Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 444 The Son of God

Chapter 444 The Son of God
"The matter has come to this point, it is not impossible for me to play," the young man in a loose coat and sleeves stood on the high platform, facing countless pairs of eyes looking at him, he suddenly smiled slightly.

"But I just want to play one piece right now," Ji Jiashu gently pinched the piccolo in his sleeve and said, "That is Chapter 6 of Nine Songs, Shao Si Ming."

There are [-] chapters in the Nine Songs of Chu Songs, and "Shao Si Ming" is ranked sixth. It is also a famous piece, and it is also a common piece in the festival dance. But they are all weird.

"Shao Shiming?"

"Then our sons and daughters of Nanchu are going to dance to Shao Siming this time?"

Hearing Ji Jiashu's words, the practitioners and common people in the audience suddenly whispered.

"Although the Holy Maiden often dances in Beihan Pavilion, the last time someone danced in the land of Southern Chu... was almost ten years ago?"

"That's right, it was nine years ago, I heard my uncle say...during the rank battle..."

"The rank battle...that is really a long-lost event..."

Rank battle.

Although Chu Ci Shao Siming is a traditional repertoire of Southern Chu, because of a battle and the existence of a single person, it is a little special in the hearts of everyone in Southern Chu.

As a sacrificial dance, Nine Songs are generally danced by practitioners from Southern Chu. Except for Xu Bingqing’s special interest, there is another situation where practitioners from other countries can dance.

That is when the battle of the second rank is equal.

The ranking is something that only gods of the second rank and above can have. The ranking battle is the top battle for the top practitioners in the Shanhai Continent to determine their ranking.

Every time a new practitioner becomes the second rank, a battle of ranks will be held.

Through the rank battle, the status among the eight gods will be reshuffled, and the new son of god who appears will get the corresponding title, that is, rank name.

And the names of the ranks of the eight gods are also derived from the nine songs of Chu Ci, such as Donghuang Taiyi, Da Siming, Shao Siming, Dongjun and so on.

It is also because of this that whenever a practitioner ascends to the second rank to obtain the status of the son of God, and obtains the title through the battle of the second rank, that son of god will dance the sacrifice dance of the corresponding chapter under the blessing of everyone. Under the worship of the crowd, he was declared one of the eight gods.

Unlike the Grand Prix Ceremony, which has a fixed date, the Battle of Ranks will only be held when a new Son of God is born.

Ji Jiashu quietly listened to the discussions of other practitioners around him, his eyes flickered slightly, and he knew very well who they were thinking of that made their expressions so strange.

The most recent ranking battle on the Shanhai Continent took place nine years ago, and the new Son of God who was born won the title of the third among the Eight Gods.

It's a pretty scary thing.

Generally, the newly promoted god sons are placed in the back row. Once the order of the eight gods is set, it is difficult to change, but this newly born second-level practitioner can actually defeat other god sons who have advanced for a long time. Existence that goes against common sense.

And not to mention that the high-level practitioners who were able to watch the battle on the top at that time knew that the reason why the newly born son of God only ranked third was because she did not challenge the first and second place at that time. bit.

She only challenged five second ranks, and then won all of them, advancing to the third place.

Got that title.


The title of Shao Siming.

That's right, Ji Jiashu clenched the piccolo in his hand and took a deep breath. The most recent rank battle gave birth to a goddess instead of a son of God.

Shao Commander, Lin Baoyue.

A character who will always exist only in some files he saw and in the rumors of the old man. The rank battle nine years ago changed the order of the eight gods who hadn't changed the list for a long time, and the youngest goddess was born.

And along with her birth, there was a dance that was engraved in the hearts of all the people present.

Danced by the real Shao Si Ming Lin Baoyue, the Shao Si Ming Ji Dance.

That was also Ji Jiashu's first time hearing the music of Jiu Ge Shao Si Ming.

But he only heard the music, but never saw the woman who lived in the legend.

But even though there was such a past event, at this moment he proposed that he only wished to play the Commander-in-Chief, not because of the legendary woman.

After all, no matter how famous the story of Shao Si Ming Lin Baoyue was, no matter how special the legendary goddess was, it had nothing to do with him.Ji Jiashu listened to the discussions of the people around him.

