Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 395 Capture

Chapter 395 Capture
The wind came from nowhere.

In the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, the howling wind rattled the windows.

As the sun was setting, Ji Qingyuan, who was studying at his desk in the East Court of Qing'an Academy, was startled when he heard the sound, and raised his head to look at the window frame gilded by the setting sun.

"Brother." At this moment, a woman's voice sounded from the door, and Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Ange who came in through the threshold.

"An Ge." Ji Qingyuan looked at his sister who rarely came to his own yard on his own initiative, "What's wrong?"

Bathed in the setting sun, Ji Ange looked at Ji Qingyuan uncomfortably, "It's going to be dark soon."

"Well," Ji Qingyuan looked at the sunset outside the window and nodded, "This day really flies."

The back of the woman who left in the morning is still vivid, and before she knew it, it was almost a day since she left with the guard.

Hearing Ji Qingyuan's words, Ji Ange bit her lip, and finally couldn't help asking, "Is there any news from there?"

Ji Qingyuan knew exactly what news his sister was asking for, so he shook his head, "There is no news from the carrier pigeon yet."

"Not yet?" A trace of worry appeared in Ji Ange's eyes. It has been a whole day, and there is no news until now. What happened to that woman?Even if you want to find someone to fight, you should finish fighting three times in a row. Could it be that you can't do anything at all, and you are too ashamed to find a place to hide?
"Yeah, I don't know what she's been doing for so long." Ji Qingyuan looked down at the book he had been reading for a day but hadn't turned a page. "If I had known, we might as well go join in the fun."

Before the woman left, she said that it was not a formal game and there was nothing to see, so he didn't go if they didn't need to follow her to watch.But at this time, Ji Qingyuan couldn't help feeling a little regretful.Even if it wasn't formal, it would be very interesting to see that woman riding a horse against someone for the first time in her life.

However, upon hearing Ji Qingyuan's words, Ji Ange opened her eyes wide and frowned at her brother.

"Go together? But the place where His Highness went down is... the racecourse, right?" She looked at Ji Qingyuan strangely.

"Brother, what exactly are you going to the horse farm for? I don't remember you..."

Ji Ange looked at Ji Qingyuan suspiciously and said.

"Aren't you most afraid of horses?"

Ji Qingyuan was shocked when he heard the words, and Ji Ange knew that there was nothing wrong with her memory.She silently stared at Ji Qingyuan who was dripping with cold sweat from the forehead in front of her.

Yes, the biggest weakness of her big brother who went to heaven and earth for her is...

afraid of horses.

Most of the young princes of aristocratic families like to ride horses, but they have never seen Ji Qingyuan ride a horse since Ji Ange could remember. horse riding.

Fortunately, they didn't have a few chances to go out when they were young, so she didn't notice it at the time.Later, when she grew up and realized something was wrong, she asked Ji Qingyuan before he confessed that he had always been afraid of horses.

Ji Ange knew very well that it could make Ji Qingyuan give up the so-called elder brother's face and confess, which proved that this fear had been engraved into his instinct, and it was genuine.

However, at this moment, a person who is afraid of horses proposed to go to the racecourse. Where did he come from?
Looking at his sister's questioning eyes, Ji Qingyuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

"I'm afraid of horses because I was kicked by a horse when I was a child." He spread his hands and explained.

And more than once.

It's all because the horses that man rides are more fierce than the other...

"But although I'm afraid of horses," Ji Qingyuan said with a smile, "but your elder brother, I really like watching other people ride horses."

Especially the one riding a horse.

Ever since he was a child, his favorite thing was to watch that man ride a horse.

That's right, Ji Qingyuan thought, he still likes it now.

"I can't help but miss it today," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Ange and said with a smile, "No matter what His Highness says tomorrow, I will definitely go and see it."

Ji Qingyuan's eyes brightened.

Tomorrow he will go to dream back to his childhood.

"Tomorrow?" However, Ji Ange was taken aback when he heard the words, "Brother, do you really think she..."

