Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 327 Division

Chapter 327 Division
"Don't, don't go..."

"Sister, don't leave me..."

"Xun'er... will be obedient..."

"You...why are you here?" The boy's cold voice came.Ying Baoyue was startled for a moment, looked at the cold and distant eyes of the young man who was close at hand, and hid all the memories in his heart.

Gui Chen watched the girl in front of him take a step back after a brief silence, and bowed to the boy in front of him.

"Cousin, long time no see."

"Sister Chen greets you."

Although Ying Xun was exiled by the former Qin royal family, as a peer, Ying Hanri itself cannot completely erase Ying Xun's identity on behalf of the clan. In the genealogy, Ying Xun is still the eldest son and grandson of Emperor Taizu, and his position is higher than that of Princess Baoyue. .

Therefore, according to the etiquette when the two met, it was Ying Baoyue who saluted him.

As it should be.

But looking at the girl who took a step back in front of him, Ying Xun raised his hand in a daze.

Just before touching her shoulder, he suddenly froze in mid-air.

Gui Chen was taken aback, this scene was very strange, Ying Xun's eyes were cold, but his movements didn't match his expression.

However, at the next moment, Ying Xun himself was also stunned, staring at his hand in a daze.

"My lord?" The guard who chased after him into the courtyard watched this scene and also settled in the courtyard.

In the silence, Ying Baoyue raised her head and stared blankly at the hand on her shoulder.

In those years of being together, when Ying Xun, who was still a baby and a toddler, wanted her to hug him, he would raise his hand to reach her shoulder like this.

But will human memory last until this time?

After she got engaged to his father, Ying Xun used to shut her up and shut her out until she lost the last memories and they never saw each other again.

All this, in the end why?
Ying Xun stared blankly at his hand, obviously she was the cousin he hated the most since childhood, but when she saluted him just now, he didn't want to see her bow her head to him.

Seeing Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked into those eyes, he was in a trance for a moment.

Had he seen such a pair of eyes before?
"My lord! Her Royal Highness insisted on breaking in despite dissuasion!"

Amidst the shouts of the nurses, Ying Xun suddenly recovered and withdrew his hand, and Ying Baoyue also stood up.

Ying Xun frowned and looked at her, "I remember I didn't post to you, what are you doing here?"

"Really? I thought it was my cousin, you forgot," Ying Baoyue retracted all her thoughts just now, and smiled at the unhappy young man in front of her, "It's because I didn't inform you that I'm going to participate in the elementary ceremony .but me……"

Ying Baoyue pointed to herself, "I am a practitioner from the former Qin Dynasty. And you..."

She pointed at Ying Xun, "You are the stepson of the former Qin Dynasty."

"You should invite me." Ying Baoyue said quietly.

Ying Xun was taken aback for a moment, he did not post on purpose because he resisted the woman's trouble in his heart, but he did not expect this woman to come to the door so directly.He wanted to refute, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "Things that don't make sense are meaningless. Don't look for reasons just because of your personal likes and dislikes."

There is no reason.

Ying Xun's brows were tightly frowned. If this woman insisted on participating in the primary ceremony, logically he had to invite her.

But this matter itself does not make sense.

At this time, the courtyard was already full of ex-Qin practitioners, watching the confrontation between the royal brothers and sisters, and hearing Ying Baoyue's words, there was a commotion in the crowd again.

"No way... This princess really wants to participate in the primary ceremony..."

"Is it necessary to assign people to protect her in the first round of this crowd battle?"

"It's really nonsense, can we not add to the chaos..."

"You heard it too, participating in the elementary ceremony?" Ying Xun looked at Ying Baoyue and said calmly after hearing the words, "It's okay if you are fighting alone, but the elementary ceremony is not a child's play."

"I don't know when you will practice cultivation, but don't think that you won't die because you have the status of a princess!" The boy's voice suddenly became severe, "Or do you think that your brother will trouble me if you have an accident? If you don't want to, you still want to protect you out of affection?!"

Ying Xun didn't expect this woman to be so self-willed at this time, she couldn't bear it.

"Go to another place to make a joke, stop joking about this kind of thing!"

The boy shouted sharply.

"This..." Gui Chen stared in astonishment, this time he was really angry and drew his sword out of its sheath, but suddenly a hand appeared in front of him, and Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand slightly to block him.

"Why," Ying Xun looked at her indifferently, "Are you still obsessed with..."

His unfinished words stuck in his throat.

Not because of emotion, but because he couldn't put it into words.

Because at this moment, someone strangled his neck and grabbed his collar.

Gui Chen stared wide-eyed, staring at the scene in front of him together with everyone else in astonishment.

Just when Ying Xun spoke loudly, when everyone who had nothing to do with him was about to be overwhelmed by this momentum, a hand suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled his head off.

"You think I'm joking?"

The girl's voice was calm, but being calm was another kind of unspeakable thing.

Ying Baoyue grabbed Ying Xun's collar and pulled it violently. Ying Xun was forced to lower his head and looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him in astonishment.

"You think I'm joking?"

Her gentle voice seems to be able to hit people's hearts.

"I can understand how you don't want to take me with you when the incident happened," those clear eyes that were close at hand looked at him like this, and said very clearly.

"I've bet my life on my side, do you think I'm joking?"

Ying Xun was taken aback.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered again, the cousin in his memory.

It seems really different from before.

But why did he have a familiar feeling again.

There is no concealment, no illusion, no pretense, in the eyes of the two facing each other, there are things he can't understand and things he can understand.

Then he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

She...wasn't joking.

But how is this possible?
Seeing the startled look in Ying Xun's eyes, Ying Baoyue withdrew her hand, and at this moment the courtyard was almost full of eruption.

Ying Xun clapped his hands violently, "Everyone, listen to the boy!"

"Let's discuss the business first!"

After speaking, he gave Ying Baoyue a complicated look, "If you want to participate, just listen carefully and cooperate with the arrangement. If you can't do it, go out now!"

Ying Baoyue smiled, smoothed his collar and pulled him away.

Ying Xun's heart skipped a beat, then he collected himself, looked at the practitioners who had already arrived in the courtyard, and began to talk about the business this time.

Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen stood aside and pricked up their ears.

"Have you understood the arrangement this time? If you want to survive the first round, please do so."

Hearing Ying Xun's hoarse voice, Ying Baoyue's eyes sank.

As she had expected, Ying Xun had indeed made arrangements in advance.

For the first round of entering the mountain in this crowd battle, he used a common but useful trick in the face of complicated situations.

That is to divide all the former Qin practitioners into small teams.

Each team has its own captain, and the members of each team cooperate with each other to protect each other, and it is also convenient to move.This is similar to the Shiwu system in the military establishment, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance the survival rate.

Ying Xun divided the teams into a total of eight teams, and Ying Xun himself served as the captain of a team. Looking at the seven captains who were arranged by Ying Xun to stand on the promenade except himself, Ying Baoyue's eyes darkened.

She heard that in the second round of the polo match, the number of teams from each country is eight.

It seems that these eight people are the main force for the former Qin to participate in the primary ceremony this time.

"I have divided the candidates for each team according to the roster. Let's pass it on and find their respective captains. When the time comes, you must listen to each other."

After a while, the roster was also passed to Gui Chen, and when he saw the name of the captain of the team he belonged to, Gui Chen was taken aback for a moment.

It was him.

(End of this chapter)

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