Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 426 Silver Cicada

Chapter 426 Silver Cicada
forgot who?
forgot them?

"No," Ying Baoyue smiled and shook his head quickly under the moonlight, "How is that possible?"

That's her pawn.

It was only a short moment when she was young and dressed in anger, but the memories of meeting Yu Weimo and sharing life and death with blood and fire did exist in her heart.

Those people were her precious treasures.

She can never forget.

"I also think you won't forget," Ji Qingyuan sighed and looked at her with a complicated expression, "Although I don't like them, I don't think you won't forget those guys..."

Ying Baoyue laughed when she heard the words, "You really don't like them?"

"Anyone who is thrown around like a ball when they meet for the first time will not be able to like that group of people." Ji Qingyuan said expressionlessly.

The first time he saw Yin Chanwei was almost ten years ago.

When he was ten years old, he successfully ran away from home for the seventh time. At that time, he gained some strength and followed her who came to Nanchu to deliver things.

He followed her all the way from Southern Chu to the Northern Wei Dynasty and to the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Then there, he meets the group for the first time.

"General, you are back!"

At the gate of the barracks under the Great Wall, he was almost forced to enter by the murderous aura, but the largest tent opened, and a large group of people rushed out, surrounding the girl.

The figure of the young girl was instantly submerged, leaving him dumbfounded.

She was the focus of the crowd, and the next moment, the people rushing out of the tent found him who was following her and clutching the hem of her clothes tightly.

"Where did you come from, little brat? General, don't you..."

"The general isn't married yet..."

"The general is only sixteen this year... This kid is almost ten years old..."

"Wait, is this kid a seventh-rank cultivator?"

At that time, she looked down at him, and stretched out a hand to help him block the weapons carried by those who almost hit him.

"He is my master's son, named Ji Qingyuan."

Hearing this introduction, all the surrounding voices suddenly fell silent.

"My lord..."

He heard someone speak in a daze, but the next moment there were other voices.

"But his surname is Ji..."

"Is it the son of Master Guoshi and Donghuang Taiyi?"

"What is Donghuang Taiyi's son doing here? Why don't you take your hands off the general!"

He was so scared by these voices that he almost took a step back, but at this moment the girl said, "Don't scare him, I will send him back with my hands free."


"Speaking of which, why does this brat follow the general..."

"General, is this the so-called child support..."

The man couldn't finish his sentence.

"Building, if you say one more word, go out and do two hundred push-ups and come back." The girl interrupted with a smile.

Everyone around laughed gloatingly.

"I'm going to see Da Sima. Let him stay here for a while. Take care of him. If he loses a hair when I come back, I'll come back and settle the score with you."

Those people did not make him lose a single hair, but they figured out another way. He was thrown back and forth between several generals as a ball, and finally he was stopped by some female generals. Suffered more serious poisonous hands.

He was tortured enough at the time, but after he knew the festivals between this team and his father, he realized how tolerant they were to him at that time.

Of course it didn't make any difference that he hated those people.

He and Yinchanwei have been in a relationship since they met each other for the first time.

He didn't want to see them by her side, they didn't want to see him by her side, and tried every means to prevent him from following her.

But even though there were so many problems at the beginning, after learning that Yin Chanwei's designation was completely cancelled, many people who teased him were labeled as traitors, and then disappeared inexplicably. people laugh.

Can't forget the figures around her.

"They..." Ying Baoyue looked at the moonlight shining on her palm, "What happened then?"

She asked the question, although she could have predicted the outcome.

"Eight years ago, after you disappeared, Yin Chanwei's title was canceled because he refused to disobey his order and refused to accept the newly appointed general." Ji Qingyuan said quietly.

"At that time, Master was still there, and Ying Hao struck so quickly." Ying Baoyue sneered.

But sooner or later the reason will come up.

Yin Chanwei is a knife coveted by many people in the empire, but when they find that this knife cannot be used by themselves, they can only break it in anger.

"Even if there is no Yin Chanwei, there is still the Black Tiger Army," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan and said, "Those people couldn't stay in the barracks at that time."

The girl was clearly no longer there at the time, but she spoke as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath and nodded, "Mother recruited Yinchanwei into the Black Tiger Army, but a year later..."

The boys and girls on the roof lowered their heads at the same time.

None of them knew what happened after that year.

A year later, after Da Si Ming died, the same fate befell the Black Tiger Army.

Da Si Ming fell, the second emperor died, and the princes of the five countries rebelled.

Obviously in such a hurry to use troops, Ying Hanri, who hastily succeeded to the throne, was unable to control the army at all. Instead, he suspected that the frontier army had been bought by the Northern Wei Dynasty, and convicted the veteran of the army for treason.

The title of the Black Tiger Army was cancelled, and the Northern Wei Dynasty took the opportunity to persuade the former Qin generals to surrender.

That was the nightmare of the Great Wall of Eternal Night, countless armies were disbanded, and soldiers from different vassal states fled back to their homeland.

Every vassal state is vying for high-ranking practitioners and generals, nibbling away at the wreckage of the collapsed empire.

Unlike the Black Tiger Army, which has a large number of practitioners with uneven levels, the Silver Cicada Guard is a small elite composed of a small number of high-level practitioners and capable people. They almost became the target of public criticism in that battle.

Ji Qingyuan, who was far away in Southern Chu, didn't know exactly what happened at that time.

But the ending of that incident was so weird that even he couldn't help hearing about it.

That is.

Headed by the central generals of the Silver Cicada Guard, the entire Silver Cicada Guard disappeared overnight.

Disappeared completely.

In the army, surrounding areas, and the Great Wall of Eternal Night, it seemed that the world had evaporated, and no one saw those former characters in the Great Wall anymore.

This disappearance is very similar to Lin Baoyue, their former general Zhaoyang Princess. At that time, there were two rumors.

One is that because the former Qin Dynasty could not control Yinchanwei and did not want to be acquired by other princes, they secretly murdered these people.

The other is that since no one can be found inside the Great Wall, these people must have fled outside the Great Wall and became traitors who defected to Xirong.And the Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue who raised these traitors, which has further confirmed her reputation as a witch.

This matter has become an unsolved case that has not yet been answered.

No one in the world today knew where those people might have gone.


Under the moonlight, Ji Qingyuan looked sideways at the calm girl beside him.

There is now.

If there was one person in this world who would know where those people were going, it would be her.

"Are those people really dead?" Ji Qingyuan looked deeply at Ying Baoyue's profile, and Ying Baoyue raised his head to look at him quietly.

"If they didn't die..." Ji Qingyuan gritted his teeth and asked a question he hadn't figured out.

"Why didn't they avenge you?"

(End of this chapter)

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