Can she get a spot in tomorrow's polo match?
At the dinner table last night, the woman said that she was going to make a fuss. It sounded very domineering, but Ji Ange didn't believe it.

I don't believe that woman can really compete with those men on horseback, and even beat other outstanding players in the long-trained former Qin team.

During the holidays before, she also watched a few polo games with the female relatives, and the powerful horse legs all over the ground left a great impression on her.Although she doesn't know polo, she knows that unlike other matches, equestrian skills cannot be improved in a short time, nor can it be solved by perseverance.

Just like the practitioners in the mainland, no matter how much they practice, they are not as strong as those of the northern nomads.

In the second round of the primary competition, the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Later Liao Dynasty have always competed for the first and second places, and no other country has anything to do with it.

Ji Ange really didn't understand where his brother's trust in that woman came from.

"His Royal Highness's realm is not high, it is difficult to suppress the opponent." She frowned and looked at Ji Qingyuan, "Brother, why do you think she can do it?"

How on earth is he going to win and make Ying Xun change his mind?
She didn't mention equestrian skills. After all, the princess always rides in a carriage when she goes out. Even if there are a few female relatives who can ride horses, they don't know much about equestrian skills.

The so-called equestrian skills cannot be cultivated without years of baptism on horseback.

Ji Ange really didn't understand where his brother's confidence in that woman came from.

"Why do I think she can do it?"

In the twilight, Ji Qingyuan stared at his younger sister with burning eyes and puzzled face, and muttered while holding his chin.

The issue is.

From the very beginning, he never thought that the girl would be unable to do it.

After all, if you only talk about equestrianism.

Ji Qingyuan suddenly remembered a sentence he had heard in the Daqin military camp when he was a child.

That is.

Princess Zhaoyang, bravely crowned the three armies.

second to none.



While the Ji brothers and sisters were talking in the Qing'an courtyard, Ji Jiashu was sitting alone in his study in the courtyard, feeling a little restless.

He picked up the pen, but did not drop the ink for a long time, so he could only lower his head and quietly look at the collection of poems spread out on the desk.

"The decisive victory is determined in advance, and the hooves of hundreds of horses are close to each other. The ball is startled and the stick is united and separated, and the red ox tassel is golden."

Sitting alone in the room, billowing smoke and dust appeared in front of Ji Jiashu's eyes, the horse's hooves crushed the void, mixed with blood and sweat, in the gap between the flesh and the horse's body, the eight-treasure gilt ball whirled straight, chasing after it fiercely With one blow, someone else's long sword sticks out from the side!


A thunderous sound suddenly sounded outside the window, abruptly calling Ji Jiashu back from the memories of the polo field.

With a sudden shock, he stared blankly at the poem in front of him, but he seemed to see the figure of the girl who was leaning against the desk before.


The night gradually appeared, and suddenly there was another thunder outside!
"Master! Change! Change!"

At this moment, the book boy's shout suddenly came from outside the window.

With a bang, the chair behind Ji Jiashu fell to the ground, but he didn't bother to help and pushed the window open.

"What changed?" He looked at Ji Si who rushed into the yard holding a letter, "Who changed it? Something happened to Nanchu's team?"

"No, yes, it's Qian Qin..." Ji Si was sweating profusely while running, his face flushed but he stared at Ji Jiashu in front of him, "Qian Qin's candidate for the second round of the crowd battle has changed!"

who changed?
Ji Jiashu's eyes widened in astonishment, "What happened? Who changed?"

What the hell did she do?
"It's changed, Her Royal Highness!"

Ji Si's eyes were burning, as if there were flames burning in his eyes, and the blood in his chest was boiling, he straightened his waist and spoke loudly and infinitely emotionally.

"His Royal Highness picked six people in a row and won two places to participate!"

 "The decisive victory of Cao Cao is set before the appointment, and the hooves of hundreds of horses are close to each other. The ball is startled and the stick is united and separated, and the red ox tassel is tied with gold." Tang Hanyu, "Biansi Exchange Presented to Zhang Pushe (Jianfeng)"

(End of this chapter)

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