Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 478 Swamp

Chapter 478 Swamp
"Is this place..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the dark mountain forest covered in miasma in front of him and smiled, "So it's a swamp forest."

"Swamp?" Gui Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, staring at the forest in front of him, but it was different from the forest in his impression.

"It's normal for you to never have seen it when you grew up in the former Qin Dynasty." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled. "The swamp forest is a unique terrain in Southern Chu."

Although there are small-scale swamps in the north, the Yunmeng Lake at the junction of the former Qinnan and Chu is also considered a large-scale swamp besides the lake.But only in the interior of Southern Chu, where the climate is humid in the south, can such a large-scale swamp with forests grow on top of it.

"It turns out that the first round of the individual battle was actually held in the famous Qingnao Mountain in Nanchu." Ying Baoyue smiled and said.

"Qingnao Mountain?" Gui Chen repeated the strange place name.

"That's the name of this mountain forest," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and said, "Nao, which means swamp. It also refers to this swamp forest."

The mountains, forests and swamps in front of me are full of mist, and the dense miasma looks ominous at first glance.

There are many poisonous insects and herbs in the mountains and forests, and the swamp is an extremely complicated terrain.As a result, swamp forests are far more dangerous than ordinary mountain forests, but at the same time, more rare medicinal materials grow.

As the saying goes, the more abundant resources are, the more dangerous they are.

Therefore, Qingnao Mountain in Southern Chu is also called by practitioners as the fourth most desperate place after Yunmengze, Yunwu Forest and Xiling Snow Mountain.

However, even though they are both forests, they are not as dangerous as the Cloud Forest at the junction of the former Qin, Southern, Chu, Eastern and Wu Kingdoms, so their reputation is much inferior.

Even so, this swamp forest is dangerous enough for low-level practitioners.In addition, it had just rained last night, and the forest was extremely wet and muddy at this time, and the practitioners who were present one after another just looking at the forest shrouded in miasma were already discouraged.

"This is Qingnao Mountain..."

"I heard that there are poisonous snakes and weeds everywhere..."

"But because of this, there are a lot of herbal medicines. This time the battle against medicine and poisons won't require us to go inside to collect herbs, right?"

Even though they are all strong men of the same generation who stand out from the crowd, they are still afraid of entering this swampy forest.

A practitioner said loudly.

"I've brought all the medicinal materials I can find at home, so I shouldn't need to go in, after all, I heard that in the last session, some people only used the medicinal materials they brought to complete the exam questions!"

exam questions.

Everyone was talking about it, and Ying Baoyue just heard about the test method of the first round of the individual battle that he had asked Ji Jiashu yesterday.

The first round of the personal test was about using poison. Unlike duels, which can be won or lost intuitively, the single test of poisoning is actually not easy to test.Because it was the first individual battle, Ying Baoyue originally thought it would be a complicated examination method, but in fact this round of examination method was surprisingly simple.

That is, there is only one test question.

The content of the exam question is to make a poison and at the same time prepare an antidote.When you are unlucky and the exam questions are too difficult and the medicinal materials are not prepared in advance, the key medicinal materials in the poison need to be found in the woods.

And the practitioner who can collect medicinal materials the fastest and run out of the forest to prepare a poison that meets the requirements, and whose poison has the fastest effect will win.


Ying Baoyue looked at the apprehensive practitioners in his arms who were going to line up in front of a row of sheds at the foot of the mountain, squeezed the herbs in his arms, looked at Gui Chen and said, "Let's go too."

At this time, the foot of Qingnao Mountain was the same as the foot of Tianmu Mountain when the dance was performed, with a platform and several sheds set up.

But different from the festival dance, the platform at the foot of Qingnao Mountain is long.Ying Baoyue learned from Ji Jiashu that this is called a test bench.

As the name suggests, it is specially used for practitioners to make poison and test medicine.

Since the speed at which the poison is effective in the end, every practitioner must try the poison formulated.

And the person who tested the medicine was none other than the practitioner himself.

Ying Baoyue was amazed when she first learned about this rule.

That's right, if the first round of the personal battle of the elementary ceremony can be summed up in one sentence, it would be that I poisoned myself.

Each practitioner must take the poison prepared by himself on the spot, and then take the antidote he prepared before taking the poison after recording the time it took.

This is also the reason why all practitioners were required to make both poison and antidote.

Be it the poison or the antidote, you have to eat it for yourself.If something went wrong and the antidote failed to take effect and poisoned him to death, then he could only admit that he was unlucky and bear the consequences.Before the start of this round, a life and death certificate must be signed.

Of course, he poisoned himself to death, no matter how quickly the poison he had prepared before took effect, the practitioner would have no results in the end.

"Is it a poisonous killing... Is this really going to kill people?"

"Yes." The man's voice echoed in her ears, "every session."

Ying Baoyue remembered what Li Ji said before, and let out a slight breath.

To put it bluntly, this round is closer to the nature of death than any previous round.

This is a battle destined to bet on life and death.

She looked at the practitioners who were bustling with fear on their faces by the testing table, took Ying Xun to bid farewell to Ji Qingyuan Guili and others who had come with them, and walked to the shed where everyone lined up.

This time, the high platform at the foot of the mountain was not called the sacrificial platform but the medicine testing platform, and the shed beside the high platform was naturally not called the changing shed either.Feeling the powerful aura coming out of the shed, Ying Baoyue stopped in her tracks.

These sheds, more accurately, should be called body search offices.

This time Ji Jiashu did not come with them because he had to enter these sheds ahead of time and be responsible for the search as the examiner.

The primary ceremony was different from the imperial examinations that she was familiar with in another world in her previous life. Under normal circumstances, no body search was required.

But the first round of the personal battle was different, it was the most rigorous round of body search in the whole process of the preliminary ceremony.

And the thing to search for is nothing but the poison and antidote that has been made into a finished product.

The ultimate goal of this round of personal battles is actually to let the practitioners prepare the poison that seals the throat with blood, but in fact, generally speaking, the medicine that seals the throat with blood requires a long time of refining, which is the so-called purification.

But this round of exams is for on-site dispensing, and there is no time for refining.

Ying Baoyue looked at the cultivator not far away who was driven out of the shed because he was found carrying poison, his eyes were dark.

The poison that can be seen in martial arts dramas that can die as soon as it is touched and poured as soon as it is drunk actually lacks authenticity.The human body is not that fragile, especially the body of a practitioner is rough-skinned and thick-skinned.Seeing that the blood sealing the throat is mostly a dramatic effect, in this era without chemical productivity, the speed of poisoning is not so fast, let alone seven steps, it will not fall in twenty steps.

It is precisely because of this that it is meaningful to compare the speed at which poisons take effect.

In the case of no time to refine, the poison you want to make can be effective quickly, even for practitioners, it is very difficult.

The first round of individual competition strictly requires candidates to bring only single herbs, and both poison and antidote must be prepared on the spot. This kind of on-site dispensing is a test of the ability of the dispenser. The poison is hidden in the body, and it is added to increase the toxicity when the medicine is dispensed.

After all, poison is not a cheat sheet, and there are many ways to carry it.From the perspective of low-level practitioners, if you soak a little on your clothes secretly, you won't be able to find it even if you are searched.


Ying Baoyue looked at the practitioners who were kicked out one after another and lost their qualifications not far away.

For this situation, the host of the primary ceremony has already prepared the means of prevention.

(End of this chapter)

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