Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 448 Leaks

Chapter 448 Leaks
In the third round of the preliminary ceremony, everyone will dance the ancient Saturday dance and Wuwu dance in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The collapse of the former Qin people in the forest has not yet been heard. Faced with the unexpected and bold choice of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the people and practitioners who were watching under the altar exploded into a ball first.

"Northern Wei Dynasty actually danced martial arts? Or is it a chapter of great martial arts?"

"This is really strange, it really is a strange move against Nanchu..."

"But Wu Wu is too barbaric, this will be scolded to death by the civil servants of the aristocratic family!?"

The unexpected development made everyone excited, and the bystanders had mixed opinions about the choice of the Northern Wei Dynasty.The cultivators from aristocratic families frowned, but due to the strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty, they didn't speak, and other ordinary people were amazed.

"Hey! Those literati let them talk, let me tell you, it's really special for Ji Wu to choose Wu Wu!"

"Yeah, before the ancient Saturday dance, even if there was a country that danced it, it was a civil dance. I've been tired of watching it for a long time."

"Holding a weapon to dance a sacrificial dance. It's the first time I've seen it grow so big. It's interesting!"

"As expected of a saint, you are bold and innovative!"

The surrounding voices gradually became dominant, and seeing the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty who lined up to the altar holding halberds and spears, even the most proud practitioners could not help but be interested.

"One thing to say, Xu Bingqing's idea this time is really good..."

Among the practitioners of the Eastern Wu Dynasty watching under the altar, Zhao Guang couldn't help but sighed while looking at the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty on the altar.

"Dancing martial arts with a weapon, it's really amazing!" Hearing the compliments from other people around Xu Bingqing, the saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty, he shook his head in disbelief, "It's hard to imagine that Xu Bingqing could come up with the idea, second brother you say……"

Zhao Guang sighed halfway but no one responded. He looked sideways at Li Ji beside him, only to find that the people around him were staring at the altar without saying a word.

"Second brother, what are you looking at?" Zhao Guang was puzzled for a moment and continued to sigh, "Northern Wei's preparations are quite sufficient this time, Xu Bingqing, she..."


But his words were suddenly interrupted by a male voice beside him.

"Hey?" Zhao Guang blinked and looked at Li Ji who suddenly spoke beside him, "What's wrong?"

The voice of the man beside him poured out from the bronze mask like water flowing under the ice.

"It wasn't Xu Bingqing's idea." Li Ji said quietly.

"No?" Zhao Guang was taken aback when he heard the words, and suddenly realized the next moment, "Second brother, you mean, this idea was actually thought up by other people in the Northern Wei team?"

"It's normal, maybe it was Meng Shi's idea," Zhao Guang said with a shrug, "Anyway, Xu Bingqing is responsible for any good deeds done by the Northern Wei Dynasty, and it's his turn when something goes wrong..."


However, his eloquent sigh was once again interrupted by the calm male voice in front of him.

Zhao Guang was taken aback.

The next moment, he lowered his arms and hung them to his side, looking at his elder brother who repeated the same sentence in front of him, "Second brother, what are you talking about?"

"Wu Wu." Li Ji quietly looked in another direction, took a deep breath and said, "This is not something that people from the Northern Wei Dynasty thought of."

"What?" Zhao Guang's pupils shrank, and at this moment a bell rang, announcing the official start of this competition.

The next moment, drums sounded on the altar.

Dawu is a martial dance, and the sound of the drums before the war is sounded at this time.

But in such an intense drumbeat, Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji beside him in a daze, and followed his gaze to the person he was looking at.




The drums are louder and louder.

The sacrifice dance of the Northern Wei Dynasty began.

The people under the altar cheered and jumped with joy.

Everyone looked at the Northern Wei practitioners on the altar and the Northern Wei saintesses beside the high platform, but the man next to him looked at another group of people.

"Qianqin?" Zhao Guang was taken aback when he saw the direction Li Ji was looking at, and frowned as he stared at the Qianqin team who had made a commotion in the forest for some reason.

"Wait," the next moment he suddenly asked suspiciously, "What happened to the former Qin people?"

I hadn't paid attention to it before, but Zhao Guang suddenly found something wrong with the former Qin people at a glance.