After all, he didn't know her at all.

It is impossible to know her again.

But at this moment, Ji Qingyuan, who was sitting in the box, took a deep breath, not knowing how to describe his mood at this time.

When Ji Jiashu said the words Shao Siming, Ji Qingyuan's heart almost stopped beating for an instant. He almost thought that his younger brother recognized Ying Baoyue's true identity, but the next moment he looked at Ji Jiashu on the high platform. With a calm expression, he knew that he was thinking too much.

Listening to the discussions of the surrounding people, Ji Qingyuan had a complicated expression.The reason why it is said that it was almost ten years ago that the last time someone danced as a young master in the land of Southern Chu was precisely because the last ranking battle was held in Southern Chu.

But even so, among the practitioners present today, no matter how old or young, there should be very few who have actually seen that sacrificial dance with their own eyes.

Unlike the elementary ceremony, the battle of ranks is not something that everyone can watch. The scope of the hedge between top practitioners is so huge that it can be said to be devastating, and ordinary people can't stand on one side at all.Southern Chu was chosen as the location for the rank battle because there are more barren mountains in Southern Chu.

Ji Qingyuan looked at Tianmu Mountain not far away. His mother didn't allow him to watch the ceremony when he was 11 years old, and Ji Jiashu was only six years old, so it was impossible for him to see that battle.

It is impossible for Ji Jiashu to choose to play this piece to commemorate Lin Baoyue, who was ordered by Shao Si back then.

Ji Qingyuan looked deeply at the younger brother standing quietly on the high platform, wondering like other practitioners, why did Ji Jiashu choose this?
"Young Commander..." Ye Siyuan didn't expect that Ji Jiashu, who couldn't resist his father, would make such a request. Hearing this, he looked at him hesitantly, "Master Ji, why did you choose this song?"

"There's no reason," Ji Jiashu said calmly, "It's just that I just want to play this now."

"You didn't mention playing music to me in advance, but you suddenly asked me to play music. Since you can ask me, it doesn't mean that I can't ask for it?"

This is indeed reasonable, Ye Siyuan couldn't refute for a moment and frowned and said, "But..."

Because of being related to that demon girl, Nan Chu hadn't danced Shao Siming in public for a long time, and I always felt a little taboo.

After all, not everyone is Xu Bingqing who loves to compare with a dead person.

"Didn't Mr. Ye just say that any of you can dance among the nine songs?" Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes and said calmly, his eyes glanced at Ye Siyuan and Chen Zichu beside him, "Did you lie to me just now?"

Although Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu is upright, she is by no means a submissive person.Ye Siyuan's face froze and was about to speak when a decisive voice suddenly sounded from beside him.

"No," Chen Zichu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"This sentence is true. Since we are the ones who can choose, Mr. Chunhua has said that he only wants to play the young commander, so why not let us play the young commander?" After finishing speaking, Chen Zichu looked quietly. To Ye Siyuan, who had an ugly face beside him, "What do you think, Mr. Ye?"

Ye Siyuan's chest rose and fell for a moment, and his eyes sank the next moment, "Jump!"

But for a dance, as long as Ji Jiashu plays music, what does it matter?
"Everyone line up, ready to dance Nine Songs Chapter 6!" Chen Zichu took a deep breath and said.

"We did what Young Master Ji said, and Ye Siyuan glanced at Ji Jiashu on the high platform in the distance, "Then what about the sincerity of Second Young Master Ji?" "

Ji Jiashu was silent for a moment, and then walked down the high platform amidst the exclamation of everyone, and walked towards the music shed beside the altar.

Under the nervous eyes of all the musicians in the music booth, Ji Jiashu bowed his head and talked with them about the performance of the piece. He would be in charge of the lead vocal, but the festival music was solemn and grand, and he alone could not do it, and needed the cooperation of others.

Ji Jiashu finished the conversation very quickly, and took out the piccolo from his sleeve.

A bell rang!
Everyone on and off the stage stared wide-eyed.

The third round of the Warring States Seventh Beginning Ceremony, the Southern Chu's sacrificial dance, finally began.

For a moment, everyone held their breath, and the vast forest was silent.

Everyone's heart was shocked.

The next moment, in this dead silence, the young man's flute sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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