Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 510 Love and Hate

Chapter 510 Love and Hate
As the sun went down, the first round of the individual battle after a whole day of preliminary ceremony finally came to an end.

After the bell for the first birth rang, other practitioners who picked Schisandra chinensis formulated the antidote one after another, and each tried the poison themselves.

Although the speed of effect can't be compared with that of a certain Beihan Pavilion disciple, at least it didn't make a big news like that certain person.

No matter it took ten steps or twenty steps, the poison of the practitioners who were able to gather the medicine in the end could be cured by their own antidote, which also proved that the speed of life and death of He Lancheng was really an accident.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that some Southern Chu practitioners and Beihan Pavilion disciples did not dare to add Schisandra berries snatched from an abnormal channel in the forest to the poison after seeing the end of someone's poison test.

The retribution of these practitioners for wanting to take shortcuts will eventually be reflected in their respective achievements.

In addition to the talents who are capable of picking Schisandra chinensis, of course, there are also many practitioners who are not skilled enough to cure the poison with the antidote, and are eventually carried out.But because the level of poison he prepared was not very good, under the treatment of the off-site doctor, his life was probably safe.


With the final ringing of the bell announcing the end of the whole competition, all the practitioners under the setting sun had to put down the medicinal materials in their hands no matter whether they finished the preparation or not.

The examiners scattered around to check and measure the performance of those practitioners who had prepared similar poisons, and the practitioners who had previously prepared poisonous drugs registered one by one.

After the comprehensive results, the examiners reported the final ranking one by one.

"Northern Wei, Mo Hua, second!"

"Northern Wei, Meng Shi, fifth!"

"Qian Qin, Ying Xun, No. 20!"

"Soochow, Zhao Guang, Seven!"



"Qianqin, Guichen, No. 70 six!"

Hearing this result, Gui Chen heaved a sigh of relief, while Zhao Guang's eyes widened instead.

Although Beihan Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty failed this time, the second and third places were still taken by the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty.It is well known that the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty is powerful, but it is really surprising that No.2 was taken away by the little-known junior brother beside him.

But what surprised Zhao Guang the most was not the performance of the little follower next to the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the performance of the little guard next to the former Qin princess.

Practitioners who can get Schisandra chinensis are not bad in the final rankings, and although Guichen is the second practitioner after Ying Baoyue to be assigned ten steps, the speed of the poison itself is not particularly fast. The final ranking is behind Ying Xun Zhao Guang and others.

Gui Chen himself is very accepting of this result, the time he spent learning to mix and match drugs was not very long.Ying Baoyue wasn't surprised either. He looked at Gui Chen beside him, and patted him on the shoulder, "I've made a lot of progress compared to when I was in Lishan."

Gui Chen nodded, "There is still a long way to catch up with you."

On Mount Li, the first time I picked and prepared medicine with her, neither of them were practitioners at that time.He was still ignorant and ignorant, and she was still an ordinary woman who just woke up and couldn't walk steadily, but at that time he understood that she was not at the same level as him.

After the conversation in the forest, he is not anxious now, after all, she is special.

His princess is special.

In the future, not only he will know, but more people will know.Gui Chen looked around at the teenagers with different expressions under the setting sun, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Guichen who was still smiling, Zhao Guang was amazed. He looked at the similar-looking ten-step-san but completely different rankings in the hands of the boy and girl beside him, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He originally thought that Ying Baoyue could match Shibu San so quickly because of some secret recipe in the former Qin Dynasty, but now it seems that it really belongs to this girl's real strength.

These two people got the medicinal materials at the same time, but got different results.Zhao Guang quietly stared at the calm side face and blood-stained shoulders of the girl beside him.

She was able to dispense medicines for her subordinates, but that woman strictly followed the rules for her own people.

Not everyone can do what this woman can do.

Lin Zhong dispenses medicines, and the ten-step powder formulated is the most toxic in the audience.

Zhao Guang looked at the back of Ying Baoyue who was talking to He Lancheng who was talking to the examiner, his eyes were dark.

Not only broke the myth of Beihan Pavilion, but also completely broke the snare set by Beihan Pavilion for her.

Wait, the trap that Beihan Pavilion set for her?Thinking of this, Zhao Guang was startled suddenly, the scenes he saw in the forest before and the reversals that happened in just half an hour slipped before his eyes.

Prepare the ten-step powder and the antidote in the forest in advance, sprinkle the poison on the medicinal materials, and hide the antidote in the fingertips. All of these must be prepared in advance, and this woman has prepared in advance.

Ordinary practitioners just brought medicinal materials out of the forest, who would have thought that what she brought out of the forest was not medicinal materials, but prepared medicine?

In the ambush in the forest back then, Beihan Pavilion thought it had laid a net for this woman.But in fact, it was this woman who made a suit for Bei Han, and the suits were intertwined, and those who wished would take the bait.

The moment when the Northern Wei and Southern Chu people blocked her footsteps in the forest.

He Lancheng stepped into her snare.

This time, Beihan Pavilion is stealing chickens and losing rice. If you don't mess with her, even if you don't get the first place, the result will not be so miserable.Seeing He Lancheng who was still fighting for the bottom ranking with the examiner in the distance, Zhao Guang finally fully understood the meaning of what Li Ji said when he left.

"In the war against drugs, stay away from her."

The real meaning of this sentence is, don't mess with her when it comes to medicine and poisoning.

Second brother, you do not deceive me.

Looking at He Lancheng who was trembling when he saw Ying Baoyue approaching from a distance, Zhao Guang sighed in his heart.Sure enough, his second brother is still his second brother, and an unintentional confession can become a prophecy.

It really hurt her to end badly.

If she is really serious, no one can bully her.

And this matter, a certain practitioner fully understood it with his own body.

"He Lancheng, the 340th eighth!"

Accompanied by the examiner's yell, the final bell rang, which meant that only 340 or eight practitioners passed the first round of the individual competition this time.

And the last place at the bottom was He Lancheng who almost became the top of the list.

Although he failed to remove his poison in the end, and the dose of the ten-step powder he formulated was not sure of the dosage, but even if it was the wrong ten-step powder, the speed of its effect was not bad. In the end, he still got a little bit of ranking.

But from first to last, Beihan Pavilion's face was hit again, and Ying Baoyue guessed that the Northern Wei saintess who returned to the box would not look good either.

Even she was thinking about how this person would explain when he went back.

"I didn't expect you to get the ranking in the end," Ying Baoyue said.

He Lancheng took a deep breath, "If you allowed me to be poisoned to death, you wouldn't be able to get it."

"You're going to be poisoned to death, where can I find any witnesses?" Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"Indeed," He Lancheng smiled, his previous arrogance seemed to have sunk a lot due to his near-death experience, but at this moment, watching the sunset in the distance, he suddenly spoke.

"I have something to ask you," he said quietly, "Did you know in advance that Junior Sister would put my life in vain and prevent you from delivering the antidote to me?"

"Junior sister? So she is your junior sister?" Ying Baoyue was surprised by this at the first time when she heard the words, and she looked at the boy beside her.

From the conversation between the two before, she didn't see this kind of relationship between them at all.

For some reason, Ying Baoyue seemed to hear a lot of Beihan Pavilion's love and hatred in this voice of junior sister.

(End of this chapter)

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