At this time, the eyes of practitioners from all countries were attracted by the Northern Wei people, but there were no former Qin people.Obviously the next game is going to be played, so no matter what you say, you should watch your opponent's sacrificial dance, but no one from the former Qin Dynasty paid attention to these rises, and everyone seemed to be coerced by the riots in the team.

And the former Qin's team is... arguing?
Several high-level practitioners could be seen arguing fiercely, and other practitioners around heard the words and expressed despair.

"What's the matter? Why are you arguing when you're about to play?" Zhao Guang asked puzzled, "Could it be that the Northern Wei Dynasty is too strong to give up on itself?"

"It's because we're going to play," Li Ji said calmly, watching the angry and desperate former Qin man and the girl with a sinking face in the forest in the distance, "there can only be one problem."

"What's the problem?" Zhao Guang asked in confusion, but the next moment he was taken aback, "Second Brother, you mean..."

"The ancient Saturday dance was originally a repertoire that Qin people used to dance." Li Ji said quietly.

Zhao Guang's pupils shrank when he heard this, and the next moment he turned his head to look at the Northern Wei teenagers who were dancing with halberds and spears on the altar.

"You mean..." Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji in disbelief, "The repertoire of the former Qin and Northern Wei is heavy?"

Before going on the field, everything was settled, and the practitioner would not be affected by anything except nervousness, but as Li Ji said, there was indeed only one thing.

According to the tradition of the primary ceremony, the repertoires of the sacrificial dances performed by various countries cannot collide.

Once it hits, the country that played late will feel ashamed.

And before going on the field, only knowing this matter can make the practitioners collapse instantly.

Because this means that all their previous preparations will be in vain.

Hearing Zhao Guang's guess, Li Ji closed his eyes and nodded.

"This..." Zhao Guang was at a loss for words, "Then Qianqin is too unlucky, isn't he? Can this happen? It's just..."

But when he said this, he suddenly got stuck, and stared blankly at Li Ji in front of him.

Because at this moment he suddenly remembered the beginning of this conversation.He said before that Xu Bingqing and the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty came up with martial arts dance due to their ingenuity, but Li Ji said, that's not true.


Li Ji said that the idea of ​​dancing martial arts was not thought up by people in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It's not the idea of ​​getting along with the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the repertoire is similar to the dance to be performed in the former Qin Dynasty.

"I never figured it out before," Li Ji said quietly, looking at Zhao Guang who was stunned and speechless by the facts, "I couldn't figure out why someone would tamper with the initial draw."

But at this moment, he figured it out.

The reason for the manipulation of the lottery was to ensure that the order in which the former Qin played came after the Northern Wei.

And the reason for ensuring this is probably because someone knew in advance that the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Former Qin Dynasty would dance the same dance.

Although the ancient Saturday dance is a traditional repertoire of the former Qin Dynasty, even the former Qin dance has always been only Wenwu.

The unrestrained and unrestrained idea of ​​holding weapons and dancing martial arts at the ceremony is not an idea that Xu Bingqing, the saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty who is the most disciplined and only blindly imitates the command of the young commander, can come up with.

Among the living people in this world, he knew only one person who could come up with this idea.

Passing through the crowd and trees, Li Ji looked at the young girl standing in the center of the excited ex-Qin practitioners.

"It wasn't a collision, nor was it a coincidence," Li Ji said, looking at the dumbfounded Zhao Guang in front of him.

Everything is inevitable.

At this time, under the tree where the former Qin practitioner was, everyone was also in chaos.

On the day before the ceremony, Ying Xun notified all the former Qin practitioners of the repertoire, and at this time, listening to this repertoire spit out from practitioners from other countries, looking at the weapons on the altar that are exactly the same as they designed at the beginning As for the scene of Wu, all former Qin practitioners were shocked and shaken.

"This... actually collided with the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

"How could this be? Then what shall we do?"

"The step-son was chosen to be the last one to play. Is it true that God wants to oppose us? Our luck is too..."

"Luck?" But at this moment, a clear female voice sounded in the forest.

Ying Xun's pupils shrank, and he looked at the girl beside him, only to see Ying Baoyue smiled, and looked around at everyone in the forest.

"It has nothing to do with luck."

The girl standing upright looked at a person in the crowd and spoke lightly.

"Someone leaked the news in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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