Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 470 An Nei

Chapter 470 An Nei
The streets of Danyang City are bustling with people, and the streets still carry the aftertaste of the end of the primary ceremony, and people talking about it can be seen everywhere.

But when the people in the teahouse and wine shop were talking about what they had seen and heard these days, they happened to see a carriage passing by outside the window, and their expressions changed.

"That carriage is..."

"National Teacher's Mansion?"

"Mr. Chunhua? No, could it be that one..."

People's eyes moved involuntarily with the carriage, and their eyes gradually became complicated.

"More and more people are looking towards us."

At the same time, a boy sitting in the carriage lowered the curtain and looked at the girl sitting opposite him with a calm expression.

"Although it is a good thing, it would be better not to take the carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion if I knew it earlier."

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes and looked at Gui Chen who was speaking opposite.

"Second Master Ji said that this will save you a lot of trouble," Gui Chen looked at the girl in front of him and said, "At least in Danyang City, there won't be too many people stopping you wherever you want to go."

"I know, I've made him bother," Ying Baoyue smiled and nodded, "But maybe some people will pick this carriage specifically."

"What?" Gui Chen was stunned, "You mean..."

He thought of a certain country that was surrounded and blocked by the former Qin Dynasty, and even more of the rumors between a certain saint and Lord Chunhua of Southern Chu. Gui Chen's expression suddenly became serious, "You mean that woman..."

"It's not necessarily her," Ying Baoyue laughed when she heard the words, "But I didn't expect that you would say that about her one day."

Ying Baoyue still remembered the longing look on the face of the former Qin Guichen when he first mentioned the Holy Maiden Xu Bingqing to her, but now the young man sitting opposite her had a faint anger in his eyes, let alone longing.

Gui Chen's expression became complicated when he heard this.

As the powerful and life-saving Beihan Pavilion, he did have longing for it and the Northern Wei Dynasty, the country where it was located.

But when he really arrived in Southern Chu and saw with his own eyes the actions of the people in Beihan Pavilion and the every move of the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, his youthful dreams gradually collapsed unconsciously.

He didn't know when his view of Beihan Pavilion began to change. He always felt that there was something wrong with Beihan Pavilion.

But maybe it's because he's not the same as he used to be.

Today, he has seen what it looks like to truly save others.

Gui Chen quietly looked at Ying Baoyue who was sitting opposite.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback when she saw the suddenly different eyes of the young man in front of her.

"It's nothing." Gui Chen shook his head and sighed, "Even if I had a good impression of the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Beihan Pavilion before, it is impossible to have a good impression of them after seeing them perform the Great Martial Arts Movement during the sacrificial dance. .”

He is not a fool, how could the Northern Wei Dynasty collide with the long-prepared sacrificial dance of the former Qin Dynasty out of thin air, even if the repertoire is the same, even the choreography is exactly the same as Ying Baoyue's design.

Who would believe that there are no ghosts in it.

In the end, they still won despite the fact that someone was causing trouble. It can be said that they let out a sigh of relief.But that was in exchange for the desperate efforts of the girl in front of him. A picture of him walking out of the forest with Ying Baoyue on his back appeared in front of Gui Chen's eyes, and he clenched his fists tightly.

If possible, Gui Chen would also like to say that it is not a gentleman not to take revenge.But the Beihan Pavilion and the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty are too powerful a force, even the former Qin stepson Ying Xun can't directly go to the door to tear his face.Gui Chen knew very well that they couldn't do much with their current strength.

What's more, what's more ironic is that the former Qin Dynasty had just released the news of the marriage with the Northern Wei Dynasty.At this time, the people of the former Qin Dynasty would not dare to argue with the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty on the street.

It is precisely because of the weakness of the former Qin Dynasty that the current humiliating situation is caused.

It was also because of this that the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty knew that the people of the former Qin Dynasty could detect something was wrong, and they dared to jump out of the great martial arts movement in the battle of everyone.

But the people of the former Qin Dynasty could only do nothing.Don't say that no one can preside over justice, and they don't even have the courage to seek justice.

It's been almost two days since everyone's battle ended, and the fact that no news about the former Qin stepson Ying Xun came out, proved this point.

this is the truth.

Everything is as it should be.

Gui Chen originally thought that this matter would be exposed so reluctantly, but this morning the girl in front of him suddenly said that she was going out to meet someone to settle a debt.

Although he was used to her messing around, he would accompany her there, but Gui Chen was still a little apprehensive, afraid that she would really hit a stone with an egg.

After all, he knew that she could really do it.

But it stands to reason that this girl is not that impulsive, but Gui Chen really can't think of anyone else Ying Baoyue could go to.

"Mingyue, where are we going?" Thinking of this, Guichen looked at Ying Baoyue and asked with difficulty, "You don't really want to go to the Northern Wei Dynasty to beg..."

"Look for an explanation from the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty?" Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen who was looking distressed and asked.

Gui Chen nodded, but the next moment he looked at the girl in front of him and shook his head.

"How could it be?" Ying Baoyue smiled, "What explanation can I get from those people?"

It is impossible to say that, and without evidence, it is impossible to catch a few so-called masterminds and beat them up.People in the Northern Wei Dynasty must have eliminated any traces related to the Northern Wei Dynasty long ago, and they would refuse to admit it no matter how severe the questioning was.

And the host country, Nanchu, would not uphold justice on the field at that time, let alone everything was over.

The so-called asking for an explanation from the Northern Wei Dynasty is just useless.

The bully can only win with the stronger.

Besides, she had more important things to do before she made a break with those troublemakers in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Aren't we looking for someone from the Northern Wei Dynasty?" Gui Chen looked at the girl in front of him in astonishment, "Then who are we going to see?"

"To meet an acquaintance of yours," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "That's why I let you come with me."

"My acquaintance?" Gui Chen was even more surprised when he heard this.

He lifted the curtain of the car, and looked at the increasingly secluded street with a strange expression on his face. This is by no means a restaurant leading to the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but more like a place leading to the place where the aristocratic family would choose to live.

Wait, family?
Guichen opened his eyes wide.

He originally thought that Ying Baoyue was out of temper and wanted to seek revenge from the Northern Wei people, but he never thought that the woman who went out to meet her before the personal battle started was not from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"This is..." Gui Chen stared at Ying Baoyue and said in a daze.

"Have you heard of such a saying? There is such a saying in my hometown," Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in front of him and smiled, "That is, you must first settle down when you fight against the outside world."

To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside?

Gui Chen was startled.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and the driver's deep voice came from outside.

"Your Highness, the place you mentioned is here. Can you see if it is here?"

Ying Baoyue poked her head out, looked at the house outside and smiled, "That's right, it's here, go to the concierge and call the door."

Gui Chen looked out of the window and saw their carriage parked in front of an elegant and dignified house.

And those two big characters were written on the door plaque in front of the house.

"Huo Mansion."

 So do you know who is going to be unlucky (laughs)

(End of this chapter)

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