Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 377 Name

Chapter 377 Name
"Won't you be angry?"

The young man in front of him asked with burning eyes.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and understood that it was her attitude that caused Ji Jiashu to misunderstand.

"Angry..." She paused, "Of course I will be angry."

After all, even if it is not the first place, the treatment of the last place can no longer be described as unfair.

Faced with injustice, she will naturally be angry.

But this is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing, and she also knows that this will never be the last time.The achievements she made when she first went to the battlefield were not credited to her, but to a certain "experienced" general at the time.

As she said before, she had a premonition about this matter before the list came out.This premonition came not only from her understanding of Li Mengyang, the chief examiner, but also from her speculation about what happened in Tianmu Mountain.

"You said you would be angry, but you don't look angry at all." However, facing her answer, Ji Jiashu obviously couldn't accept it.He fixedly looked into Ying Baodao's eyes, "You said you guessed it beforehand, how did you guess it?"

Although he didn't think it was easy to get the top ranking like Ying Xun, at least he knew that the woman's ranking would not be so low just because of her achievements in breaking the ghost and hitting the wall.

This is going too far.

Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes, and suddenly said softly, "In the document just now, did Mr. Mengyang explain the accident that happened in Tianmu Mountain?"

Ji Jiashu was startled, then nodded.

Hundreds of practitioners were trapped in the mountain. Nan Chu naturally had to give the world an explanation for such a big incident before Tianmu Mountain.

But both he and Ying Xun were attracted by the ranking just now, and they haven't read the explanation carefully.After all, he knows exactly why the ghost hitting the wall appeared in the first place, and how the ghost hitting the wall was cracked.So just now, he just glanced at it and didn't think about the content.

However, at this moment, the words that he had just glimpsed in a hurry appeared in Ji Jiashu's mind belatedly.

Then he moved a little bit, and opened his eyes wide.

"Although I don't know what is written on it," Ying Baoyue said, "but if I'm not mistaken, the truth of the ghost hitting the wall formation should be covered up, right?"

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes and nodded, "That's right."

as predicted.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

The fact that she was ranked last seemed simple and rude, but it was not.

The screening criteria for the first round of the initial stage crowd battle are relatively general, and there is a lot of room for manipulation, which seems to be easy to be exploited.Ordinary practitioners will feel that the examiners are blind and biased when they encounter unsatisfactory rankings.

But in fact, it just seems easy to take advantage of loopholes.Even if there is room for manipulation, it cannot be manipulated casually.

Just like her ranking, it can't be distorted here just by writing the last number.

Rather, the entire event that constitutes her merit has been tampered with.

Her greatest achievement at that time was to find the Northern Wei practitioner who was the eye of the formation together with Chen Zihan, and now in the official records, the existence of that Northern Wei practitioner should be completely erased.

"Zhenyan is not a practitioner of the Northern Wei Dynasty..." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and murmured, "It is written on the file that it is a fierce beast."

"Then he was killed by Chen Zihan and Meng Shi, right?" Ying Baoyue asked, "There was no mention of traitors in the Northern Wei Dynasty from the beginning to the end."

"That's right..." Ji Jiashu said with a cold heart, "I didn't mention a single word."

"It's really impossible to mention it," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, she didn't know whether to be lucky or unfortunate, "If this matter comes true, the Northern Wei Dynasty will become the target of public criticism, and so many people died in various countries, so they will not let it go Those who lived in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

At the same time, the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty would not let go of Meng Shi, who revealed this matter thoroughly.

After all, the cultivator who made the black hand has been silenced.The Northern Wei Dynasty couldn't even find a scapegoat.

So when Meng Shi raised this matter in front of everyone, she didn't answer, because if she wanted to mention her achievements in finding a team, she couldn't get around the fact that there was a mole in the Northern Wei Dynasty.Although the real owner of that man might be someone else, on the surface he is still from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The formation of the Northern Wei Dynasty to attack other countries is definitely the biggest scandal in the preliminary ceremony. The next few rounds of the competition after the Northern Wei Dynasty will be greatly affected, and they will even be disqualified from participating.

