Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 358 Recognition

Chapter 358 Recognition
The cold moonlight shines on the shadowy and jumping figures on the branches.

That cold figure wearing an iron mask moves extremely fast, and this speed can not only be achieved by a high level.

Ji Jiashu mobilized his whole body to chase after the person in front desperately, trying to identify the two figures in the distance while moving rapidly, especially the black figure in the front that had a huge gap between him and Ying Baoyue.

To walk on the flat ground in the complex mountains and forests requires not only the realm, but also a full understanding of the mountains and forests.

And at this point, that man seemed to have grown up in the mountains.

This intensified Ji Jiashu's curiosity about his identity.

The iron mask was a symbol of the identities of the ghosts in the battle of the primary ceremony, but before entering this mountain forest, Ji Jiashu was never revealed the identity of other ghosts.

The task of "ghost" in the primary ceremony is thankless, whether it is a master of the family or an examiner, he always refuses if he can, but the requirements for being able to pretend to be good are extremely high. His father would rather be short in the selection of candidates. Ji Jiashu originally thought this He is the only one in the entire Tianmu Mountain.

Didn't realize there was another one.

Who is this person?

At the beginning, Ji Jiashu thought about who could fall into the eyes of his father, but after chasing after that person for a while, there was only one thought left in his mind.

That is where did his father find such a practitioner who is so familiar with the mountains and forests?

Most of the high-level practitioners are descendants of aristocratic families. Most of them do not work hard and do not distinguish between grains and grains, and they are not familiar with mountains and forests at all.

But looking at the black shadow skillfully moving through the forest, Ji Jiashu was amazed.

Could it be that his father found some hidden orion expert?

Besides the black shadow at the front, there was another person who surprised Ji Jiashu, and that was the girl right in front of him.

The black shadow at the front is certainly formidable, but the more formidable he is, the more formidable Ying Baoyue, who is chasing after him at a mere rank seven and has not been shaken off by him until now.

That girl was able to catch up, in addition to her amazing perseverance, what was even more frightening was that her familiarity with this mountain forest was even higher than that of the man in front.

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl who took shortcuts from time to time while chasing people, and was able to fly forward even by grabbing a tree vine, and was almost speechless.

If that black image lived in the mountains for a long time, then what happened to this girl?

It's almost like being born in the mountains and forests.

But no matter what the situation of the two of them was, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, he would not be able to take it anymore if the two of them chased like this.

By the way, why did things become like this?

Ji Jiashu recalled carefully, Ying Baoyue and Guichen were besieged by Northern Wei practitioners just a quarter of an hour ago. This ghost scared away other practitioners just by passing by, but it was such an existence that people could not avoid. After taking a few breaths, he seemed to have thought of something, and chased after him without hesitation!
What is she trying to do?
Ji Jiashu was full of doubts, but before that.

What happened to the second ghost that appeared?Why do you run when you meet a practitioner?
The scene in front of me is too weird. The practitioner who should be terrified of ghosts is actually chasing ghosts. What is going on?
Even if the ghost doesn't attack at this time, this behavior is too risky.

Even though he didn't recognize the black figure at the front, Ji Jiashu instinctively sensed the extremely dangerous aura from that person. This is a very high-level practitioner.

Once the person in front counterattacks, the girl behind him will die without a place to bury her.

But even so, the woman's footsteps did not stop.

But Ji Jiashu knew better that this chase would not last long.Because the girl in front of him proved with her actions that she would not be thrown away.

The next moment, as if responding to his previous guess, just as Ying Baoyue No.40 was following up seven times, the black figure wearing the armor mask at the front suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Ying Baoyue also stopped, but Ji Jiashu didn't see any joy on her face. Instead, she held the hilt of the sword seriously, with an unprecedentedly serious expression, as if she was preparing to face the turbulent waves.


The next moment, without waiting for Ji Jiashu's reaction, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In just a short moment, a large amount of real energy suddenly burst out in the forest!And just when he felt all this, Ji Jiashu suddenly understood why practitioners who had encountered this ghost before would be so frightened when they encountered him again.

This is not ordinary true essence, but a river rushing towards us.

The power contained in that true essence is so powerful that only practitioners can understand it, enough to make all practitioners terrified.

Ji Jiashu mobilized his whole body to resist, but it was difficult to dispel the chill deep in his heart.

He raised his head in a turbulent heart, and saw the black figure wearing the iron mask standing quietly in the middle of the woods, without even drawing his sword.

This is really...

But just when Ji Jiashu was attracted by the strength of this unknown man, another girl's figure was caught out of the corner of his eye, and his expression suddenly changed again!
In the storm of true energy that even he had some trouble resisting, there was a slender figure, but he was actually facing the strong wind and waves.

Although that black shadow is a high-level practitioner, for some reason, he seems unwilling to use swordsmanship, and only uses his true energy to suppress the woman behind him who wants to force him to retreat.

But the girl didn't take a step back.

There were branches and stones brought up by the wind and waves brushed against Ying Baoyue's cheeks, and Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat when she saw it. Fortunately, she was not scratched in the end, but the woman kept approaching the shadow from the beginning to the end.




In the strong wind, the clothes on Ying Baoyue's body were scratched, with blood seeping faintly.Her face was also a little pale due to the depletion of her true energy. Ji Jiashu knew very well how much pressure she had endured as a seventh-ranked seventh-level practitioner. A normal cultivator should have already knelt on the ground at this time, but that girl was still able to move and persisted. go forward.

Her steps were soft and unsteady.

But no one can stop it.

Ji Jiashu watched helplessly as the girl approached the black shadow under such impossible circumstances, even the black shadow seemed unbelievable.

"You..." The man changed his voice and opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, but the next moment Ying Baoyue had already reached the center of the storm.

Looking at the girl who was facing him, the dark eyes of the man under the iron mask froze slightly, but he still didn't speak.

The eye of the typhoon is always the place where the wind is the least. Looking at Ying Baoyue who walked in front of him by his own feet, his expression was complicated. At this time, Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand to him and pushed his shoulder to the side. on a tree.

There was blood flowing from her sleeve, all the way down her wrist, the man looked sideways at her wrist, and didn't move for a moment.

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, then stretched out her other hand and touched the mask.

"It really is you," she said with a smile, staring into the familiar pair of dark eyes under the iron mask.

"Li Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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