Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 428 City Wall

Chapter 428 City Wall
The night beside the Great Wall of Eternal Night always seems to be darker and longer than the nights in other places.

All sounds are silent.

The dividing line between late night and dawn is the time when both humans and beasts sleep the deepest.The fires on the night watch on the Great Wall of Eternal Night had already been extinguished, anyway, it would not be long before dawn, and all the soldiers couldn't help dozing off.Amidst the sound of snoring, no one noticed that a thin soldier quietly opened his eyes among the soldiers sleeping staggeringly.

His body didn't move at all, if it wasn't for his black and white eyes, he would have looked like a corpse.And he opened his eyes, staring at the few sparks that were flickering brightly or darkly in the extinguished fire not far away. After watching quietly for a long time, the man quietly pulled out the hand that was suppressed by other companions, and slowly stood up.

The thin soldier's body was covered with armor that was not light, but he slowly stood up straight, but there was no trace of armor rubbing against him.

The next moment, he held the handle of the knife at his waist, walked towards the fire at the same slow speed, and then passed through.

The Great Wall of Eternal Night is called the Great Wall, but in fact the Great Wall is not just a single wall as ordinary people think, but is composed of parts such as the city wall, pass city, enemy tower, pier fort, camp city, guard house, and town beacon tower. constitute.

The place where the thin soldier kept his vigil was the Beacon Tower.

Because of the complex structure of the Great Wall, the Beacon Tower is a place that is vulnerable to cavalry attacks and needs to be repaired from time to time. Therefore, besides the soldiers defending the Great Wall of Eternal Night, the most people who repair the city wall are civilians.

Most of these peasants are slaves from generation to generation, civilians who have served corvee, and criminals who have committed crimes. They work harder than soldiers. work.

In the past, Qin was reprimanded as Tyranny because he built the Great Wall of Eternal Night because he treated the people so harshly.But after the Qin Empire was broken, the Northern Wei Dynasty took the Great Wall of Eternal Night as its own, and the Great Wall was taken over by the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the lives of the people living under the Great Wall did not change at all.

At the foot of the Great Wall, teams of peasants dressed in rough clothes, with dusty faces and numb expressions, carried stones under the faint light of torches.

The folks here have no names, and no one will remember their faces, just like people will not remember the weeds on the roadside.

After all, no one knows whether the folk husbands seen tomorrow are still the same as today.

The skinny soldiers staggered down from the tower, as if they wanted to find a convenient place, but at this time when the civilians were changing shifts, the exhausted civilians also slowly dispersed, and many of them fell directly on the side of the road passed out.

Seeing the thin and small soldiers, the sober civilians all avoided them in fear.The thin soldier walked forward indifferently, until he came to the end of the city wall here, where there was a sparse pine forest, and a few sleepy peasants leaned sparsely on the corner of the wall under the pine forest.

The surroundings are extremely quiet, with only a few stars in the sky.

The thin soldier walked slowly into the pine forest, and there was no one around, but just as he walked in, a peasant who was leaning against the innermost wall suddenly opened his eyes quietly.

"Why, you came here suddenly tonight, what happened?"

It was a bearded man with a dusty face that couldn't even tell his age.But when he slowly straightened his body, he realized that he was taller than ordinary men.But because he usually stoops when moving bricks, people can't see it.

"It's nothing." Seemingly not at all surprised that someone would speak suddenly, the thin captain quietly stood beside the man leaning against the wall, "It's just that I just had a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" the man said hoarsely, "What did you dream about?"

The thin soldier looked up at the moon in the sky, "I dreamed of her."

The man leaning against the wall was startled, his complexion was dark but his eyes were bright through his thick beard and hair, he looked at the waning moon in the sky, "So she is a nightmare for you?"

"No," the thin soldier clenched the handle of the knife at his waist, and said quietly, "It's just that I can only see her in my dreams, and it's a nightmare for me."

Can only be seen in a dream, a total nightmare.

"Really?" The man sitting on the ground paused after hearing the words, and then spoke slowly after a long silence, "Then this is indeed a nightmare."

I don't know how long this nightmare will last.

"I've had this dream many times," but at this moment the soldier standing upright suddenly said, "When I woke up today, my heart was beating violently."

"Really?" The man on the ground was taken aback when he heard this.

"Recently... has anything happened on the mainland?" the soldier lowered his head and asked.

"What happened..." The man on the ground was silent for a while, "The biggest event in the Great Wall recently is the first-level ceremony in Nanchu."

"Initial Ceremony," the soldier nodded knowingly, "It's time again."

"But it shouldn't be something to watch this year."

"It should be like this, but..." The civilians on the ground were silent for a moment when they heard the words, "When I was moving the stone today, I saw several officers received letters from the red feather pigeons, and they were so angry on the spot that they beat several civilians. "

"What happened?" The soldier was taken aback.

"I heard that in this year's primary ceremony, the Northern Wei Dynasty actually lost in the second round of the competition." The man frowned.

"Northern Wei lost? Lost in polo?" The skinny soldier was taken aback when he heard the words. Nanchu?"

"No..." The civilian husband on the ground looked more and more complicated, "You will never think of the candidate."

He paused and said, "It's Qianqin."

"Qin?" The thin soldier's originally expressionless face showed a shocked expression for the first time, "How is it possible?"

"I also don't think it's possible. I've already sent a message for my third brother to investigate." The man on the ground said quietly.

"Third brother..." The soldier had a complicated expression when he heard the words, "Is his business at Yanmen Pass going well?"

"Fortunately, a lot of people came to the shop recently, but he took care of a few guys and never showed up in person," the man on the ground explained, seeing the worried look in the skinny soldier's eyes.

"Thus, the third brother should be able to find out the specific news," the man said, "but I only heard rumors that there seemed to be a lot of accidents this time in the Southern Chu Elementary Ceremony. It took only two rounds of the battle between the crowd, and then something happened. little situation."

"You must know that the first round of the battle is the victory of the former Qin Dynasty."

"Two victories in a row..." the thin soldier muttered in disbelief.

"It's not just these." The man on the ground suddenly looked up at him, "There is a piece of news that I didn't intend to tell you before the third brother verified it."

"What is it?" The thin soldier asked with a frown.

"The polo match where the former Qin defeated the Northern Wei..." The man on the ground stared at his callused hands with a complicated expression, closed his eyes and said quietly.

"In that match, it is said that the one who led the former Qin polo team to victory was a young girl."

"Young girl?" The thin soldier was taken aback when he heard this, and the sword in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"A woman actually participated in the primary ceremony?" The next moment, he picked up his sword and stared into the eyes of the man on the ground.

"who is she?"

"It is said that she is the former princess of the Qin Dynasty, the fiancée of Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu." The man said the name quietly, "The name is Ying Baoyue."

"The Princess Heqin who was sent to Nanchu by the former Qin Dynasty? Ying Hanri's younger sister?" The thin soldier looked even more stunned, "Is this impossible? She..."

However, the next moment, his voice stopped suddenly, and he just quietly looked at the face of the man beside him who was full of vicissitudes.

"We can only wait for news from third brother," the man said quietly, "All we can do is wait and see."

"There is also an outrageous gossip saying that Qianqin plans to win all three matches in the crowd battle this year."

"All victory?" The thin soldier narrowed his eyes.

"Impossible," he said slowly, "After all, the third round of the battle is beyond human power. After all, it needs..."

God's favor.

(End of this chapter)

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