Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 439 Opening

Chapter 439 Opening

How do you think this is a coincidence?

Ying Baoyue looked up... Forget it, she didn't want to look at the woman in front of her.

Speaking of which, she and Xu Bingqing had never had a direct conversation.

But she had felt Xu Bingqing's gaze cast on her more than once.

This Northern Wei saintess obviously came for her and not for her.Out of courtesy, Ying Baoyue was about to raise her head and reply to this person to end this meaningless conversation, but at this moment a calm male voice sounded beside her.

"It's no coincidence."

Ying Baoyue was a little surprised, and looked at Ji Jiashu who suddenly opened her mouth and snatched her lines.

Ji Jiashu looked at Xu Bingqing, who was one step away, and said calmly, "His Royal Highness lives in the mansion, so there is nothing wrong with coming here with you."

Not that there is anything wrong but that there is nothing wrong.

Hearing Ji Jiashu's clear answer, the surrounding people who were discussing a lot were also taken aback for a moment.

"Tsk, I thought this kid would say this is my fiancée, you don't care if we want to come together." At this time, on a locust tree in the distance, Zhao Guang spat out the grass leaves in his mouth and watched with interest. Said this scene in the distance.

"That's what he meant when he said that," Li Ji, who was standing on the tree at one side, said lightly.

This was already Ji Jiashu's most direct answer within the scope of etiquette as Lord Chunhua of Southern Chu.

"Second brother, why are you still speaking for him?" Zhao Guang frowned and wanted to question, but the next moment he followed Li Ji's gaze and looked at the two women who were facing each other in the distance, he swallowed the other words back .

Just because the conversation by the carriage in the distance is still going on.

"Really?" Xu Bingqing was taken aback when he heard Ji Jiashu's words, then his expression darkened, and the hearts of the other people around him were aroused, and their eyes on Ying Baoyue became more and more unkind.

"Not really," but at this moment, a smiling female voice sounded.All the people who were indignant and Xu Bingqing who was depressed were taken aback for a moment.

Ji Jiashu didn't expect Ying Baoyue to deny his words, and looked at the girl beside him in astonishment.

"Why," Xu Bingqing's eyes lit up with a hint of surprise, thinking that the woman in front of him finally understood that she was unworthy, and retreated in spite of the difficulties. ..."

"It's not a coincidence that Mr. Ji and I came together," but at this moment Ying Baoyue interrupted her with a smile, "But it's a coincidence that I can meet Miss Xu at this place."

"Mr. Ji is an examiner, and my daughter is a practitioner who participated in the elementary ceremony. It is not a coincidence that she appears here." Ying Baoyue said lightly.

Xu Bingqing froze for a moment, looked at the girl in front of him and smiled at her.

"But saint, you are neither an examiner nor a participant, and you appear here again and again, isn't it a coincidence to meet you?"

The surrounding area, which was originally full of discussions, fell silent.

The next moment, there was a sudden laughter in the dead silence.

Everyone looked and found that it was a girl wearing a veiled hat in front of the carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion.

"Sorry..." Ji Ange, who just got off the carriage, covered her mouth suddenly, and looked at her elder brother beside her, "I couldn't hold back for a moment."

Guichen Guili, who was so angry at the side of the carriage, was not so reserved, he lowered his head and giggled.

And Zhao Guang, who was on the locust tree far away from everyone's sight, had no scruples, and laughed out loud.

"This girl really knows how to say..." Zhao Guang wiped away the tears from his laughter, and looked at the people beside the carriage who were laughing in the distance, "Isn't she just saying that Xu Bingqing came here uninvited and meddling in other people's business?" Is it?"

In fact, the girl was telling the truth.

Xu Bingqing didn't play by himself, but he still said sarcastic remarks to the girl who played by himself. You can understand the joints carefully, but no one said it so bluntly.The other people around were stunned when they heard the words, and their faces turned red, but they couldn't find a straightforward rebuttal.

The expression on Xu Bingqing's face, who had been maintaining a smile all the time, was slightly broken.

"What Her Royal Highness said..."

"What?" Ying Baoyue looked at her with a smile, "Could it be that the saint is playing this time? Let's compete?"

It has been a long time since Xu Bingqing has been in such a speechless situation, and he has never seen a woman who is so rude to her!

Sure enough, he was a barbarian from the former Qin Dynasty, who didn't know the slightest bit of etiquette and messed around...

She was about to have a seizure, but when she saw Ji Jiashu quietly staring at her, she took a slight breath.

