Big Moon Ballad

355 The Way Forward

355 The Way Forward
She... What is she talking about?
Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank when he heard this.

However, looking at his stunned expression, the girl in front of him quickly added, "Of course, I'm not saying that Mr. Ji should really kill someone."

Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat, and looked at Ying Baoyue and frowned, "Then what exactly are you referring to?"

Just after saying this, Ji Jiashu suddenly realized something when he saw the girl staring at him intently, "You mean..."

If it is not for him to really kill someone, then there is only one possibility left.

That's killing in disguise.

But why pretend to kill, combined with the current situation in today's eye mountain, he is not a fool, as long as Ji Jiashu is mentioned a little bit, he will instantly understand what Ying Baoyue is thinking.

Then again, he was amazed by the woman's calmness and everything she came up with.

It was obvious that everyone was panicked by the sudden situation, and it was obvious that the girl herself had been secretly targeted and framed many times.

But not only did she not mess up her hands and feet, she also came up with a solution amidst everyone's panic.

Yes, there is another way to solve the current panic situation.

"You..." Ji Jiashu turned around and met Ying Baoyue's eyes, then he said quietly, "Do you want to end this panic before the first round of crowd battle is over?"

Ying Baoyue smiled and nodded, and then her expression became serious, "It will be very dangerous to develop like this."

as predicted.Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of him, just when everyone was thinking about protecting themselves, winning the game, and would rather kill by mistake than let go of public revenge, the woman in front of him was thinking about ending this chaos directly.

"I don't know if you will believe me when I say that," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and paused, "If this goes on, everyone will be wiped out."

She watched and heard her words, and the boy in front of her opened her eyes little by little.

It was an unbelievable look.

But under that gaze, Ying Baoyue still looked serious.

If it is true as she guessed, there are seven countries in this mountain forest at this moment, and there is the existence of the black hand she guessed behind all of this.

It is entirely possible that the other six countries will be wiped out, and the young practitioners of the six countries will be completely injured.

Rather, this is the ending that the black hand wanted.

Ji Jiashu understood what Ying Baoyue meant, but looking at Ying Baoyue's gaze, as an examiner who had to be rational at all times, Ji Jiashu knew very well that it was difficult for him to trust her.

Looking into Ying Baoyue's eyes, he reminded, "There is only one day left for the first round of the battle."

No matter how tense the situation in the forest is at this moment, it is simply impossible for so many practitioners to be wiped out in one day.

"Although there was a big accident this time, everyone will be able to go out soon," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and comforted, "All this will be over soon."

This girl is indeed sharp and intelligent, and the situation in Tianmu Mountain is indeed beyond the expectations of the examiners, but is she overreacting?

But facing Ji Jiashu's comfort, Ying Baoyue lowered his head slightly and said softly, "It would be great if this is really the case."

"Huh?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback, but Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked at him with a wry smile, "So, it's not okay to let Mr. Ji do this?"

Ji Jiashu clenched his fists on the side, and then looked deeply at Ying Baoyue, "Do you want... If there is another inexplicably assassinated dead, do I pretend to be the murderer as a ghost?"

Talking to a smart person saves effort, Ying Baoyue nodded.

Now the practitioners in the forest are suspicious of each other and attacking each other. The main reason is that there is no clear murderer. Everyone is in danger, and everyone looks like a murderer.

The easiest and quickest way to solve this situation is to provide a murderer.

To put it bluntly, if the murderer cannot be found, then find someone to take the blame.

If possible, Ying Baoyue wanted to do it herself, and the mastermind behind the scenes seemed to want to throw the blame on her, but her taking the blame would only make the situation worse.

First of all, she is not strong enough to convince all practitioners.In the second step, someone would suspect that she had an accomplice, directly implicating the former Qin practitioners and even Meng Shi who had a close relationship with her in the past, from Meng Shi to the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then a group of people suspected each other and became chaotic.

But Ji Jiashu is different.

It was not Ji Jiashu who was in the forest at this time, but a terrifying and unpredictable "ghost" of unknown identity in the hearts of all practitioners.

Even if he is suspected here, no one will know who he is when he goes out, and there will be no leftover consequences.

