Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 437 The Flute

Chapter 437 The Flute
The man who was called froze and turned around slowly.

"It really is you," Huo Zhan frowned and looked at the person in front of him, "Why are you still here? Everyone who is not the captain should have gone back."

The skinny young man froze for a moment, but the next moment a humble but just right unwillingness appeared on his face.

"Go back..." Wang Tusheng gave a wry smile, and looked towards the courtyard not far away, "Isn't that woman still inside?"

"Isn't she also the captain?" Wang Tusheng said coldly, "We vice-captains can't go in, but she's still inside."

"She..." Huo Zhan felt a little unnatural when he heard this.That woman's situation is indeed special. In the past, he would have driven her out with all his might, but after experiencing the last polo match, he felt it was a little hard to tell.

It would be easy to say that the woman acted coquettishly and recklessly because of her status as a princess, but every word she said was talking about the battle of the crowd in the future, and there were only one practitioners in the room, and every word she said implied heaven and earth. People can't keep up with her speed, let alone distracted to drive her out.

But this does not mean that he will give up his pride as a former Qin nobleman.That woman is an outlier and must be excluded.

Only... maybe not now.

This woman is indeed... still useful.

Seeing Huo Zhan's dodging eyes, Wang Tusheng showed a hint of disappointment on his face, but the next moment his eyes flashed into grievance and unwillingness.

"As for the villain, why am I here..." Wang Tusheng looked at Huo Zhan aggrievedly, "Young master said that the vice captain may also be admitted to the hospital for discussion..."

Huo Zhan was taken aback when he heard the words, a little embarrassed.

In the courtyard just now, he must not be the only captain who promised the deputy captain that he would bring them in together.

But it was the woman who stopped her with her words. Who would have thought that Ying Xun would refuse so seriously, and no captain could speak again after that.

But after they discussed in the courtyard for so long just now, those vice-captains were waiting outside the courtyard to see that no one came to tell them to leave after they were unwilling, and the guards of the Ye family would chase them away. Have you left?

In fact, there was indeed only Wang Tusheng left outside the courtyard. The position he was standing just now was still very hidden. If Huo Zhan hadn't happened to glance in that direction, he probably wouldn't have been able to find him.

"You haven't waited until now, so you should know that this matter has changed." Huo Zhan took a deep breath, frowned and looked at Wang Tusheng and said, "Everyone else has left."

"But the villain still has a little bit of luck," Wang Tusheng said with a hint of stubbornness in his eyes, "The villain has practiced since childhood, and I believe that I will never be worse than that woman!"

It's not that Huo Zhan can't understand what Wang Tusheng said.Although their backgrounds are a little lower, these aristocratic families have studied hard since they were young and wanted to show their talents in the primary ceremony to be appreciated by the powerful, but now they are inexplicably robbed of their attention and position by a woman with a subtle identity who suddenly appeared. It is natural to be unwilling to be angry.

The aristocratic sons who had been usurped had feelings for the princess, and he himself was one of these aristocratic sons, so he could understand their feelings to some extent.

"I've been waiting outside for Mr. Huo to come out..." At this time Wang Tusheng said in a low voice and respect. His attitude has always made Huo Zhan very comfortable.And his motives were indeed sufficient, and the reasons were quite understandable, which even made Huo Zhan feel a little sympathy.

So Huo Zhan didn't think about it anymore, although he was a little surprised why the servants of the Ye family didn't find him.But it was getting late, thinking about looking at the distress on this man's face, and thinking about what he said just now, Huo Zhan didn't ask Wang Tusheng why he stayed here so late.

"I don't want to mention this matter. After we have finished talking, the courtyard is also dispersed. Are you leaving now?" Huo Zhan said lightly.

"Go, go," Wang Tusheng said hastily.

The two left side by side, Wang Tusheng asked naturally, "Speaking of Mr. Huo, what kind of sacrificial dance will the former Qin perform this time?"

"Except for the lead dancer, most of the others are drumming and other routine things," Huo Zhan said, "You don't need to know so much detail, as long as you know the basics."

Ying Xun repeatedly told them to keep it secret. In fact, practitioners who are not part of the main dance do not need to know their names. If they do, there will be an additional risk of leakage.

Hearing Huo Zhan's words, although he did not receive an answer, Wang Tusheng still answered respectfully as before.

"I see. The boy understands."



In just three days, the preparations and defenses of all parties are in full swing.

And on the eve before the final round of the crowd battle, Ying Baoyue received the sacrificial uniform at the Nanchu Guoshi Mansion.

She tried on the dress with the help of Ms. Yao. Ms. Yao stared at the scene in front of her for a long time, then stepped forward to help Ying Baoyue check if there was anything that didn't fit, and slightly modified it with a needle and thread.

For some reason, amidst the sound of the needle and thread being drawn, Ying Baoyue felt that the corners of Ms. Yao's eyes seemed to be a little wet.

However, before Ying Baoyue could ask why, a male voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

"very suitable."

Ying Baoyue looked up, looked at Ji Qingyuan who was standing outside the door and smiled, "Thank you."

After speaking, she walked into the courtyard in this sacrificial attire.Zhao Guang and Li Ji still haven't come back yet, but the bustle in Qing'an Courtyard has not diminished.Ji Qingyuan, Ji Ange, Guichen brothers and sisters looked around Ying Baoyue carefully, Guili chattered, and the young men talked loudly.

And at this moment, a distant flute sound suddenly came from the ears of everyone under the night.

The sound is long and quiet, full of antiquity.

Whoever plays the flute, blows the dream to the empty mountain.

"This is..." The sound of the flute seemed to penetrate people's hearts, Gui Li and the others were fascinated by the sound, and asked in a daze.

Knowing who it was, Ji Qingyuan's eyes dimmed and was about to speak, but at this moment a girl's voice came from beside his ear.

"It's Young Master Ji's flute."

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback.

Ying Baoyue had never called Ji Jiashu by name, and the Young Master Ji she was talking about was Ji Jiashu.

And she was right, the owner of the sound of the flute was Ji Jiashu.

But what surprised him was why Ying Baoyue knew it was Ji Jiashu's flute.After she arrived at the National Teacher's Mansion, this should be the first time Ji Jiashu played the flute.Although everyone in the world knows that Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu is not only brilliant in martial arts, but also proficient in rhythm.

But few people know the musical instrument he is good at, because Ji Jiashu seldom plays the flute in crowded places, and the young man can only play that sound in extreme silence.

As for the woman in front of her, Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue, why did she know?

Noticing Ji Qingyuan's gaze, Ying Baoyue knew that she had just spoken too quickly.The reason why she knew it was Ji Jiashu's flute sound was because she had heard him play the flute before when she and him were just chatting at night under another identity.

It wasn't the first time she heard this voice.

I just don't know why Ji Jiashu suddenly played the flute in this night.

Ying Baoyue heard him say before that he would only do this when his mind was complicated, so what was he thinking at this time?

"Tomorrow is the last round of the crowd battle." Ying Baoyue looked up at the black night sky.

The major events of the country lie in sacrifice and Rong.

Tomorrow is a festival for all countries.

All the secrets about gods and rituals and music will be revealed tomorrow.

In the melodious sound of the flute, this day has come.

 "The major event of the country lies in the sacrificial offering and the military." —— "Zuo Zhuan · Chenggong 13th Year"

  It means "the important things of the country are sacrifices and wars."

(End of this chapter)

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