Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 389 Sister

Chapter 389 Sister
seven years ago.

That woman knew in advance that she might die, or in other words, when she left Qing'an Yuan, she had already decided to bet her life on something.

Because of this, she went to see Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange in advance to arrange everything.

But what kind of thing would drive that woman to such an extent?

To this day, Ying Baoyue still can't think of it.

"Really? Mother, she..." Ji Qingyuan's eyes paused when he heard the words. Although he was stupid, he had thought through a lot of things during the seven years of confinement, and he more or less guessed the meaning of his mother's last explanation.

But he couldn't guess what happened to the girl in front of him.

The faint moonlight cast a veil on the girl in front of her.

Ji Qingyuan gritted his teeth looking at Ying Baoyue, and asked, "Did you really... die back then?"

"You've already guessed it, right?" Ying Baoyue, who was thinking about life, glanced at him quietly.

Ji Qingyuan was startled.

"At first I didn't believe it, because everyone said you were not dead," Ji Qingyuan looked at her and paused, "After all, only three months after Emperor Taizu passed away, your name still appeared on Dongfang The sky above Wu Qinglong’s ancestral land.”

The news that Shao Siming lost the Azure Dragon God was widely circulated in the practice circle.

"Three months later..." Ying Baoyue's eyes were fixed, knowing that this was the Qinglong God incident that made her be regarded as an enemy by the entire Soochow.If this incident is not full of weirdness, it can be said that it is taking the blame for the dead.

But for some reason, Ying Baoyue didn't think to deny this pot in his heart.

"But from a moment later, I knew that you were really gone." Ji Qingyuan said quietly.

Ying Baoyue looked at him in surprise, "When?"

Looking at her, Ji Qingyuan's voice suddenly trembled for a moment, "since my mother passed away."

Ying Baoyue was startled.

"Everyone says you're not dead, and I want to believe that too," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly, "But I know one thing very well."

Compared with the colorful rumors circulating outside, he only believed in one other thing.

"If you're still alive, there's no way you'll put your mother in danger." Ji Qingyuan quietly stared at Ying Baoyue in front of him.

Even if he was seriously injured, even if it was his last breath, that girl would definitely stand in front of his mother.

That is Shao Si Ming Lin Baoyue.

"You're right," Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in front of him, and took a deep breath.

This is an instinct engraved in her body, and no one can stop her.

"Although I know it in my heart, I haven't been able to admit it," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "I dare not face it."

In one day, he lost two close relatives in a row. If he could not paralyze himself with illusions, he would probably collapse on the spot.

until today.

"What the hell happened to you back then?" He was finally able to ask this question.

No one in the entire Shanhai Continent knew what happened to the girl in front of her.

Live without people, dead without corpses.

This was the state of young Siming Lin Baoyue back then.

"You said you were dead, but the corpse..." Ji Qingyuan couldn't say the word.

"The corpse is in the Emperor Taizu's Mausoleum," Ying Baoyue said.

"What..." Ji Qingyuan's eyes widened in astonishment, he couldn't think of such a thing, "Then you..."

"If you want to ask how I died," Ying Baoyue shrugged, "I don't know either."

"I don't know?" Ji Qingyuan recalled Ying Baoyue's unresponsiveness when he talked about what happened eight years ago, he was shocked and said suddenly, "Could it be that your memory..."

"Well, no more." Ying Baoyue said, "It happened to be lost eight years ago, that is, the year before his death. At the same time, the memory related to practice is also lost."

Ji Qingyuan was speechless.

The memory of a practitioner is a part of his soul and true essence, which can be said to be the embodiment of the strength of a practitioner, but now even the most important things to this woman have been taken away.

It is not yet known who took it.

Ying Baoyue briefly introduced to him the whole story of how she wore the former Qin princess. Her words were simple, but Ji Qingyuan was terrified when he heard it.

Being deprived of the most important memory and starting from the most basic part, ordinary practitioners can't bear such a blow at all. She not only endured it, but also came here.

How much was paid out of it no one knows.

