Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 488 Awakening

Chapter 488 Awakening
"On Mount Li..."

Gui Chen was completely stunned when he heard this.

That day he carried her back from Mount Li, and that was the beginning of everything.

At that time, he was the person he hated the most, ordinary and powerless, he couldn't even protect his own sister and mother.

But she said that the person who saved her was that kind of him.

"It was you who carried me down the mountain, Guichen," Ying Baoyue stared at him quietly and said, "Is it because you are a cultivator with great power that you saved me?"

As if a basin of cold water was being poured over his head, Gui Chen stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

"If any powerful practitioners passed by at that time, they might not have saved me," Ying Baoyue said lightly.

It's better to say that she has seen too many practitioners who chased and killed her in her previous life.The curse in her hand alone can arouse the interest of high-level practitioners.

It seems that Li Ji is very conscientious.Ying Baoyue said heartily.Speaking of which, that person didn't seem to be interested in anything that ordinary practitioners would be interested in, which made her wonder what the person was practicing for.

Ying Baoyue suppressed the thoughts in her heart, looked at Gui Chen and said seriously, "You were not a practitioner, but you still saved me. Now that you are a practitioner, do you think you can't do anything?"

It is never strength that saves a person, but the choice of that person.

Could it be that he is not as good as himself who had nothing at the beginning?

At this moment, Gui Chen finally understood what she meant.

He lowered his head slightly, looking at his callused palms.

In the deep mountains back then, the girl who fell among the dead leaves looked like a lost child, but in fact, he was always the one who got lost.

It's him.

It was not he who carried the girl back from the deep mountains, but she who found him who was lost.

So he has nothing to be confused and worried about.

No matter when, she will always bring back the lost him.

Gui Chen raised his head and looked at Ying Baoyue who was standing in front of him.

In the dim light and dense miasma, his vision gradually became clear and bright.

"I was thinking too much," Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled, "You're right."

Strength is not the most important thing, how to use these powers is the most important.

The strong can turn the world upside down and move mountains and seas, but under the heavens and the earth, among the mountains and seas, who knows if there are any dead bones of innocent people?

The weak have only the arms of the mantis as a chariot, but the ants also have their resistance.

"It's because I'm too eager to win, and I'm eager for quick success." Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and said, but the next moment he laughed, "There's nothing wrong with admitting your weakness."

It's just that he has always lacked courage.

Lack of courage like this girl.

"Guichen is actually you..." Knowing that he understood, Ying Baoyue couldn't help but want to interrupt.

After all... In fact, Guichen is not weak at all, it's just that the environment he is in is too perverted.

Except for her and Gui Li, no one knew that this young man had only officially become a practitioner for more than a month.But at this time, he was already able to participate in the primary ceremony with her.

Where is this weak...

In the final analysis, Ji Jiashu, Li Ji, Xu Yishan and the others were the fault, of course it might be... Her reason could not be ruled out.In short, the first time Gui Chen came into contact with after becoming a practitioner was the outstanding ones among the young practitioners, not to mention most of them were naturally talented and had studied hard for many years.

Coupled with the catalysis of the fierce battles in the elementary ceremony, if you are exposed to these when you first step into the practice world, even a beginner must be autistic.

"You're actually not weak at all," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and paused, "It's just..."

"I know," Gui Chen continued with a smile, "It's because my training time is too short and I'm in a hurry."

"But I won't in the future."

It is inevitable for everyone to be anxious when staying with such a special person as her.She walked so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to catch up with her.

But luckily she woke him up in time.

She never leaves alone.

"I will practice down-to-earth," Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and said with a smile, "So you don't have to worry about me acting recklessly, or even looking for some Boundary Breaking Pill."

He also knew that she was worried about this...

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man who was no longer confused and anxious, and smiled and said, "Then don't you feel that you are useless now? Why can't you compare with other practitioners?"

The smile faded from the corner of Guichen's mouth, and he looked at Ying Baoyue seriously and asked, "Mingyue, will I become your burden? I mean it."

"In that case, I'm telling the truth," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said quietly.


never.Gui Chen was startled when he heard the words, and laughed again, "I understand."

"I won't ask such stupid questions again," the young man's smile turned into a big laugh in the next moment, "Besides, I just discovered a place where no practitioner you meet in the future can compare to me!"

"What is it?" Ying Baoyue asked with a smile.

"That means I'm not a natural practitioner," Gui Chen laughed loudly with his hands on his hips.

In the future, she and he will meet more powerful practitioners, but natural practitioners are common in this world, and unborn practitioners like him are not common.

This was the place where he felt the most inferior, but only now did he realize that this was the place where he was most proud.

The wind starts at the end of Qingping and ends at the peak of Infinity.

Because he once had nothing, he can be fearless.

Just like her.

"You finally found out." Ying Baoyue's laughter mixed with his, but the next moment she looked at Gui Chen's hand, "But it's more than that, you said you were useless, but you didn't get medicine Yet?"

Gui Chen was startled when he heard the words, and looked at the schisandra that he was holding tightly in his hand.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the young man in front of him. He was attacked by a poisonous snake just so suddenly, and he didn't let go of the herb in his hand.

"You've been of great help," Ying Baoyue smiled, and raised her other hand, "I also found one, now we have two."

Looking at the other schisandra plant in her hand, Gui Chen let out a long breath, "Is this enough?"

"If it can be brought out of Linzi smoothly, that's enough, there are still two medicines to spare." Ying Baoyue smiled and said.

However, Gui Chen quickly caught something wrong in her words, "What do you mean if you can get out of the forest?"

Schisandra and the others have worked so hard to get it, but can't they bring it out of the woods?

"We have to get out of here quickly," but at this moment Ying Baoyue looked at the location where the Snake Incense was located, "The efficacy of the Snake Incense is about to wear off."

Gui Chen shook his head and nodded quickly when he heard the words, and the two immediately left the pool.

After moving away from their original position, the two stopped and looked back at the scattered snakes in the distance.

Gui Chen asked his previous question, "Wait...will someone stop us from going out of the forest?"

The process of gathering herbs was hard enough, and he had seen most of the cultivators struggling in the swamp, let alone attacking others, so he thought everything would be over here.

"It's possible," Ying Baoyue said with a smile at this moment.

She stared at the pool of poisonous snakes in the distance and said softly, "Actually, poisonous snakes or poisonous insects are not the most terrifying, as long as you have the knowledge, you can resist."

The truly terrible things in this world are never these.


Ying Baoyue clenched the schisandra in her hand, looked at Gui Chen and smiled.

"You said earlier that I should focus all my attention on winning in individual battles. In fact, I have always done so."

Gui Chen frowned, all he could see was that she was helping him all the time.

"Although it's not a multiplayer battle, players can also cooperate with each other," Ying Baoyue looked at the other schisandra plant Guichen was holding and smiled slightly.

"Guichen, there is something we need to do together."

The medicine has been picked, but Ying Baoyue knows very well that her challenge has just begun.

I'm afraid there is already a thick darkness waiting for her ahead.

And if she wants to bring the medicinal materials out of this mountain forest smoothly, there is one and only one way.

 Our home court of Baoyue is coming soon, and the time to witness the miracle has come.

(End of this chapter)

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