Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 405 Chu Ge

Chapter 405 Chu Ge
Just in front of the horse, the black wooden ball streaked across the sky like a real shooting star.

It hit the net with a bang!
"Qianqin, Zhongyi!"

Accompanied by the military attache's announcement, the word "one" was turned over under the flag of the former Qin Dynasty on the counting board beside the court.

At this time, most people inside and outside the racecourse have not reacted yet.


"what's the situation?"

It was not only the Southern Chu people who reacted, but also the former Qin people.

"We... scored a goal?" A former Qin cultivator asked in astonishment, staring blankly at the figure of a young girl rushing to the enemy's goal alone like a flying arrow.

Ying Xun also stared at Ying Baoyue who had already rushed to South Chumen, and took a deep breath.

"Former Qin people, run!"

Amid the youth's clear shouts, the former Qin practitioners dispersed in an instant, but at this time, Nan Chu had no time to reorganize their formation, and they had a more important thing to do.

"Nan Chu, change!"

After the crowd dispersed, the two Southern Chu practitioners, who were lying on the ground with their horses and men, looked very conspicuous and miserable.

The grass was stained red with blood. Although there was no fatal injury, the hardest and most fragile bone of a person had been broken.This scene looks thrilling, but in fact this scene in the polo field is very common.

But although it is common, it is rare to see it so early.

"Seeing red at the beginning... This is too unlucky..."

"Even the horse was injured, isn't it too dangerous?"

"By the way, how did these two people bump into each other just now? It feels like they are chasing someone?"

"It should be... an accident, right?

"Yeah, that woman is lucky."

The wounded were replaced, but Ye Siyuan's face was as dark as ink, looking at the counting board with one written on it not far away, his whole body was full of anger.

However, Ying Baoyue stopped watching.

She is very clear that what happened just now cannot be copied, she just strikes while the iron is hot, and strikes first before everyone has reacted just now.

But once Nan Chu reacted, everything would become extremely difficult.

"Nanchu people, spread out!"

At this time, Chen Zichu's voice came, and two players were replaced, but Nan Chu's strength was not weakened.

Feeling the profound real energy in the Southern Chu practitioners, many former Qin practitioners secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Chong..." Ying Xun was about to shout, but a higher voice overwhelmed him.

The voice of the Southern Chu people.

Although Chen Zichu yelled once, Nan Chu's second yell no longer belonged to him.


Ye Siyuan was furious, looked at the slender figure not far away, and shouted, "Come on!"

Accompanied by his sound, the Southern Chu practitioners began to gallop out according to their positions.

Ying Baoyue has already seen that although Nan Chu's stepson is Chen Zichu, the ball head is also the so-called captain of the polo team, probably Ye Siyuan.

And just as Ye Siyuan roared, the Southern Chu practitioners started to counterattack.

"Pass the ball!"


"Where are your eyes? Go grab it! Go hit it!"

Amidst the chaotic shouts, the black wooden ball flew up and rolled, but never returned to the former Qin man's horse.

"Nanchu, Zhongyi!"

"Nan Chu, middle school two!"

"Nan Chu, middle three!"

The score gap is getting bigger and bigger, and the former Qin practitioners are getting more impatient and desperate.Ying Xun's eyes were full of fire, but there was still no solution.However, at this moment, Nan Chu's goal speed slowed down.

A white figure appeared in front of the goal in the north of Southern Chu. Ying Xun stared blankly at the girl and said loudly, "Leave this to me, and the others go to the west gate!"

Ying Xun was taken aback for a moment, and then said loudly, "Do as the princess says!"

The next moment, Qianqin's formation changed again. Ying Baoyue, who was fighting for the ball in front, retreated to the goal and temporarily withstood the Nanchu tsunami-like attack.

But that's just blocking.

There was a lot of dust in the entire polo field. Under Ye Siyuan's leadership, the Southern Chu practitioners looked at the woman together.

"At any time, you're going to spoil my affairs." Ye Siyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly.

Ying Baoyue clenched the long sword in her hand and said nothing.

"It's a pity," Ye Siyuan suddenly looked up and laughed while riding on the horse, "You can have such a speed of controlling the horse, and you can still hurt my people. You really have that kind of ability."

"It's just..." Ye Siyuan glanced at the crowded but chaotic door on the other side, looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "But your teammates, no one thinks they can win us."

"Let's see how long you can last alone," Ye Siyuan said.

"The former Qin Dynasty is really useless." He glanced at the former Qin people not far away and the powerful Southern Chu practitioners beside him, and laughed. "Finally, I have time to do what I want to do."

"Get through this door." Ye Siyuan looked at Ying Baoyue coldly and said calmly to the practitioners behind him, "No matter what method you use, none of the four will be destroyed, and you don't need to come back to see me."

Everyone inside and outside the racecourse was stunned when they heard this sentence, but at this moment, the four horses in the Nanchu team suddenly raised their hooves and rushed towards Ying Baoyue!

Not far away, Ying Xun wanted to charge, but was blocked by other practitioners. Originally, another former Qin practitioner who was near the door rushed over on horseback, but seeing the four horses cower for a moment, they retreated suddenly and disrupted their pace. .

"Be careful!" Seeing that the former Qin practitioner was about to be bumped into by the Southern Chu people, Ying Xun's eyes were shattered, but the next moment another slender figure stood in front of that person.

