Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
The voice of the old mother in the palace fell, and there was a speechless silence in front of the gate of Nanchu Guoshi's Mansion.

It's late at night, but the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion is very popular at this time. The servants who temporarily decorated the gate with colored lights and the palace people who came to help in the palace are clearly separated. The palace people in the palace look happy, while Nanchu The people in the National Teacher's Mansion all looked strange.

When the old mother opened her mouth, Ji Jiashu quickly noticed that there were many people at the door of her house.

Because of the absence of the national teacher and his mother's indifference towards the marriage, when he and Ying Baoyue left in the morning, only minimal decorations were carried out in the mansion.

Although he knew in advance that there would be a nanny from the palace to help complete some final procedures tonight, but seeing the coldness in the mansion and the perfunctory manner of the palace people when he left this morning, Ji Jiashu originally thought that all red tape would be kept to a minimum.

After all, this is a temporary marriage contract and engagement. Because of the absence of his father, Nanchu Guoshi, the wedding date has not been fixed. Both the palace and the Guoshifu feel that it is enough to see the face. In the morning, the Queen of Nanchu also But ten people were sent over.

But looking at the palace people busy in Nanchu Guoshi Mansion at this time, it is obvious that there are many more people than in the morning.

what is happening?
Ji Jiashu looked at the old nanny who was standing respectfully at the door, trying to ignore the intercourse in what she just said, and only focused on the first half of the sentence.

"The wedding date has been set? But I haven't heard of it before. How dare you ask Mammy?" He took a deep breath and asked as calmly as possible.

"Ah, this one," the old nanny said with a beaming expression, as if she couldn't see the embarrassment of the teenagers at the door.

"The young master came back late today. Before the young masters came back, His Majesty sent someone to send an oral order. He said that he heard from the Second Highness that the engagement between the young master and the princess's royal highness was a grand engagement. At the end of the primary ceremony."

Second Highness...

Jiang Yuanyuan...

Ji Jiashu was speechless, was it really that person who did it?
"Oh, it's really gratifying," said the old mother with a smile. "Your majesty and the queen are very happy, and the second highness is even more happy that the young master can find a good wife. I heard that the dowry team around the princess has dispersed, so I specially sent a Many palace people came to help manage it."

"Second Young Master's courtyard has been rearranged by the old servant. It is a beautiful day tonight. Second Young Master and Your Highness, come in quickly!"

The old mother smiled and said, "The old slave is someone next to His Highness, and will take good care of the two newcomers tonight."

Jiang Yuanyuan...

Unexpectedly, the Second Highness of Nanchu had the potential to be a matchmaker. Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth when she heard the words, and the smiling face of the royal boy appeared in front of her eyes. She regretted why she didn't poison him more when she left.

Looking at Ji Jiashu's expression of being unable to explain what he said, Ying Baoyue deeply suspected that Jiang Yuanyuan's behavior was just to make things difficult for Ji Jiashu.

Ji Jiashu used her fiance as an excuse to interrupt Jiang Yuanyuan's blocking of her, but the Second Highness in turn sent a large number of palace officials to complete the scene.

The former fiancé gave the current fiancé to someone to handle the marriage, and forced the ex-fiancée and the current one to make a pile. It's really thanks to that person who can do it.Sure enough, those who can survive in the Nanchu royal family are not normal people.

Does that person want to hold grudges like this?

But... get engaged at the opening ceremony, get married at the closing ceremony... Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes, this arrangement sounds very Jiang Yuanyuan's handwriting.

The choice of this day was also very ingenious, after all, according to the blood alliance between her and Jiang Yuanyuan, the time of the primary ceremony was also the time to decide her ending in Southern Chu.

If she hadn't become the leader, she would have entered Ninggu Tower, and of course the marriage wouldn't have ended.

"This wedding date..." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue, and when he saw his gaze, Ying Baoyue knew that he and she were thinking of the same thing.

"Isn't that just right?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "If everything is unsatisfactory, then nothing will happen."

Jijiashu who was involved can also be free.

Ji Jiashu stared at the clear eyes of the girl in front of him, and he was slightly startled. He understood what she meant, but he looked at her pale face and the scars on her body.Suddenly, an unknown feeling rose in his heart.

"His Royal Highness?" The old mother at the door was stunned, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Ying Baoyue smiled when she heard the words, and then looked at the old lady with a delicate expression, "It's really gratifying that the wedding date has been fixed, but...why do I have to live with the second son tonight?"

Is there any necessary connection between the two?

She and Ji Jiashu are not married, but want to share the same room?What's the rule?The rules made by Jiang Yuanyuan?Is it too wide?
"Your Highness the Princess doesn't know something. This is our unique rule in Nanchu," the old mama's face didn't change a bit when she heard this, she looked at Ying Baoyue and said sternly, "If it's a visiting bride, she won't stay at her mother's house on the night of the engagement. If that’s the case, then for the sake of auspiciousness, the unmarried couple should watch the night together in the same room, so as to share joys and sorrows in the future.”


Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu when he heard the words, and Ji Jiashu held his forehead when he heard the words, "It seems that there is such a thing."

But this kind of flattering custom is generally used by merchants and small households from families with the surname B. How could the family with the A surname marry a daughter and let the bride come directly to the door, but this person's situation...

"Your Majesty and the Second Highness feel sorry for the distance of the princess's natal family, and specially let the princess go to the country to do as the Romans do," the old mother said with a smile on her face, "everything has been arranged, and the old slave is also following orders, the second son and the princess don't let the old slave suffer Let’s do it, happy things turn into bad things.”

This threat is already obvious...

Ji Jiashu had a headache, but it was not a big deal just to watch the night, not to mention that he had no reason to refuse what he said to Jiang Yuanyuan before, but what would this woman think?If he agrees, sharing the same room with a woman...

"Is it the custom of Southern Chu? Do as the Romans do..." But at this moment, Ying Baoyue's voice came from beside Ji Jiashu, "I don't care."

Does it matter?

The eyes of Ji An Geji Qingyuan Guichen Guili and the others behind her suddenly widened.

After all, it was impossible for her to go back to her natal family, and the Second Highness Nan Chu, who was so penny-pinching, was also determined on this point.

But it doesn't matter if there are some small things, if you really want to argue with these palace people, you will follow the wishes of someone who intends to embarrass others.

But it's just another place to stay for one night.Although as far as she was concerned, she only wanted to go back to the Qing'an Courtyard and stay by Ji Ange's side after such a tossing day.

"But..." Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled wryly, "Is it convenient for the second son?"

So she was worried that it was inconvenient on his side?Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, then shook his head.

"It's okay, but I have no preparations for the night watch, I'm afraid there is nothing to entertain you."

"You two really respect each other like guests," the old mammy said with a smile, "then come in quickly."

This is not about respecting each other as guests at all, but being polite to each other, right?Ji Qingyuan looked at the nanny who was talking nonsense behind the two of them, feeling speechless in his heart.

But no matter what, it was late at night, and no one could argue with the people in the palace. Ji Jiashu sighed resignedly, and stepped across the threshold.

This nonsense can only be done in this way, in short, it's only one night, and it probably won't cause any disturbances, so let's just leave it at that.

Ying Baoyue raised his foot and was about to enter the door, but at this moment.

"I disagree!"

Accompanied by a woman's scream, Ying Baoyue paused.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the woman who suddenly appeared at the threshold.

That was Ye Jingshu.

(End of this chapter)

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