Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 397

Chapter 397
Just after this sentence, Ji Si saw a wonderful match that he had never seen in his life.

Pick six people in a row.

After that, counting the one she defeated first, the former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue challenged six practitioners in a row.

The whole process can only be described as breathtaking, and four of them were directly overturned by the woman from the horseback.

As the woman said, come one by one, the teams participating in the second lane of the crowd battle are generally ranked according to the strength and status of the players, the strongest is No. [-], followed by No. [-], and so on.

After Ying Baoyue finished speaking, she launched challenges one by one, starting with the eighth player who Huo Zhan said was just a "snapshot mistake" and lost to Gui Chen.

The eighth person, the seventh person she has already challenged does not count, the sixth person, the fifth person, the fourth person...

"All the way to Mr. Huo, who was ranked second in the former Qin Dynasty." Ji Si said looking at Ji Jiashu.

"Since we are picking six people in a row, then the remaining members of the former Qin team..."

Ji Jiashu stared at Ji Si for a moment, no way...

However, it was the ending that no one expected.

"In the end, only Mr. Ying Xun and Mr. Huo are left," Ji Si said looking at Ji Jiashu.

"Of course it's to make trouble." The girl's voice from last night was still echoing in his ears, only then did Ji Si deeply realize that there was not a single lie or joke in what the girl said.

More than a joke.

A good former Qin polo team was almost taken over by that woman.

Ji Si recalled the scene he saw when he was hiding behind the fence. When the woman challenged the few people in front, all the onlookers still had a look of watching. After all, the former Qin team knew how to play polo. Not many, the first few people are indeed much weaker.

But as time went by, the expressions on the faces of the onlookers became more and more ugly.

Especially the other practitioners from the former Qin Dynasty didn't even want to accept Ying Baoyue's challenge later on.

But this kind of non-acceptance is tantamount to directly admitting that the skills are inferior to others.

It is unacceptable for someone to show timidity in front of that woman.

Even if the former Qin practitioner didn't want to compare, the red-eyed Huo Zhan would not allow that practitioner not to compare.

"Huo... Mr. Huo..."

"Show me your skills, people from the Zhao family are so useless?!"

Under Huo Zhan's almost murderous gaze, the former Qin practitioner had no choice but to mount his horse with his sword, and was picked and thrown off the horse by the woman.

"Pick it up?" Ji Jiashu asked in astonishment after hearing Ji Si's words.

My son, you heard me right...

"His Royal Highness's equestrian skills..." Ji Si scratched his head, "I don't know much about these things, but it looks... very practical."

practical?Ji Jiashu was startled.

Without gorgeous movements, without swinging the sword wide open and wide, and without the "chic" skills that the family members used to use, the figure of the girl riding the horse and drawing the sword appeared in front of Ji Si's eyes.

Clean and neat, the sword does not go empty.

If Ji Si were to say it, he could only say this.

It sounds simple, but if you can do it, it's really scary.

Ji Jiashu was secretly startled when he heard the incoherent description of the little boy in front of him.

From the moment he picked up the word, he felt something was wrong.In Ji Si's description, the girl's skills somehow reminded Ji Jiashu of a kind of person he only knew about in books and the narratives of his predecessors.

That is.

Cavalry on the battlefield.

Why does the technique used by the girl in Ji Si's words, the movements engraved in her bones, sound so similar to the skills of a cavalry on the battlefield?
Ji Jiashu's heart beat violently for the guess in his heart.

"Young Master?" Ji Si looked at the suddenly silent young man in front of him.

"It's nothing." Ji Jiashu came back to his senses, he shook his head and showed a helpless smile.

"She was always special."

Hearing this, Ji Si nodded empathetically.

Ji Jiashu left the window and slowly closed it, "After she picked six people in a row, it was Ying Xun who called to stop?"

"That's right," Ji Si nodded, "After winning the sixth game, His Highness has pointed his sword at Mr. Huo."

He still remembers Huo Zhan's shocked, stunned, angry and unwilling eyes at that time.But the boy who had been blindly contemptuously before, faced the girl on the horse who pointed the sword at him, and the hand that drew the sword trembled for a moment.

The mighty Mr. Huo probably never thought that he would be forced to such a point by a seventh-rank practitioner one day.

When Ying Baoyue challenged to the fourth person, he should have met a sixth-level practitioner who was higher than her level.

But she also won. After all, polo is not an individual victory or defeat, but also cooperation with horses.

The introduction of the primary ceremony of the polo game was originally intended to train cavalry. If that woman really understood the skills of cavalry, the sequence would have been reversed.

Facing such a powerful young girl who showed no way to obliterate her existence, Ying Xun finally called a stop.

"Ah Zhan, stop."

Ying Xun rode on the horse, looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "You are eligible to participate in the second round of tomorrow's crowd battle. You don't need to challenge the two of us anymore."

Ying Xun not only stopped himself, but also stopped Huo Zhan, and agreed to Gui Chen's entry at the price of the last place.

"Why does Mr. Ying Xun not want Mr. Huo to continue the competition?" Ji Siyi asked.

"Because if the comparison goes on like this, the former Qin team will lose prestige." Ji Jiashu said lightly.

That girl single-handedly turned the entire former Qin team upside down.

Ji Jiashu looked at his palm, remembering the conversation between the girl and him.

"Can I only take the first place..." he murmured.

The one who really doesn't understand may be himself.

She knew it all from the beginning.

If you can't gain recognition just by defeating one or two practitioners, then come one by one.

If someone couldn't understand, she was strong enough to make them understand.

This is the woman's conspiracy after facing countless conspiracies.

Pick six people in a row.

That girl created a legend before the second round of the primary ceremony.

Qianqin really changed his generals.

This news is big news for the entire Danyang City, but not many people know it yet.

But anyway.

"Everyone will be surprised." Ji Jiashu looked out the window and said secretly.



More than surprised.

The news has not come out of this door, and someone in the nearest place is angry.

In the south of the National Teacher's Mansion, there is a very elegant small courtyard, but it is different from the appearance of this small courtyard, and there are sounds of various broken porcelains coming from inside.

"She actually wants to participate in the polo match!?"

"Brother finally got the qualification, and she also participates? Does she deserve it?"

Ye Jingshu looked at the debris on the floor, but still couldn't hide her anger. The source of this anger was the news she just received.

"That woman... actually wants to participate in a polo match that only older brothers can participate in..." Ye Jingshu's phoenix eyes flashed a trace of cruelty and anger.


However, amidst the trembling voice of the servant, Ye Jingshu's eyes suddenly brightened when she was furious.

"Polo, I remember, is it easy to lose arms and legs?"

(End of this chapter)

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