The next moment, among those who chased and intercepted Ying Baoyue, someone finally succeeded.

The girl's body slid off the horse's back and fell heavily to the ground. Just by looking at it, one could think of the sound of bones breaking.

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, his heart skipped a beat and he was about to stand up, but his eyes froze suddenly.

In a polo match, a player falling off a horse declares the end of everything, even life.

However, she sat up the moment she fell from the horse.

The only one who was able to get back up after falling off a horse.

The woman was still holding on to the rein with one hand, but her horse didn't run away in fright, it just stopped beside her, the horse was on one side, and the horse that hit the person rushed out from the side.

Everyone looked at the girl on the ground in astonishment.

Obviously, that kind of fall should be seriously injured and unable to recover.

However, the woman just leaned against the horse's leg, breathing heavily.

These bumpers were obviously heading for her hands and feet!

When she stood in front of the former Qin cultivator, the group of people changed the direction of the impact!

Anger appeared in Ying Xun's eyes, recalling the scene of Ying Baoyue being hit for the first time, he bit his lips tightly.

again and again.

again and again.

Would they never want to let her go?

How vicious is it, using the cover of the polo to break her hands and feet?
her hands and feet...

However, at this moment, the dust dissipated, and Ying Xun couldn't bear to look directly at the tragic situation that the girl would have, but when he forced himself to look, his eyes froze.

Ye Jingshu's smile froze at the corner of her mouth in the distant box.

It was because the girl leaning on the horse's leg looked stern, but she didn't cry with a broken leg like the practitioner who fell from the horse before.

All practitioners knew that the fall just now would definitely hurt their muscles and bones. However, everyone looked at the scene in front of them and saw that the girl's bones did not break.

Ying Baoyue's arms hang down softly.And the next moment, accompanied by a rattling sound, Ying Baoyue sat on the ground and stretched out her hand to shake it, and her arm returned to its original appearance
"This is……"

What's happening here?
Jiang Yuanyuan, who was sitting next to Ji Jiashu, asked in astonishment. Ji Jiashu looked at the scene with mixed feelings in his eyes, and closed his eyes with his fingertips piercing his palms, "I'm afraid she used her joints to bear the impact, so she only dislocated but didn't break. Solved the dislocation by myself."

Solved the dislocation yourself?Seeing this kind of practice for the first time, Jiang Yuanyuan opened his eyes wide, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely when he heard that, then he should...

How much pain should that be?
"Does that girl want to be so ruthless?" Jiang Yuanyuan quietly looked at the racecourse in the distance.

But he couldn't take his eyes off the woman.

Maybe everyone is like this.

Even the people from Nanchu who bumped into her couldn't react.

The next moment, Ying Baoyue got on the horse again before being trampled by the horse's hoof and everyone exclaimed.

However, at this moment, Ji Jiashu stood up suddenly on the high platform, and looked at the girl who had mounted her horse again.

She performed very well, but as Ye Siyuan said, the biggest problem of Qianqin now is that other than her, other practitioners don't have much fighting spirit.

They didn't believe that they could win against Nanchu.

On the contrary, Nanchu firmly believed that they would win.Looking at Ying Baoyue who got back on his horse, a trace of cruelty flashed in Ye Siyuan's eyes, and he suddenly raised a hand.

"Mountain hoo!"

At this moment, upon hearing his words, all the Southern Chu practitioners on the field suddenly shouted in unison.

"The swan flies high and travels thousands of miles with one stroke. The feather he is already there, and it spans the world.

Across the world, what can I do?Although there is a small payment, what is Shangan doing? "

"This is..." Gui Chen stopped beside Ying Baoyue and asked in a daze.

"This is Chu Ge."

Ying Baoyue said quietly.

"Chu Song · Honghu Song."

Wild geese fly into the sky and can fly thousands of miles in one go.The wings are full and can fly all over the world.After you can fly around the world, what can you do with it?Even if you have a sharp arrow, what can you do with it?
The singing was loud and deafening.

In Chu Ge's voice, Nan Chu's team completely melted into one.

It seems to have become a behemoth.

" can't win..." The practitioners of the former Qin Dynasty opened their eyes wide in astonishment, and some practitioners were paralyzed and jumped off the horse.

"How could the former Qin Dynasty win!?"

 "The swan flies high and flies thousands of miles with one stroke. The feathers and swans are already ready, and they cross the four seas. What can I do if I cross the four seas? Although there is a scorpion, what can I do?"--Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, "Song of the Swan"

  Chu Ge, the folk songs of Chu in ancient China.It has a distinct color of Chu culture, and it was most popular in the late Qin and early Han Dynasties.Chu Ge was very popular in the Han Dynasty.Since the Warring States period, the vast area extending from Jianghuai in the south, to the south of Shandong in the north, and to the sea in the east has belonged to the territory of Chu State.In the wave of peasant uprisings at the end of Qin Dynasty, Chu Ge expanded its influence throughout the country along with the uprising army based on Chu and under the banner of Chu.

  The military forces of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu basically came from Chu, and most of their songs were "Chu songs".

  Xiang Yu's fatal work "Gai Xia Ge" and Liu Bang's return home work "Great Wind Song" are both representative works of Chu Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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