"Coincidence or no coincidence, Her Royal Highness really likes to care about these little things, but it's a pity that it's not interesting." She obviously ended the topic with a slap in the face, Ying Baoyue looked at the woman in front of her and seemed to suppress her anger. Suddenly he looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled, then changed the subject.

"Speaking of coincidences, by the way, Chunhua, have you met Zhaohua?"

Zhaohua?Ji Jiashu was taken aback when he heard this.

The Zhaohua that Xu Bingqing spoke of could only be one person.

Among the six sons of the Warring States period, the one with the highest realm and the most secretive whereabouts is the Soochow Zhaohua Jun.

"I'm not familiar with that person, you should know." Ji Jiashu frowned slightly.

Among the six sons, the one he is least familiar with is Lord Zhaohua of Soochow.

But to be honest, not many people can be familiar with that person.

Although he and that man are the same as the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period, he has never even seen Mr. Zhaohua's face, only seen his back once from a distance.

Ji Jiashu looked at the woman in front of him who was smiling sweetly at him and said calmly, "Besides, what Mr. Zhaohua said, isn't it closer to your Beihan Pavilion?"

It is rumored that Mr. Zhaohua went to Beihan Pavilion to study pharmacopoeia in his early years, and Beihan Pavilion called him a half-disciple to the outside world.

This rumor has greatly enhanced the status of Beihan Pavilion in the practice world. After all, people believe that among the six sons of the Warring States period, the most powerful Zhaohua Jun studied here, so the strength of Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty must not be inferior to Jixia. school palace.

Ji Jiashu would not completely believe the rumors, but the relationship was so obvious that he didn't understand why Xu Bingqing would suddenly ask him about Mr. Zhaohua in front of everyone.

"It's nothing, it's just that I heard that he was in Nanchu recently, but I don't know where he is," Xu Bingqing said with a smile, "but he seems to be losing his temper with me, and he doesn't want to see me anyway, so I thought he was the sixth son of the Warring States Period. , you will know."

Lord Zhaohua... is in Southern Chu?

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, but the first thing he thought of was the other man he met before.

What's the situation with each of these?
But no matter where Mr. Zhaohua was, Ji Jiashu didn't like Xu Bingqing's intimate way of speaking, and just shook his head upon hearing this.

"Zhaohua is in Southern Chu?" Ji Jiashu said seriously, "I don't know. Of course I don't know where he is."

"Really?" Xu Bingqing's eyes showed disappointment, and the next moment her beautiful eyes glanced at Ying Baoyue who was thinking about Ji Jiashu, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes and quickly disappeared.

"Then let's stop here for today's greetings," she looked at Ying Baoyue with a smile, "After all, the Qin Dynasty before the sacrifice dance..."

Xu Bingqing didn't finish speaking, only heard a bell ringing in the distance.

This is the bell that reminds everyone that the battle is about to start.

Ying Baoyue quickly passed Xu Bingqing's side, turned to look at Ji Jiashu, "The lottery is about to start, I'm going to find Ying Xun."

Ji Jiashu nodded, "I'm going to the high platform, be careful in everything."

Ying Baoyue nodded, then glanced back, "Miss Xu, my little girl has something important to do before I leave."

After she finished speaking, she nodded slightly, and left without delay.

"You..." Xu Bingqing looked at the woman's back in astonishment, and at this moment Ji Jiashu also slightly cupped his hands, "The lottery is about to begin, excuse me."

The crowd dispersed, Xu Bingqing took a deep breath, and with a sweet smile on his angry face, he looked at Meng Shi and other Northern Wei practitioners who had been looking at this side behind him, "Then let's go too, Meng Shi, your lottery is good." You have to draw a good one, otherwise it will be all your fault if you lose."

Meng Shi remained silent without saying a word.

All the practitioners approached the huge altar at the foot of the mountain amid the sound of the bell.

Soon after, the practitioners gathered together and stood in a team under the auspices of their stepson.Jiang Yuanyuan also arrived on the high platform, sitting in the most central position, Mr. Mengyang waved his hand, and the third round of the battle began.

Just like in a polo game, first the stepsons from various countries stepped onto the stage to draw lots on behalf of the teams.

Ying Xun held the lottery in his hand and handed it to the examiner. Ying Baoyue and others watched him from below, and the next moment, the order of the lottery was announced.

"According to the lottery, the order of playing is as follows!"

Ying Baoyue quietly watched the altar.

The ritual officer's eyes dodged for some reason, and the next moment he announced loudly.

"The ones who play first are the Middle Tang Dynasty, the Later Liao Dynasty, and the Eastern Wu Dynasty!"

"The country that will play next is Southern Chu, Northern Wei, and Former Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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