It is impossible for the Northern Wei Dynasty not to take measures.

And what appeared in front of them at this time was the measures of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"The Beihan Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty sent the corpse of a very rare beast that was only recorded in the Pharmacopoeia," Ji Jiashu said, "It is said that it is the eye of the formation that caused the ghost to hit the wall. It was domesticated, but the owner is unknown."

Has Beihan Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty made a move?
Ying Baoyue closed her eyes. There must be more complicated games and exchange of benefits, but anyway, "The one who solves all this is the Saintess of Beihan Pavilion?"

she asked.

Ji Jiashu's silence told her the answer to the question.

Ying Baoyue was also silent, and her heart was full of worries about the other woman.

It was the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty who resolved this matter.Then Meng Shi's situation is even more complicated.

In the eyes of other Northern Wei practitioners, it was Meng Shi, the stepson, who dragged everyone into danger, and the saint of Beihan Pavilion solved all these and became the savior.

And at the same time...Ying Baoyue looked at her palm, since she could even change the eyes of the formation, the reality was distorted and the situation became operable, and the achievements related to her were also wiped out at the same time.

She is well aware that for some people, this is a small effort and there is nothing wrong with it.

She knows it all.

However, at this moment, the boy's voice came again in front of her.

"I know how you guessed it," Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of him and took a deep breath, "but my question remains the same."

He looked at Ying Baoyue, and asked more seriously, "Aren't you going to be angry?"

Ji Jiashu didn't know what his mood was at the moment, whether he was angry or indignant, but even if the Northern Wei Dynasty wanted to maintain his image, Chen Zihan, Meng Shi, and even Huo Zhan and Ye Siyuan, who didn't do anything at all, their achievements and so-called "credit" Not deprived.

But only for her.

As long as they can get the chance, those people want to erase everything she has done.

It's not that Ji Jiashu can't guess the reason. In the eyes of some people, everything she does is rebellious. She is the only female cultivator. She is the princess of the former Qin Dynasty. She is...

But all this is unfair.

But why isn't she angry when she encounters this situation? !
"Angry?" Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the young man whose eyebrows were drawn together, and stretched out his hand to touch him.

"I knew this would happen beforehand, so I wouldn't be so surprised." Ying Baoyue said softly.

And she...

"But..." Ji Jiashu tightened her lips, stretched out her hand and grabbed her other wrist, "but this..."

"your hands?"

The next moment Ji Jiashu almost withdrew his hand abruptly, staring blankly at her wrist.

"Sorry," Ying Baoyue looked down at her wrist, "Is it very hot?"

She looked at her cursed wrist, and finished what she hadn't said in her heart.

And she...has no time to be angry.

Her time is running out, and she has more important things to do.

"I know very well," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and said quietly.

"There is nothing crueler than truth in this world."

She knows everything, and she chooses to face it.

Ji Jiashu didn't know how to describe his current mood, depression and outburst intertwined, injustice, anger, guilt and strange feelings overlapped, making him speechless looking at this girl.


"And..." But at this moment, the girl in front of her suddenly raised her head and smiled at him, "And there is someone like you who will be angry for me, so I won't be so angry."

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard this.

at this time.

"Mingyue! Those bastards!"

"elder sister!"

"Junior Sister!"

"Your Highness!"

At this moment, the voices of boys and girls filled with righteous indignation and crackling footsteps came from outside the window. Ying Baoyue turned her head, looked at the window with sunlight, and then turned her head to Ji Jiashu, who was slightly stunned, showing no trace of haze. smile.

"And I know very well that the world is not so bad."

There is an eternal night in the world, but in the long night, there is a bright moon.

The sun is shining brightly.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

The girl's body sat upright in the sunlight.

"The result of the first round of the crowd battle is out," Ying Baoyue straightened up and looked at the young man in front of him, "then there is only one thing I can think about."

She spoke softly.

"That's the second round, how to win."

(End of this chapter)

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