"Then you are now preparing to participate in the primary ceremony and continue to improve your realm?" Ji Qingyuan restrained his turbulent heart and asked, looking at the woman under the moonlight.

"Well." Ying Baoyue said, "I can't do anything well in my current state, so I can only focus on one thing."

An opponent who can make Master even fight for his life is definitely not something she can fight against now.

Looking at the girl in front of him, thinking of the blood alliance she made with Prince Nanchu, Ji Qingyuan had mixed feelings.

It all seemed like nothing more than the conceit of a dreaming little girl then.

But now he already knew that that woman really wanted to do all of this.

"Sorry for reminding you so much of the past today," Ying Baoyue said while looking at Ji Qingyuan.

"It's nothing," Ji Qingyuan looked at her and muttered, "After all, you're back."

This is enough, no matter what his identity is, it is the best news he has encountered, enough to offset countless pains.

"But I'm still sorry to make you sad," Ying Baoyue stepped forward, stretched out his hand to touch the tears that had never flicked in Zhanji Qingyuan's eyes, looked at him and smiled, "As the price for breaking my promise in the past, I will make up for it." What is your birthday wish, what do you want?"

She should have been extremely uncomfortable when she heard the news about her mother, but she still chose to face everything head-on.

This is her.

Ji Qingyuan felt emotional in his heart.

"What I want..." Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl under the moonlight, thought for a long time and then said, "I want to eat your cooking."

"And the dim sum you make."

The young man made a big circle in a serious manner.

"I remember it was called... cake?"

"Eight years... I want to eat eight!"



As the night gradually darkened, servants carrying food boxes shuttled outside the courtyards of the young masters and young ladies of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, and each courtyard began to serve dinner.

Ji Si and Wang Zhong in Ji Jiashu's yard were also standing at the table serving dishes for Ji Jiashu.

"Qing'an Courtyard feels very lively tonight."

But at this moment, Ji Jiashu, who was sitting at the table staring at the bowls and chopsticks, said suddenly.

Ji Si, who was serving the dishes, was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and said with great interest, "Today I heard that Her Royal Highness ordered a lot of ingredients, and she is cooking in Qing'an Courtyard!"

"Cooking yourself?" Wang Zhong showed surprise on one side, "I didn't expect Her Royal Highness to cook?"

"That's not only good at doing! When I passed by that area before, oh, that scent..." Ji Si restrained his saliva while speaking, but the next moment his foot was stepped on.

"Wang Zhong, is your skin itchy? Why step on me!" Ji Si almost jumped, but at this moment Wang Zhong winked at him and pouted forward.

Ji Si looked over and saw Ji Jiashu who was silently sitting in front of the table staring at the dishes on the table, his expression was complicated for a moment.


"Is the dinner not to your liking? The villain will go to the kitchen to ask for something? By the way, Madam and Miss Ye have brought snacks in the afternoon..."

Ji Jiashu silently stared at the table full of them, and didn't answer, but the next moment.


Seeing Ji Jiashu standing up suddenly, Ji Si spoke in astonishment.

"Go to Qing'an Yuan." Ji Jiashu said.

"But Qing'an Yuan..." Ji Si muttered.

"Is there anything wrong with going to Big Brother's yard?"

"Even if you can't get in..." Ji Jiashu silently looked at the courtyard gate that hadn't been installed yet.When Ji Si saw the door opening, his scalp exploded, remembering the scene where Ji Jiashu directly smashed the door.

If Master Guoshi doesn't come back, the rules in this mansion will be useless.

Ji Si sighed in his heart.

And everything starts with the arrival of a woman...

"Let's go," said Ji Jiashu, who had already reached the door.

"But son, we didn't say hello here, but Her Royal Highness..."

"She's my fiancée," Ji Jiashu turned to look at him, for some reason Ji Si suddenly felt a little dissatisfied or wronged by this look...

But when he took a closer look, he changed to Ji Jiashu's usual calm expression.

It must have been his illusion just now.

"Can't I eat the food she cooks?"

Ok, Ok……

Ji Si said in a hurry.

"His Royal Highness will certainly not mind."

But I don't know what will happen when they go here?
(End of this chapter)

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