Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 486 Thrilling

Chapter 486 Thrilling
Thousand snakes sumo wrestling, this is really a scene that tests the strength of the heart.

If he hadn't seen various scenes of countless killers swarming around her, Gui Chen would have really doubted whether he would be able to hold the candle in his hand steadily now.

But fortunately, he is no longer the boy who only complained about himself in Lishan.

Before lighting the candle, she had already explained what to do, Gui Chen took a deep breath and clenched his teeth, according to what Ying Baoyue said, he quickly melted the bottom of the candle with sword fire and jumped up high, pressing it to his side On the thickest branch of the big tree!

With a splash, the young man fell into the swamp, and despite being splashed all over by muddy water, Gui Chen suddenly looked up, only to see that the pale yellow thing called a candle was actually firmly fixed on the branch as she said!
And at this moment, a hand grabbed him.


Gui Chen held that hand, and slid low from the bottom of the big tree. At the moment of sliding, his face turned slightly and he caught that extremely terrifying scene out of the corner of his eyes.

Countless snakes passed over their heads like poisonous arrows, and rushed towards the candle on the branch of the tree, and the thick tree surrounded by the two was instantly swallowed by densely squirming poisonous snakes!
"Hiss..." Gui Chen's scalp was numb and he sucked in a breath of cold air. He firmly grasped the hand of the girl who was holding him and ran away. The next moment, the soles of his feet finally touched the real place other than the roots of the tree.

It's a rock.

At last they reached the side of the pool.

"The effect of the snake-inducing incense is only a quarter of an hour. We must hurry up," Ying Baoyue let go of Gui Chen's hand and said to him, "On my left and on your right, there are four stones per person. There are scattered stones near the boulders. Let’s settle down and look for them separately.”

Gui Chen nodded, quickly jumped to the side of the boulder on the right nearest to him, drew his sword out of its sheath, ignited the sword fire, opened his eyes wide and began to search in the crevices of the stone.

The next moment he remembered that Ying Baoyue is a water mage who cannot light a fire, and turned his head to look at the figure of the girl beside the boulder not far away, "Mingyue, do you need me to light you a torch or something?"

"No need," Ying Baoyue's voice came from a distance, "I can see that you should be careful with fire, it's easy to attract bugs."

I can see it... Gui Chen was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at the girl who had already checked a huge boulder not far away. How did she see it under the dim light where she could hardly see her fingers?
There is never a shortage of mysteries about her.Gui Chen gave a wry smile, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it, on which was a picture of medicinal herbs.

It was the portrait of Schisandra that Ying Baoyue drew for him before entering the forest.

Gui Chen looked carefully at the sketch in his hand, and with just a few temporary strokes, it was already much more detailed and realistic than the illustrations in ordinary medical books.He had only seen such a lifelike picture of medicine in the more expensive version of "Pharmacopia" displayed by the disciples of Beihan Pavilion.

There are actually two versions of the Pharmacopoeia, with and without pictures.It is said that the original version is with pictures.

Of course, the ones with pictures are much more expensive.

Back then, he could afford only the ones without pictures, so he had no chance to see the appearance of the real pharmacopoeia that was all the rage among the aristocrats.

But although he couldn't afford it before, he now has a picture of medicine that is not much less.

It was drawn especially for him.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gui Chen's mouth, and the appearance of that woman when she was drawing emerged in front of her eyes.If it wasn't for investigating Wang Tusheng last time, he wouldn't have known that she was actually good at painting.

Gui Chen's gaze deepened slightly.

The portrait of Wang Tusheng that Ying Baoyue took out in the Huo Mansion was drawn by herself.

Seeing that woman draw such a portrait just from memory, the youths who had seen Wang Tusheng in the National Teacher's Mansion were all stunned.

If so many things hadn't happened, she would have stayed in the small courtyard of his house back then, and she would have been able to make a living just by selling calligraphy and painting and hunting... Gui Chen quietly thought.

But at this moment, he was taken aback suddenly, why did he suddenly think about these things at this moment?Gui Chen quickly shook his head violently, forcing all his attention on the stone in front of him.

But after searching around carefully, he was disappointed to find that there was no sign of the medicinal herbs painted in his hand anywhere on the stone.

Gui Chen took a deep breath, jumped to the side of the second stone, but still found nothing.

The third block is still the same.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Gui Chen's forehead, he wiped it hard on the back of his hand and jumped to the last boulder on the right, this boulder was bigger than the previous three boulders, and its shape was even more strange.

He gritted his teeth and searched inch by inch. Just when he was feeling extremely nervous, Gui Chen's eyes suddenly lit up!
Among the weeds in the small crack beside a large black crack on this stone, there is a grass with reddish leaf tip and red bean-like fruit.

that's it!
Gui Chen was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately stretched out his hand to the grass, but at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Guichen! Be careful!"

Be careful?At this moment, he finally realized another voice coming from his ear.

It was a very faint hiss.

Gui Chen turned his head stiffly, and looked at a triangular head for a moment.

A pair of vertical pupils were staring at him, emitting a faint green light under the dim firelight.

There is actually one more!
In the bottomless big crack next to the small crack where Schisandra grows, there is actually a poisonous snake entrenched!
Just as he reached out to grab Schisandra, the poison shot out from the crack in his hiding place, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth wide open towards his arm.

All this happened so fast, Guichen's mind went blank.

dong dong dong.

The world was extremely quiet, only the sound of his heart beating could be heard, but the moment it jumped out, he should have died.

Gui Chen never felt that he was so close to death.

Should have known earlier...

"Gui Chen!" But at this moment, with this scream, Gui Chen's pupils shrank.

The speed at which the poisonous snake pops out is extremely fast, and the speed at which he draws his sword can't catch up with it, and the speed at which people use tools can't catch up.

And at this moment, in an instant, an arm with a completely different color from his arm came in and blocked between him and Shekou.

That arm was slender and white, as if without any strength.

But Gui Chen knew that this was not a weak arm.

This is a pair of omnipotent hands that give people countless surprises.

No one is faster than her at this moment.

But why would she do this!Gui Chen didn't know what mood he was in, and endless anger suddenly burst into his eyes, but before he tried to push her away, the scene in front of him completely opened his eyes wide.

Just when Ying Baoyue's arm was blocking his arm, the poisonous snake that was about to bite suddenly froze!
The next moment, as if seeing something terrifying, he bounced back abruptly and walked away in a panic.

Ran away……

Gui Chen stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Fortunately we caught up."

He heard the woman's rapid breathing for the first time, which sounded like a breeze blowing through his heart. Gasping girl.

There was a trace of scratches on the back of her hand, with slight drops of blood oozing out.It can be seen how anxious she was when she rushed over just now.

Gui Chen's mood was extremely complicated, he bit his lips tightly and said, "Sorry, are you okay?"

The scene just now was too thrilling, he seemed to have his soul strangled by the throat, and he felt that he must die.

But I didn't expect that she would rush over, still in that way.

"I should be the one asking this question, are you okay?" But the girl who hurried over in front of him not only did not blame him for his carelessness, but instead asked him this question.

"Thanks to you, nothing happened to me," Gui Chen shook his head, staring at Ying Baoyue with a complicated expression, "It's just just now... what happened?"

Thinking of that scene just now, he was still terrified.

Although he escaped, he didn't understand.

That is.

Why did the poisonous snake retreat suddenly?
(End of this chapter)

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