the direction where Meng Shi disappeared, "Just now my stepson asked me to go back first, and he came here alone after I promised to leave."

Meng Shi will never show his weakness in front of anyone, even if he has already gained trust.

Mo Hua sighed inaudibly, but there was a pride that belonged only to him in his words, "That is a strong person."

The one who leaves alone when injured?For some reason, Ji Jiashu thought of another person.

He silently raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him who had a weak breath. Even though her whole body showed signs of drying up, her breath was still not disordered, and she still maintained an amazing stability, even if her footsteps were unstable and she leaned back For a moment, he immediately wanted to stand back.

But the next moment, a pair of hands pressed her shoulders for the first time.

But it's not the first time they've come into contact with each other. When they first met, they fished her out of the ground and dragged her into the coffin board with the same hands.

Although it is a coffin, it has a fresh breath like green mist in the forest.

The man's coarse clothes touched the skin on the back of her neck, making rustling noises.

Ying Baoyue was slightly startled, raised her head from the embrace that seemed to have the atmosphere of the mountains, and looked up again at the slightly raised bronze mask above her head.

Because of the difference in height between the two, if she raised her head abruptly in such a posture of being held on her shoulders from behind, she would definitely bump into the edge of this person's mask.

But twice when she raised her head, she didn't bump into it.

Looking at Li Ji who also slightly raised her head and raised her jaw the moment she raised her head so that the edge of the mask just missed the top of her head, Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the invisible face and smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much just now." She said thanks.


Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on Li Ji's hand on her shoulder

He didn't use a lot of force, but it wasn't that easy to break free, and more importantly, she didn't expect this person who had always been a bystander to make such a move.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue looked up at him.

She didn't tell him that she was fine, and she didn't force him to let go. The other party was a practitioner who was close to the heavenly rank, so it was useless to say it.

Her forehead didn't hit the mask again, so she didn't want to have a conflict with him, and some were just puzzled.

But at this moment, noticing her gaze, Li Ji spoke quietly.

"There is something, I don't know if I have told you," Li Ji realized the intention of the girl in his arms to break free, and lowered his head avoiding her forehead, staring at her quietly with his dark eyes.

"What's the matter?"

He didn't say a few words to her at all, okay?Ying Baoyue laughed.

Li Ji's voice was light, and he couldn't feel any emotion when he pressed her shoulders, he just looked at her quietly and said.

"I've never told a single lie in my life."

This is a rare virtue, especially in this world full of lies, who can tell everyone the truth?
But with this person's situation, I must not say anything that I don't want to say... Ying Baoyue looked at the dark eyes of the man above her head and thought.

But what did he say to her out of the blue?
"You said it now, but Mr. Li, so what are you telling me?"

"So," Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue's pale face with dark eyes and said quietly, "So can I trouble you to live at least one year?"

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback.

Then instantly understood what he meant.

"How long can I live?"

"One year."

This was the conversation between her and him when they met for the first time. Li Ji asserted that she could only live for one year when they met for the first time.

If she died before she lived a full year, in a sense, he was indeed telling a lie.

What a genius of logic.

But if she survives this year, this person is also a liar, right?Why come to warn her all of a sudden at this time?
Was it because she was worried that she might not be able to survive this year?

But this expression...

Feeling the hard touch like a wall behind her, looking at this man's serious eyes, Ying Baoyue suddenly wanted to laugh.

But in the end she didn't smile, everything turned into a serious look.

"Okay, I understand, I will work hard." Ying Baoyue looked into those dark eyes and said quietly.

This is really a dare to say a dare to answer.

Zhao Guang, who was sitting on the wall, looked at all this and couldn't say anything in his heart.Would a normal person come to warn people like this? !

Zhao Guang was speechless, this statement was almost like a curse, his second brother would die if he didn't speak, but he would die if he talked.Obviously, he just disappeared from the wall like a gust of wind, but won't this person say a word of comfort? !

In the eyes of bystanders who don't know the inside story, this man really seems to be cursing others.

Live a full year?what's the situation?Ji Jiashu frowned.

"Did these two know each other before?" At this moment, Mo Hua spoke lightly beside him, and Ji Jiashu frowned at him.

"You don't know either?" Looking at his gaze, the unattractive boy opened his eyes wide, then squinted at Ji Jiashu and smiled, "Isn't this your fiancee? Why is she there, but you are here?"

"Where I am is not important," Ji Jiashu's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and took a step back slightly after glancing at Mo Hua, staring coldly at the unattractive young man in front of him, "The important thing is..."

He stared at the young man in front of him and said coldly.

"Why are you here?"

Not in this place, but this person who obviously shouldn't be here, appeared here.

Mo Hua looked at Ji Jiashu's eyes of clearing up old accounts and seeing everything in front of him, paused slightly with the hand holding the sword, then let go and looked at Ji Jiashu, shrugged and accepted his fate.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you?"

"Lei Fa Bright Sword." Ji Jiashu said lightly through the tight barrier, "Do you think I'm blind?"

"You make it sound like everyone else is blind," Mo Hua looked at him speechlessly, "Actually, you are the only one who has noticed my identity up to now."

Even if he met this person's father, Mo Hua was sure that he could hide it for a while, but as expected, he still couldn't hide it from the Southern Chu Chunhua Lord.

The young man smiled helplessly, "As expected of the current sword master of Lei Fajian, it's not wrong that everyone couldn't grab you back then."

"Your swordsmanship is not inferior to mine," Ji Jiashu clenched his fists at the sides, staring at the young man in front of him who had pretended to be someone else, and said with a complicated expression.

"You have participated in the elementary ceremony long ago, what exactly do you want to do when you come to Nanchu now?"

 Everyone has vests, speak boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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