Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 411

Chapter 411
Ying Xun was not the only one who was shocked.At the same time, Meng Shi and Zhao Guang also opened the bamboo sticks in their hands, their eyes widened in astonishment.

Because there are only three countries left, there are only three bamboo sticks in the box.One of them is dotted with cinnabar, leaving two blanks.

It is self-evident what each represents.

At this time, the ex-Qin teenagers who surrounded Ying Xun were all stunned on the spot when they saw a little red sand on the hands of their stepson.

So far, the lottery that Ying Xun has brought back has always been blank. This is the first time for everyone in the former Qin Dynasty to see a cinnabar lottery.

It was hard to believe for a while.

At this moment, there were voices of astonished doubts from practitioners from the Northern Wei Dynasty and Eastern Wu Dynasty.


"Soochow seems to be..."

"The cinnabar sign..."

All eyes on the court were focused on Ying Xun's hand, and at the same time, accompanied by a bell, the examiner's shout came, and the final decision was made.

"The second round of the polo match, Northern Wei vs Soochow!"

"Qianqin's bye!"

"Qianqin Bye Kong?!" The practitioners who were too far away to see the bamboo stick in Ying Xun's hand widened their eyes when they heard this.

Just now everyone has speculated about the countries that may have a bye, but no one has guessed about the former Qin Dynasty.After all, not only was the former Qin's record poor, but also the successors of the former Qin's stepchildren had poor luck in drawing lots at the primary ceremony, especially after the Qin Empire was broken.

It can even be said to be amazing.

In the last primary ceremony, it was said that all the lotteries were drawn by the former step-son of the Qin Dynasty at that time. After the primary ceremony, the step-son almost apologized with death.

At that time, there were rumors that although the lottery was a matter of luck, it was actually closely related to the national destiny.

In the former Qin Dynasty, the sun was thinning to the west, and the breath was dying.

Southern Chu has a bright future and is thriving day by day.

That's why Qian Qin kept drawing until the lottery was drawn.

Until the first round of the polo match just now, some bystanders mentioned this statement.After all, Qianqin drew Nanchu in the first round, no matter how you look at it, it was Qianqin's draw and Nanchu's winner.

But no one expected that Qianqin would win with a lottery.

Just as no one thought that Qianqin, who was always lucky, would one day draw the lottery.

"This...isn't it cheating?"

"That's could it be Qianqin?"

"Where did the former Qin people get such good luck?! Someone must have secretly resorted to tricks."

It is true that someone used a method secretly, but it was not the method to let the former Qin win.

Ying Baoyue quietly watched Ying Xun who was at a loss when he got the lottery for the first time.

"This is me..." Ying Xun looked at the bamboo stick in his hand and said anxiously, "Is there something wrong?"

He glanced at Ying Baoyue, "It can't be someone..."

"Not to mention anything else, one thing is for sure," and at this moment Ying Baoyue shook his head, looked at him and said, "The lottery in your hand is just luck."

just luck.

On a high ground away from the racecourse, a man in black soft armor quietly looked into the distance, retracting his outstretched right hand.

The man's face was hidden in the shadows, his eyes rolled slightly and he turned his head slightly to glance at a forest in the southeast, his lips twitched.

"Water mage?"

The man's eyes flickered, and the figure disappeared in the next moment.

The moment the black-armored man disappeared.Li Ji, who was standing under a tree in the forest, withdrew his outstretched hand.



No matter how unbelievable the result of the lottery is to the parties or the spectators, the result has already been decided, and the onlookers discussed it for a while and dispersed in twos and threes. After all, the game is beautiful, but the meal still needs to be eaten.

Only when we are full can we have the strength to watch the game that is destined to be more intense in the afternoon.

The second round of the polo match between everyone in the primary ceremony, because it takes a long time, there is an hour interval between each match for the practitioners participating in the match to recover their physical strength and true energy.

At the end of each round, it was almost time for meals. At this time, it was noon, and practitioners and the public began to prepare for meals.

Nanchu Machang is located in a remote area, and there are no restaurants and restaurants nearby. Experienced people will bring their own dry food, and there are also many hawkers who seize the opportunity to sell cakes and bait with small carts.

Of course, for the examiner on the high platform and the nobles in the box below, the meals will naturally be delivered by someone.

"Your Highness, will you continue to watch in the afternoon?" The examiners on the high platform got up one after another, and went down to find the box where his family was eating. Mr. Mengyang opened his cloudy eyes and looked at Jiang Yuanyuan who was sitting motionless.

"Of course." Jiang Yuanyuan nodded and smiled, "It's the first time I've seen such an interesting development."

He said casually, "Of course we have to see the end."

Is it interesting?Seeing this man's smile, Ji Jiashu couldn't restrain the chill in his heart.

"Then how is your Highness preparing for lunch? Did someone from the palace bring it?" Mr. Mengyang asked.He thought he would get this natural answer.

"In the palace?" Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuanyuan gave him a strange look, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I came here on a whim, and I didn't say hello to the dining room in the palace, how could someone bring it?"

"Really?" Mr. Mengyang was slightly startled, but the next moment, there was a slight flicker in the cloudy eyes that the two of them couldn't see.

"In this case, does the Second Highness want to eat with the old man and the old man's family?" The old man squinted at the young man beside him, and casually mentioned, "The little girl Jinniang is here today, but she knows the rules and won't give it to the old man." Your Highness added to the chaos."

Is it Miss Li Jiaer Er?

Ji Jiashu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.However, before he could react the next moment, Jiang Yuanyuan's voice came from beside him.

"Thank you sir, but it's rare for Mr. Mengyang to share family happiness with his family, so I don't have the nerve to bother you," Jiang Yuanyuan said solemnly with a smile on his face.

"Tianlun..." Mr. Mengyang's voice paused, "It's nothing, the only family member is the little girl."

"Then it's even more difficult to disturb," Jiang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

This person's ability to open his eyes and tell lies is still as strong as ever.Ji Jiashu stood up quietly while listening, hoping that neither of them would think of him.

He didn't believe that Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't understand Mr. Mengyang's implication, but... Miss Li's second?
Ji Jiashu's eyes were deep, but before he could think about it, a hand suddenly put on his shoulder.

"Speaking of which, where is Mr. Chunhua going for lunch? Is there anyone from the National Teacher's Mansion? Everyone wants to invite you to the box below, right?"

Ji Jiashu, who was used as a shield, frowned unnoticed, and then said helplessly, "Someone should come, but I'm afraid they won't bother me."

Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange probably came to watch in disguise, but since they were disguised, they naturally couldn't appear in front of everyone. Even if they could, he suspected that the two of them were just here to see the woman.

"Then where are you going to eat?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ji Jiashu with a smile and asked, "Don't lie."

If you lie, this person will send someone to follow you all the way.

Ji Jiashu sighed inaudibly, his voice paused as if he was overcoming something, the next moment he raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuanyuan.

"His Royal Highness made cakes and cakes in advance, and I am going to try them."

"His Royal Highness?" Jiang Yuanyuan repeated in a daze, and the next moment he saw Ji Jiashu burst out laughing and hugged his shoulders tightly.

"Then I'll go with you!"

 Ying Baoyue: Pay for food

(End of this chapter)

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