Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 407 Soldiers

Chapter 407 Soldiers
"Nan Chu, Form Eight!"

"Former Qin, Form Six!"

The sun was high, and under the scorching sun, beads of sweat from the temples of the teenagers hit the horse one by one, and fell to the ground to form a pit.

The spectators watching by the racetrack were also dripping with sweat, and the dust was washed out of their faces in streaks.

The voices of the teenagers are already hoarse, and the voices of the spectators at the racecourse are also hoarse.

"It's hot."

On the high platform, Jiang Yuanyuan put the cloth towel for wiping sweat back on the plate in the hand of the maid, "I never knew that summer in Nanchu is so hot before."

"It's not just Xia that's hot," Ji Jiashu said after taking a deep breath.

"Indeed," Jiang Yuanyuan glanced sideways at him, "It's the first time I've seen Tangtang Chunhua Jun sweating."

"It's as if I'm not alive," Ji Jiashu gave him a helpless look, and just let the sweat drip from his forehead, quietly staring ahead.

He really didn't sweat much.After becoming Rank [-], he can almost completely control his emotions, let alone being affected by emotions.

But looking at the stadium in the distance, he felt the heat rushing straight to his forehead for the first time in a long time.

He watched the polo match in full swing in the distance. The polo match between Qianqin and Nanchu had reached its end, but not only did the heat not decrease, but it became more intense.

Unlike the situation in which Qin was suppressed and beaten in the early days, the battle situation on the field has become evenly matched.All the young men had already fought hard, their bodies were drenched in sweat, and many of them were still injured. However, in such a state of embarrassment, everyone's eyes were as bright as stars, and they refused to let go of a ball.

"It's really hot," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the former Qin and Southern Chu teenagers who were fighting fiercely on the court, "I didn't expect this one to be the most popular."

Ji Jiashu followed his gaze and looked at the entire Nanchu Racecourse.When the former Qin and Southern Chu were fighting fiercely, in the other two fields, the Northern Wei and the Later Liao, Eastern Wu and the Middle Tang were also engaged in polo battles.

Soochow and Mid-Tang were not very popular. When the polo competition started, the Northern Wei and Hou Liao had the most people, and cheers were heard from time to time.But with the development of the competition, whether it was the Soochow Wu side or the Northern Wei Dynasty side, the spectators were almost exhausted by the former Qin and Southern Chu sides.

Standing on a high place, you can see the sharp contrast between the numbers of the three parties.

And at this moment, accompanied by a bell, the examiner's announcement came from a distance.

"Zhongtang admits defeat! In the first round of the polo match, Soochow wins!"

"Zhongtang surrendered," Jiang Yuan glanced at the east side.

In the second half of the polo battle, if the difference in the number of goals between the two sides is too far, the side with the lower number of goals can choose to admit defeat.After all, there is no hope of turning the tables, and if it continues, it will be a loss to the respective practitioners.

At this time, the first victory of the first round of the polo battle has already appeared.

"This match is the least suspenseful. It's better to say that Zhongtang can last until this time, and this year's stepson will be a bit of himself." Jiang Yuan said lightly.

"After all, he is Qionghua's nephew," Ji Jiashu said.

"That man is somewhat proficient in eating, drinking, and playing," Jiang Yuanyuan said.Although Zhongtang has no fighting power, Zhongtang people also like polo, and they will play some for fun.

"Northern Wei and Hou Liao should be coming to an end soon," Ji Jiashu looked west.

"With three goals short, Hou Liao should not be able to continue playing. Although the difference is not as great as that of Zhongtang, but after all, we are facing people from the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is still impossible to hit three goals," Jiang Yuanyuan said. "Hou Liao has failed in recent years. It seems that this is not a rumor."

"After all, there are very few actual battles," Ji Jiashu said. "The Hou Liao Guoshi has been in-depth and quiet in recent years."

And at this moment, a bell sounded again from the west, followed by a mighty shout.

"Hou Liao admit defeat! In the first round of the polo match, Northern Wei wins!"

"Here we are, we are all right," Jiang Yuanyuan looked to the west.Different from the sweaty sleeves of the teenagers in the former Qin, Nanchu, the Northern Wei practitioners rode their horses and left the venue as usual. There was not a few drops of sweat on their bronze-colored faces, and at most they were only covered with a little dust.

"Northern Wei is still terrifyingly strong," he said flatly, "It's just that the younger generations have such strength. They are worthy of the Northern Wei people who can go to the battlefield and kill people at the age of ten."

"If it's a cavalry battle, it seems that Nanchu has no chance of winning." Jiang Yuanyuan murmured, but Ji Jiashu felt a little chill in his heart when he heard this.

Does Southern Chu want to go to war with Northern Wei?

"Then now, there is only the last one left."

However, before Ji Jiashu could think about it, Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly turned to him.

"Mr. Chunhua," the young prince's gaze made people unable to see emotion, "Who do you think can win?"

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, and looked towards the only stadium in the middle where the fierce battle was taking place.

