Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 375 Clear

Chapter 375 Clear
The primary ceremony is very similar to the examination system set up by Emperor Taizu for the selection of civil servants in many ways.

The similarity is not only in the round after round of exams, but also in the fact that after each round, the government will post the results.

That is the so-called release.

Different from the literary test, whether it is a group competition or an individual competition, the results of each round of the primary ceremony will be released, so that the public can know the ranking and score of each practitioner in real time. In the final round, the public will pass the previous rounds. The results can basically be the candidate for the leader.

And if there are practitioners who can catch up from the later stage despite their poor performance in the early stage, they will become the so-called dark horses.

Every year, the dark horse is the favorite and most interesting thing for the people in Danyang City, especially the gamblers.

The release of the list is a major event in Danyang City. It is a wind vane and longing for practitioners who aspire to become immortal officials. Gambling money.

Danyang City is bustling and bustling, and there are many gambling houses and houses where fireworks are released. Every time the rankings are released, it is as lively as New Year's Eve.And the greatest pleasure for the people of Danyang City in each elementary ceremony is to bet on their rankings.

This year, there are crowds of people in front of the big red wall where the rankings are released in front of the government office.

"There was no suspense at the top of the list last year with Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu. It's no wonder everyone is so excited this year." In the teahouse in front of the official office, Chen Zichu looked at the official office in the distance, and said to Xu Yishan in front of him while drinking tea.

"There is no suspense this year." Xu Yishan quietly looked at the tea bowl in his hand, "At least there is no suspense in the first round of the battle."

"That's what I said..." Chen Zichu squeezed the tea bowl in his hand, looking at the slightly rippling water surface, his expression was a bit complicated.

For those of them who have experienced those three days and stood closest to the girl, they know better than anyone who performed the most amazing performance in the first round of this crowd battle.

What's more, Qianqin had the most surviving people and the earliest ones this time. It can be said that he stole the limelight and was the first among the crowd without any suspense.

So if there are no surprises, the former Qin's first meritorious player deserves to be the first in the first round of this crowd battle.

For them, there is no suspense about the first contributors to the former Qin Dynasty.

However, thinking of the previous dispute on the lonely mountain cliff and the secretive eyes of the examiner, and looking at the red paper that was slowly uncovered in the distance, Chen Zichu still became nervous. He could imagine that if the girl's name appeared in the first position, what would happen to the people at the scene? How much will it be affected.

A woman who appeared for the first time in the Primary Ceremony.

The first time you show up, take that seat.

Will all this become a reality?

" to open..." Chen Zichu spoke incoherently as he looked at the red paper slowly unfolded in the distance.

Xu Yishan looked at him speechlessly, "Since when have you stuttered more than me?"

Chen Zichu glared at him sharply, and immediately turned his attention to the red list, but before the red paper was lifted, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of the wall where the list was placed.

The thin figure was almost submerged by the crowd, and the young man with a scar on his face was busy pulling him out of the crowd.

But even though he was pushed to the side, the thin figure still looked up at the top position on the list.

"Meng Shi is here too," Chen Zichu said, "still running so far ahead. Don't you think it's crowded?"

"He didn't pay for the teahouse," Xu Yishan looked at Chen Zichu and said, "It's not like a certain examiner who sent the list directly to his home."

"That's it," Chen Zichu smiled awkwardly. He is a family member who can't understand Meng Shi's situation as a commoner, but obviously Xu Yishan can do it.

"But it's true that we are nothing compared to Jiashu who sent home the list," he shrugged, "but this kind of list release still needs to be watched live to have an atmosphere."

At this moment, cheers like waves of the people sounded in the distance.


At this moment, with the sound of paper rubbing, the red paper covering the list was torn from top to bottom!

"Who is number one?"

Chen Zichu pushed the window to the maximum and looked at the huge list full of densely packed names exposed under the red paper in the distance. He focused his attention on the name at the top first.

However, the next moment, Chen Zichu's smile froze on his face.

Xu Yishan was stunned and speechless.

Meng Shi beside Mo Hua in the distance was in the crowd, she raised her head in a daze, looking at the huge list above her head.

"Sure enough, I won the bet! There is no suspense in this first place! Those few are all bought and won't lose money!"

"Northern Wei and Southern Chu are not bad this year..."

"Wait, why is there a woman's name on it? Even if it's at the bottom, it looks really eye-catching."


In the teahouse, on the side of the street, Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan, Meng Shi, and perhaps others stared blankly at the list in front of them, but there was only one thought in their minds.

Everything, how could this be?


How did that happen?

Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion.

Just when the red list in front of the government office was announced, Ji Jiashu was sitting in the main room of his yard staring at the document in his hand.

"How about it?"

"What did Mr. Mengyang say?"

Just as he opened the document, a young man's eager voice came from the front of the desk.

Ji Jiashu squeezed the paper tightly, raised his head and looked at Ying Xun who was sitting opposite him.

It is difficult for Ying Xun to come to his yard, because the result that failed to reach the result two days ago will be delivered to him today.

At the same time, there was another person in the room.

Ji Jiashu looked at the slender figure lying on the low couch in the main room, her breathing was still quiet and long.

"Still sleeping?" Ying Xun also turned his head, looking at Ying Baoyue who had been sleeping for some reason since he came here.Today, when he saw this scene as soon as he entered the door, he was almost frightened, and his eyes on the fiancée became more and more complicated.

Ji Jiashu also seemed to be frightened by his misunderstanding and hastily explained that Ying Baoyue just came a quarter of an hour earlier than him.

They definitely didn't come here specifically to sleep with him.

"She has been like this since the end of the first round of the crowd battle," Ji Jiashu said, "It will always be like this when she can rest."

She also fell asleep on the way back from Tianmu Mountain.

It can be seen how much she spent in those three days, and she even broke through the limit that no rank seven could reach.


Ji Jiashu looked at the document in his hand, his eyes became cold and piercing.

"What is written on it? Isn't she..." Ying Xun looked at Ji Jiashu's expression and became uneasy.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, and handed him the document that was about to be torn apart by his real essence.

Ying Xun took it, and when he saw the name on the top, his pupils shrank.

He may... never felt that his name was a bit of an eyesore like now.

"In the primary ceremony, everyone will fight for the top spot in the first round." Beside the official office, Meng Shi read out the name hoarsely.

"First round, Ying Xun."

It's Ying Xun.

In the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion, Ying Xun looked at the document in his hand.

Top of the first round.

It was him.

Appeared first, not the girl.

"No.2, Huo Zhan."

Not even No.2.

Where is she?

In the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion, Ying Xun anxiously flipped through the documents, but when he saw the last page, his pupils shrank.

He doesn't understand.

Mingming has already told Mr. Mengyang everything.

But the final result turned out to be like this.

Ying Xun looked at the name of the woman who appeared in the last position, and his hands trembled for a moment.

The former Qin princess, Ying Baoyue.

The ranking of all the practitioners in the former Qin Dynasty is the last.

(End of this chapter)

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