Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 433 Catch

Chapter 433 Catch
I will forget about you all.

The chubby man lying on the wine table smiled heartlessly.

"Who told you to leave me?"

"What?" Ji Qingyuan was completely stunned when he heard Ying Baoyue's words, it was hard to imagine how that man could be so cold-blooded, "That man..."

He was about to speak out in anger, but Ji Qingyuan couldn't get out of his mouth.Because he found that the girl in front of him didn't have the slightest anger on her face.

Not to mention dejected.

"Aren't you angry?" Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and asked.

"It's true that you should be angry," Ying Baoyue said with a smile. "But now that I think about it, there's nothing wrong with that."

When she really experienced death once, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Lin Wangong's attitude back then.

Regardless of whether he is really stupid or pretending to be stupid, she hopes that he will live a life of ease and happiness like this.

This is a dream that she and Master did not realize back then.

It's okay to forget about them carelessly.

So she didn't want to involve him in her revenge.

She doesn't know where he is now, but she knows that with his character and his ability to eat and drink, he should forget about them and live well in this world.

That man, that's fine.

"You are really..." Ji Qingyuan quietly stared at the girl in front of him, unable to utter a single word of the original angry question.

And at this moment, a ray of morning light fell on the black hair of the girl in front of him.

"Qingyuan," Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand to look at the morning light shining on his palm, and looked at the people around him, "it's dawn."

Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at this scene, and then he smiled with relief, "Well, it's dawn."

The night in this yard is over.

"It's time for me to go to Ye Mansion to try on the sacrificial clothes," Ying Baoyue stood up.

"Wait a minute," Ji Qingyuan stood up, "I'll find someone to take you there, and now there are probably people who have returned from a night of drinking everywhere outside, it's very chaotic."



It was dawn, but Danyang City, which was excited last night, had just cooled down.

What Ji Qingyuan said was correct. At this time, people in Danyang City could indeed see people returning from a feast with their shoulders crossed and their backs crossed.

At the same time, not only the people returned from the banquet, but also the practitioners.

"Thank you... stepson for the hospitality..."

"Everyone, go back to the inn and rest. We will discuss the sacrificial ceremony tomorrow." Standing at the door of the restaurant, Zhao Guang waved off the Soochow practitioners.

After delivering the last one, he looked at Li Ji who was standing quietly by his side, and smiled dispiritedly, "It's been a long time since I drank all night."

"I didn't expect you to arrange a banquet at this time," Li Ji said lightly.

The other passers-by in twos and threes around, although their faces were also full of drunkenness, looked at this group of practitioners who were about to participate in the elementary ceremony and left the restaurant at this time, showing contempt on their faces.

In the eyes of other people, it is obviously inappropriate for this group of teenagers to drink all night during the breaks since they still have several rounds of duels.

But Li Ji knew very well that although Zhao Guang was indeed not very prudent, he would not mess around in major matters.

"At this time, we Dongwu people don't drink, what else can we do?" Zhao Guang laughed when he heard this, "Stay in the house and give up on ourselves?"

Everyone knows that the third round of Soochow's battle with the crowd the day after tomorrow is just a foil, so if they don't gather everyone at this time, they will lose their morale.

Li Ji's eyes dimmed, "The day after tomorrow's sacrifice..."

"You still have to dance," Zhao Guang shrugged, "at least face-saving."

He also gained some courage not to give up from that woman yesterday, and he was more or less psychologically prepared for the embarrassment they would face in the next round.

"But it's okay," Zhao Guang laughed. "For the past two years, former Qin has accompanied Soochow, and we won't be alone by then."

It's already like this, it doesn't matter if you don't get any divine enlightenment.

With that woman around, even if she doesn't get divine enlightenment, the scene should be pretty good then.

Zhao Guang was a little curious about how Qian Qin, who also hadn't received divine enlightenment for many years, would overcome the embarrassment of that one-man show.

However, just when Zhao Guang was thinking about it enthusiastically, he found that the man beside him was silent.

"Second brother?" Although Li Ji was usually silent, Zhao Guang instinctively realized that something was different this time.

"Qianqin may not lose this time." Li Ji said quietly.

"No... wait, why?" Zhao Guang was taken aback.

"It's hard to say the specific reason at the moment," Li Ji said, the memory of that scene that shouldn't be left appeared in his mind, and his expression was a little complicated for a while.

He doesn't know whether that memory is true or not. The memory exists, but the content of that memory should not be kept, and everyone who sees it should forget it.

It was the first time Zhao Guang saw such an uncertain elder brother, so he could only hesitate, "Then we can only see what Qianqin will do by then?"

Li Ji nodded.

He couldn't predict what the woman would do.

"Besides, Zhao Guang," Li Ji said quietly, "I have something to tell you."

Zhao Guang shuddered when he heard the words. He hadn't seen Li Ji who called his name so seriously for a long time, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"What's up……"

At this time, the two of them were walking and talking, and they had already left the restaurant. When they reached a pagoda tree by the side of the road, Li Ji stopped, turned to look at him and said.

"I need to leave Nanchu for a trip."

Goosebumps appeared on Zhao Guang's back.

"Where are you going? What are you going to do?"

Li Ji looked at him quietly and said, "I'm going to get my sword."

"Sword..." Zhao Guang's pupils shrank, "Isn't your sword already buried by you?"

"Well," Li Ji nodded, "I'm going to dig it out."

"Dig..." Zhao Guang's hand under his sleeve trembled for a moment. Digging the sword itself was nothing, what was important was the meaning behind the act.

For practitioners, the sword is an inseparable thing.But Li Ji's realm is already high, and most of the cases can be solved without using a sword.

And Li Ji's sword itself is quite special, he cherishes it very much and will not use it easily.

But once he's ready to use the sword...

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Guang stared at the man in front of him, "Do you have any clues about the whereabouts of Shao Siming?"

"No," Li Ji shook his head.

"Then do you want to..." Zhao Guang couldn't say that word, and Li Ji didn't let him say it in the end.

"It's just preparing in advance," Li Ji said, "If it's true that according to the information collected by your eldest brother, Shao Siming is really in Danyang City, I can't keep preparing like this."

Zhao Guang was silent for a moment, then looked at the person in front of him, "When are you leaving?"

"I planned to do it today," Li Ji said.

He can't help much in the third round of the battle, so it's better to do everything as soon as possible.

"Speaking of which, the astrological changes seem to be a little fast recently," Li Ji said quietly, "In half a month, there will probably be rare astrological phenomena."

"Isn't it almost time for the final round of the individual battle?" Zhao Guang was startled when he heard this.

Li Ji nodded, "I'll be back before then."

"Really?" Zhao Guang clenched his fists tightly, but a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Your words have only been back and forth for a few days, do you need to be so anxious?"

"I also have a gossip that I haven't told you." Zhao Guang stared at Li Ji's eyes under the mask, "The former Qin Dynasty is going to give that highness a new sacrificial uniform."

Zhao Guang squinted at Li Ji, "Don't you want to leave after watching the sacrifice dance of the former Qin Dynasty?"

(End of this chapter)

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