Who can win?
The scores of Qianqin and Nanchu are very tight. Although Nanchu is in the lead at this time, it won't be long before Qianqin will catch up.

That woman will not miss a single opportunity.

Accompanied by the leaping of the black cloth strips, that slender figure tore apart Nan Chu's defense line again.

"Former Qin, middle seventh!"

Only one goal left!

"It's really not the end, I can't see the end." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the girl on the court, and even he couldn't help but sigh.

Before the start of this polo match, I am afraid that no one would have expected the current situation.

Unexpectedly, the former Qin, which had almost lost its prestige among the six kingdoms within the Great Wall, would be able to fight the current overlord of the mainland, Nanchu, into the inseparable situation it is now.

Even he had to admit that it was that girl who managed to bring the former Qin back to life.

In the sound of the girl's Qin Feng, the ex-Qin practitioners who had lost their fighting spirit regained their morale, but no one expected that what she made was not just a song.

"Zhao Qing, to the south. Guard against the third person from the left."

"Ying Xun, pass to the right!"

"Wu Ziyan, three feet southeast, don't move!"

"Why..." Some ex-Qin practitioners who were called out were stunned for a short moment, but in the end no one asked the question that all teenagers wanted to ask.

That is, why do you know my name?

Before being called out, no one knew that the ex-Qin princess who joined them just a day ago, who had never met them before, actually knew everything about them.

Ji Jiashu quietly watched the girl on the racetrack.

Ying Baoyue remembered everyone's name in the former Qin team.

Not only can she shout out, but she even knows what kind of swordsmanship that practitioner is good at and which hand he is fond of.

And the reason why all this can be done is that the figure of the girl holding the file in the middle of the night appeared in front of Ji Jiashu's eyes.

She had investigated the information of all the practitioners who participated in the polo match beforehand.

Be clear about each person's strengths and where they should be.

What she has is not only a song, but also more and more things.

In every command of that girl, he could even see the meaning of forming troops.

Just in the words of that girl, the former Qin team at this time is no longer a mess, but has become a sharp sword.

And that girl is the tip of that sharp sword.

"There is one last stick of incense left." Jiang Yuanyuan said quietly, watching the girl.

That's right, the last stick of incense is left.

Huo Zhan struck hard, and the black ball returned to Ying Xun's sword.

Ye Siyuan's eyes cracked, and everyone's heartbeat almost stopped.

"Former Qin, middle eight!"


Everyone on and off the field stared wide-eyed, and some of the teenagers from the former Qin Dynasty had red eyes.

There is only one last moment left.

"Oops!" Blood spattered, and some former Qin practitioners wailed.

"Go to hell!" Ye Siyuan mobilized his true energy to the extreme and grabbed the ball.

However, just before he reached Qianqin Qiu's goal, that slender figure like a nightmare approached quietly again.

"Go to hell!"

No one on the other side answered him, just a click, and the black ball fell into Ying Baoyue's sword.

The next moment, she had galloped towards Nan Chu's goal.

"Everyone, stop her! If you don't stop her, you're all going to die!" Ye Siyuan shouted hoarsely. At the last moment, the people of Nanchu had nothing to do but stop the girl.

Seeing the woman's horse being surrounded by six practitioners, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Siyuan's mouth.


The examiner's voice came from far away, everything was about to end, but at this moment, surrounded by six people, Ying Baoyue raised his sword high.

The girl was surrounded by crowds, and she couldn't even see her figure. When she was desperate, everyone knew that it was time for her to hit the ball forcefully and shoot randomly.

In the exclamation of everyone, the black wooden ball crossed a high arc, and time was frozen here, and everyone's eyes were also frozen here.

Watch that impossible ball fly in an impossible direction.

Looking at the arc that staggered from the goal, Ye Siyuan's last smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, at the next moment, another sword light lit up on the court.

In the frozen time and space, before the arc fell into the front of a person, the boy stared blankly at the scene, raised his sword and hit the ball.

The next moment, the bell for the end of the game rang in the field.



Amidst countless voices, Li Ji stood on a distant mountain peak, quietly watching the boiling horse farm.

Seeing what everyone didn't understand, that girl's final blow.

It's not a hit-and-run, it's not all-or-nothing.

It's a pass to someone else.

Just when everyone thought she was going to shoot indiscriminately, what the girl did was not shoot.

That ball was a pass.

The ball was passed to the best hitting position of the former Qin stepson Ying Xun, who was right next to the goal.

This is the girl's last ball.

Amidst cheers and unbelievable cries, Li Ji watched all the teenagers run towards the woman.

And at this moment, the voice from last night suddenly sounded in his ears.

"How long are you going to fight alone?"

"I'm never alone."

Li Ji was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what that woman was doing from beginning to end.

Looking at the racecourse in the distance, Li Ji opened his mouth slightly.

That girl is here.


From the beginning of the acquaintance with that girl, she has the aura of the battlefield, which is the so-called soldier's aura.

But different.

But at this time Li Ji suddenly understood.

She is not a soldier.

She is will.

 A chapter of [-] characters, reclaiming the foreshadowing.

(End of this chapter)

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