Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 346

Chapter 346
Originally, Meng Shi thought that she had already made a big breakthrough, and she would not be surprised if anything happened again, but she was completely stunned again when she heard the words.

She has grown up for 19 years, and she has seen all kinds of normal and abnormal practitioners from the most difficult situation...

But it was the first time Meng Shi heard someone offer to silence him.

She frowned and looked at Ying Baoyue opposite.

Who are these people?
Are you testing her?

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing interesting, but to be honest," Ying Baoyue looked at her and said calmly, "You are at the sixth level, and I am at the seventh level. Don't ordinary practitioners consider silence at this time?"

After all, it is only natural that rank [-] is weaker than rank [-]. Although Meng Shi was a very strong practitioner in rank [-], even though he was frightened for a while, he defeated Ying Xun who defeated Ye Siyuan.

If it wasn't a group of people who came just now, but Ye Siyuan alone, Ying Baoyue would suspect that she had already killed him.

After all, with Meng Shi's strength, she can kill Ye Siyuan without anyone noticing.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the woman across from her, her eyes moved down slightly.

From the very beginning, Meng Shi held the bloody coat with one hand, but her other bare arm was behind her back, pressed deep in the grass.

Noticing Ying Baoyue's gaze, Meng Shi's eyes moved slightly.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "Isn't your sword in your hand?"

Meng Shi's pupils shrank, and her hand had indeed touched the sword she had hidden in the grass beforehand.This woman even found out.

But no matter how sharp this girl's five senses are, as she said, this girl is only a seventh-level practitioner who has just advanced, and it is okay to beat the idiots of the same level, but she is definitely not an opponent of a sixth-level practitioner.

Not possible to be……

For such an obvious thing, she should have been more confident, but for some reason, looking into Ying Baoyue's eyes, Meng Shi felt guilty for a moment inexplicably.

If it is an ordinary seventh rank, there is no doubt about it at all. After all, rank six can't beat rank seven?I laughed out loud when I said it.

But looking at the woman in front of her, Meng Shi felt a little uncertain in her heart... probably not...

But no matter how many doubts there were in her heart, Meng Shi clenched the cold and slippery hilt tightly, her heart pounding.

It's completely feasible for this woman to silence her. It's not that she hasn't thought about it, it's not normal to say that she hasn't thought about it.

The secret of her disguise as a man is not only related to her own life, but will even affect her sister. It is because the consequences are so huge that she has to be cautious.No matter how protective and friendly the ex-Princess Qin is to her at this time, even if she swears a poisonous oath in this world, someone will violate it, and temporary protection cannot be trusted at all.

Only the mouth of the dead is safe in this world.

As long as she draws her sword, everything can be solved in an instant.

She doesn't have to worry anymore, and she will never leave any troubles behind. The secret she revealed tonight can be completely uncovered, and nothing will happen, as long as the person who knows her real body no longer exists.

The location of this lake is very hidden, and all the people from Southern Chu have left. Even if this woman wants to escape Meng Shi, she is confident that she can be restrained in an instant.

Right here, right now, it's just the two of them.

Under the cold moonlight, Meng Shi clenched the hilt of her sword, quietly watching the girl in front of her.

Ying Baoyue looked at her without saying a word.

The girl didn't say anything after that.

Neither swears nor swears or even promises that she won't tell.

She said nothing and did not move.

Time passed minute by minute, everything around was extremely quiet, I don't know how long this silence lasted, but it was in this dead silence.

Meng Shi exhaled suddenly, and let go of the hilt in her hand.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback, "You..."

"I won't do it."

Meng Shi looked at her quietly and said.

Even if this woman reveals her secret, she will die immediately without a burial, or even fall into a more tragic end than death.

Even if she is not familiar with this woman at all, there is no basis for believing her.

Even if it wasn't this woman standing in front of her today, she still wouldn't do this.

"I won't do that," Meng Shi repeated while looking at Ying Baoyue.

"Why?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Why would someone ask this back? Meng Shi couldn't help rubbing her forehead, but the next moment she looked serious, and looked at Ying Baoyue and spoke lightly.

"Because it violates the ancestral precepts of my teacher."

Cherish life and repay kindness.

Although when she heard it for the first time when she was a child, she thought this ancestral motto was really weird, but she had recited it countless times, and it had long been engraved in her heart.

If innocent people were killed indiscriminately, not to mention that her master would not let her go, she would never have the face to see that person again.

It was more painful than letting her die.

"You go," Meng Shi looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly, "Thank you for helping me just now, I owe you a favor."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "It's also caused by me breaking your bath before, it's not a favor."

this woman...

Seeing her speechless, Meng Shi paused and said, "I will act as if I have never seen you tonight. As for what you will do, I don't care. I just hope that Your Highness..."

"I've never seen you tonight either," Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "I'm leaving, I'm sorry to disturb you taking a shower."

After she finished speaking, she turned to leave.

It was originally her own farewell, but Meng Shi was taken aback suddenly when she saw this woman's neat figure.

"" Meng Shi looked down at the coat that was still draped over her body, and said hastily, "Wait, Your Highness, your coat..."

"I'll borrow you to wear it while washing," Ying Baoyue turned her head and smiled, she couldn't let this man be naked while washing, even if there was no one, it would be painful enough for a woman.

"Don't worry, this style is very common and won't be recognized by others," Ying Baoyue smiled at Meng Shi's nervous expression. She originally bought this shirt on the side of the road to prepare for going into the mountains. Cover it with a quilt at night.

"You need it more now, just return it to me when you have a chance," Ying Baoyue turned around after speaking, and waved to Meng Shi, "You should be busy, I'm leaving."

Ying Baoyue turned around and said silently in her heart where Meng Shi couldn't see, "Come on."

After speaking, she left without delay.

Looking at the woman's back, Meng Shi was stunned for a moment, then bit her lips tightly, turned around and started scrubbing by the lake with her bloody clothes in her arms.



This night, where so many things happened, passed, and no one knew what kind of conversation the two girls had by the lakeside on a moonlit night.

Meng Shi and Ying Baoyue returned to their own camps, and neither of them talked about what happened tonight to anyone.

The real secret is hidden in their hearts. If possible, they all hope that everything will pass like this.

But the bomb has already been planted, and they all know that this matter is not that simple.

With the dawn of dawn, the second day of the first round of the crowd battle of the primary ceremony began.

However, what surprised all the practitioners the next day was not the new monster vines and beasts, but a rumor that spread among the practitioners of the six countries.

That rumor is.

In the former Qin team, Ying Xun stared at the woman in front of him with a complicated expression, and read word by word the letter he had received from the carrier pigeon.

"Princess Ying Baoyue of the former Qin Dynasty is actually a traitor who secretly liaised with the Northern Wei Dynasty within the former Qin Dynasty."

 rumors started
(End of this chapter)

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