Even if someone among the examiners knows, revealing the ghost's identity is a felony.Ghosts are against a large number of practitioners. In order to prevent someone from venting their anger, the Emperor Taizu made revealing their true identity a serious crime next to ransacking their homes and exterminating their clans.Under the felony, there is no brave man.

More importantly, judging from the degree of panic of the practitioners in the Northern Wei Dynasty just now, the rule that "ghosts" are not allowed to kill is actually known to no one except the examiner.

The power and cruelty of the "ghosts" are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not to mention that they have been observing them secretly for the past two days. Nothing can convince the practitioners more than the statement that the "ghosts" are the ones who assassinated them.

Be aware that the truth is not necessarily convincing, and people tend to believe what they believe to be credible.

As long as Ji Jiashu maintains this posture and stands next to the corpse, or if his acting skills are more sophisticated, he finds some red berries and smears two handfuls of red berries on the blade, causing blood to splatter, and the fake scene is established.

Ying Baoyue stared at the young man in front of her, and quietly expressed her thoughts.

Not just a whim, but a careful plan.

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of him with a complicated expression, she was serious.

She seriously wanted to solve all of this, and if she planned it, the panic might really calm down.


"Even if it's pretending to kill people, it still violates the principle of ghosts," he said softly while looking at Ying Baoyue, "As an examiner, I must abide by the rules."

Once a practitioner brought up the matter, he couldn't explain it to the chief examiner and other examiners.

More importantly, even if everything including Lin Zhong's accidental conspiracy and crisis is revealed, according to the traditional style of those old people, they will only think that he is making use of the topic.

At this time, the number of deaths of practitioners from all over the world probably doesn't count as much in the eyes of those people.

It's not that serious at all.

"The first round of the crowd battle will end tomorrow," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and repeated again, as if trying to convince himself, "Sorry, the current situation is not enough to convince the chief examiner to modify the rules."

If he insists on going his own way, he will be trampling on order.

If it really comes to the moment of life and death, he is not unaware of doing so.

But not yet.

"I'm sorry," Ji Jiashu didn't know whether he was apologizing to Ying Baoyue or the practitioner who died in this provoked fight. The young man's eyes had the pain of being bound that belonged only to him, and then he said again.

"I am the examiner of the elementary ceremony."

As an examiner, he could only refuse.

"That's it, I understand," Ying Baoyue looked at the resolute young man in front of him, understood that it's useless to talk too much and should not be forced on others, and then bowed to him seriously, "Then, Mr. Ji, goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she turned to leave.

Ji Jiashu also turned to leave, but for some reason, he felt faintly worried about why this woman...

"It's okay," he shook his head and whispered to himself, "Tomorrow will be over."

It will be over soon, the panicked practitioners in Tianmu Mountain are thinking so in their hearts.

As the morning light pierced the sky, all the teams accelerated their progress, and as the rumors that the ex-Qin princess killed a Northern Wei person was the real murderer were talked about in the team, all the teams rushed towards the northern exit desperately.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

"How could this be..." Ji Jiashu, who was standing on a tall tree and holding the trunk of the tree, looked at the scene in front of him and said in astonishment.

His unexplained worries turned into reality.

On the morning of the third day, there was a sudden fog in Tianmu Mountain.

Thick fog enveloped the entire forest, and in the bottomless fog, the team at the front went around again and again, but they kept seeing the same scenery and couldn't find an exit.

The place where it should have reached the end, but there is no way to see it.

"Damn it, where is it!"

"Where is there so much fog!"

"Step-son, this is already the seventh time. If this happens, the day will be over. How can we get out?"

Accompanied by the horrified questioning of the people in the team circled in the dense fog, Ji Jiashu's fingertips dug into the trunk firmly.

He remembered what the girl said last night.

"It would be great if that's the case."

At this time, he realized that it was him who was wrong.

All this is not so easy to end.

"What the hell is this?!" Accompanied by a scream that resounded through the sky, Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu in the dense fog raised their heads at the same time.

At various points, they opened their mouths with complex expressions, naming the conspiracy.

"Ghost hitting the wall."

Everything is not over yet.

The road ahead of everyone, at this moment.

are all blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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