Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 483 The Depths

Chapter 483 The Depths
Qingnao Mountain is the fourth most desperate place after Yunmengze, Cloud Forest and Xiling Snow Mountain.

While waiting for the body search before, Gui Chen heard this matter mentioned by the practitioners around him, but he didn't pay attention at that time.As we all know, Yunmeng Lake is the largest lake in the whole continent, Cloud Forest is the forest with the most beasts in the whole continent, Xiling Snow Mountain is the highest natural barrier in the whole continent, what about Qingnao Mountain?
The first three desperation Guichen are familiar to everyone since childhood, but this Qingnao Mountain is unheard of.

Although he had heard Ying Baoyue explain what a swamp was before, he didn't feel how dangerous it was just listening to it.But after entering this forest, he realized that he was completely wrong.

After actually stepping into this swamp forest, he realized how dark this forest was.

It was noon, when the sun was supposed to be the hottest, but the interior of Qingnao Mountain was as dark as evening, and you could only see thick water vapor and miasma mixed with it when you stretched out your hand. Chen felt a dull pain in his lungs.

This is not the worst, after actually stepping into this place, all the practitioners discovered that their biggest enemy at this time is actually the earth under their feet from childhood to adulthood.

The first warning that the swamp gave them was to fall.

There are no ready-made roads in the forest, and people usually walk in the forest to find a place to stay. However, if they step on the ground in this mountain forest, their feet will immediately sink into the mud, and they cannot use their strength at all.

At this time, Gui Chen looked at his left foot that had sunk deeply into the swamp, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

A cold and sticky feeling rose from the soles of the feet, as if the true energy and temperature of the whole body were frozen, and the fear rose accordingly.

This is the swamp.

In the forest not far away, you can see practitioners like him who are struggling to walk.

Although practitioners would not be engulfed in the swamp like this, it would be a pain to pull their feet out of the swamp every time they took a step.But being able to jump on trees is a skill that can only be possessed by the fifth-level practitioners. Practitioners who participate in the elementary ceremony must keep their feet on the ground whether they want to or not.

But at this moment, what they are standing on is not solid ground at all!

Because of this, a period of time had passed since the bell started to dispense the medicine. Although all the practitioners rushed into Qingnao Mountain at the first time when the bell rang, most of them didn't run a few feet away at this time.Almost all of them are still fighting the mud under their feet.

But Schisandra chinensis is a hard-to-get medicinal material, and I know that it must grow in the depths of Qingnao Mountain.But now that the swamp is everywhere, it is difficult for people to walk, so how can they go to the deepest place to collect herbs?

Gui Chen finally understood why this medicinal material is rarer than gold in the market, and it is impossible to buy it.

"Mingyue, you..." At this moment, he thought of Ying Baoyue's situation and hurriedly looked over to ask, but he was taken aback when he saw it.

Because the girl in front of her was standing firmly on the ground.

Ying Baoyue's feet were also soaked in a thin layer of mud, but to Gui Chen's surprise, her feet were normal.

Specifically, the position of the feet is normal.

The feet of other cultivators were sunk into the swamp to some extent, but this woman landed on the ground impartially. Although she was also immersed in the mud, she seemed to have stepped on the ground.

"Are you stuck too?" At this time, Ying Baoyue heard the sound and looked at Gui Chen whose calf was about to be swallowed by the swamp, and quickly waved to him, "Step your right foot half a foot behind me, and then Use your strength to pull out your left foot."

Gui Chen froze for a moment and then followed suit, but when he finally moved his right foot half a foot away from where she was standing, his pupils shrank.His feet actually touched a long solid spot under the swamp.

"This is..." Gui Chen used his strength to pull out his left foot abruptly, and stood under the long strip of things, staring blankly at his own feet.

There is still a dark swamp under his feet, and the long strip is hidden under the swamp, and nothing can be seen from the outside.

"Mingyue, this is..." Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and asked.

"This?" Ying Baoyue stepped on something hard under her feet, looked at Gui Chen and asked.

"It's the roots."

root?So what he felt was indeed a string-like thing, Gui Chen was startled when he heard this.Speaking of which, if it were an ordinary forest, with so many towering trees growing, the entire underground should be covered with huge tree root systems, and many would protrude above the ground.

The ground of this forest has been covered by swamps, but these huge root systems still exist, but are they all hidden under the swamps?
Gui Chen suddenly realized that the relatively shallow root system close to the ground can indeed be stepped on and borrowed.

But it rained last night, and the water level in the swamp has risen today, so the relatively shallow root system is completely covered, and it looks completely dark from the outside. How did she know which place is hidden under the mud? What about the roots?
"Follow me."

At this moment, Ying Baoyue spoke softly, and Gui Chen opened his eyes wide, watching the girl in front of him running in the muddy swamp forest.

Gui Chen didn't even dare to breathe, he stared at Ying Baoyue's feet, wherever she stepped on, he would land there, and in this way, he actually stepped on the roots of the tree again and again.Relying on this method, he also stumbled and ran in the forest.

"Wait, who is that?"

"Can you still run in the swamp? Are you kidding me?"

"Black cloth with ribbons... from the former Qin Dynasty? But the former Qin stepson was clearly in another direction just now!"

"Isn't that the woman in front? What kind of magic is used?"

Hearing the stunned voices of other people in the forest, Gui Chen sighed in his heart as he became more proficient in his movements while not letting go of every place Ying Baoyue stepped on.


She wasn't using any sorcery at all.

Gui Chen looked in front of him like the girl who floated across the swamp. This was indeed not magic, she was just walking forward in the forest stepping on the roots of the trees that should have been exposed to the ground.

The whole thing is not unusual, but what is strange is how on earth she can identify where there are roots under the cover of the swamp?
Before Gui Chen could ask, their figures were already some distance away from the large army behind them.

At this time, the light in the forest was getting darker and darker. Gui Chen opened his eyes wide and focused his attention. When he saw all kinds of colorful poisonous insects and medicinal materials around him, he knew that they were approaching the depths of Qingnao Mountain.

"Be careful," Ying Baoyue stopped at this moment and stood under a tree.

"Don't touch these poisonous insects, and you have to walk slowly." Ying Baoyue said.

"It's almost deep enough here, and in the future, we may encounter a place where Schisandra grows."

Gui Chen stopped and panted cautiously so as not to alarm the owner of the forest.

"It's just... Schisandra, where does it grow?" Gui Chen asked out of breath while holding the trunk of the tree.

"Usually in the crevices of rocks in river pools or boulders by the stream," Ying Baoyue said.

A puddle in such a swamp?

Gui Chen couldn't imagine how soft and dangerous the soil would be there.

After a brief pause, they slowed down and crept forward, and just a quarter of an hour later, a pool of water appeared in front of them.

Gui Chen raised his head and saw that thing.

(End of this chapter)

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