Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 514 The Wooden House

Chapter 514 The Wooden House
Li Ji's voice was very soft, and the movement of pushing the fence was also very light, as if someone lived here, and he came back too late, for fear of disturbing that person.

However, his voice echoed in the open forest, and the only answer to him was a dead silence.

The small courtyard was quiet, and there was no sound from anyone.

Li Ji lowered his eyes slightly, hiding all his emotions in the thick bronze mask.

He was silent for three breaths, the courtyard was still dead silent, and then he pushed the fence completely and walked into the courtyard.He seemed to know this would happen, but also seemed to expect something different, so he seemed to repeat the process of entering the door countless times.

But no one will answer him after all.

There is such a courtyard in the depths of such a dark forest, which is enough to arouse everyone's curiosity, but this small courtyard does not have the slightest popularity.

Walking into the courtyard, all the scenery has not changed at all, but if a stranger sees this scene, he will be quite surprised.

The surrounding area is dead silent, not to mention the human habitation, not even the breath of a living thing is heard here, and everything reveals a message, that is, no one lives here.

However, although this small courtyard is uninhabited, it is very clean and tidy.

This place is a no-man's land, when no one sets foot, but the scene in front of you is full of life.

There is not a spider web of fallen leaves in the courtyard, there is not a trace of dilapidated tiles on the roof, the ground in the courtyard is spotless, and there is a bamboo dustpan on the steps outside the house.

It obviously looks like a place where no one has lived for many years, but everything in this small courtyard is not in a dusty state.

Everything in this courtyard seems to stay in an instant.

Its owner doesn't seem to have packed up everything and left for a long time, but it seems like he left for a short time, or maybe.

Disappeared in an instant.

Afterwards, someone often came here to clean up, maintaining everything at that moment.

Li Ji looked at everything that remained unchanged in front of him, and the fingers in his sleeves trembled very slightly.The next moment he walked into the courtyard, picked up a bamboo broom leaning against the corner of the wall, and swept away the thin layer of dust on the steps.

Then, put the bamboo broom back to its original place.

After finishing all this, he climbed up the steps and put his hand on the wooden door of the main house.

With a creak, the unlocked door was pushed open, and Li Ji walked in without any surprise.

The furnishings inside the house are the same as those outside the house, and there are still traces of people living there.Li Ji went into the kitchen and brought a dry cloth to wipe off the dust on the furnishings in the house. He was clearly a fourth-rank practitioner, but he was very proficient in doing all of this.After wiping, he washed the cloth and put it back to the original place, opened the back door and walked to the back of the courtyard.

Behind the courtyard is the giant tree that is as thick as four people hugging each other. This tree towers into the sky. It is unknown how old it is. The crown of the tree is like a giant umbrella.

Li Ji stood under the tree and looked towards the top of the tree.

This tree is also very special in the entire cloud forest.

That is such a tree, there is actually a hut.

This is a wooden house, which is built between the giant branches on the top of the tree, with vines hanging around it, all made of logs, with a simple and simple style.

Li Ji raised his head and looked at the hut deep in the canopy. A thick vine hangs from the branch in front of the wooden hut, hanging from the top of the tree to the bottom of the tree. It is not difficult to see that it is specially designed to help people climb into the wooden hut. .

Li Ji walked up to this vine, put his hand on it and shook it lightly, but he didn't start climbing it.

He just took a breath quietly, pulled the vine in his hand, and the next moment his figure appeared on the top of the tree.

Li Ji's expression was complicated for a moment.

Now he no longer needs this vine that was specially set up for him.

Li Ji stood on the branch of the tree, passed through the curtain made of vines, came to the door of the wooden house and opened the door to enter.

Compared with the small courtyard under the tree, the furnishings in this treetop hut are extremely simple, with only one table, one chair and one couch, as if it is just a place to sleep.But even though the furnishings are simple, each piece of furniture seems to be carefully crafted by people. The simple style reveals a unique rustic elegance and looks very comfortable.

The forest outside is cold and gloomy, but the interior of this cabin seems to exude endless warmth.

The most eye-catching decoration in the corner of the wooden house is a wooden bed. Under the bed is a carpet made of down feathers. The bed is covered with a whole piece of snow-white bearskin, which looks extraordinarily soft.

A wooden bow with the same simple style hangs on the bedside. The boxwood is very ordinary in appearance, but it seems that it has been carefully wiped countless times by its owner, and the arms of the bow are covered with pulp.

Li Ji stood at the door, looking at the same scene inside the wooden house as before.He walked to the bed and sat on the bear skin.

He stretched out his hand to the bow on the bedside, and brushed his fingers quietly over it. The next moment, he spoke softly, and said the second sentence when he entered the forest.

"I am back."

There is still silence outside the window of the wooden house, only the rustling of branches and leaves can be heard.

Still no one answered him, Li Ji just took a breath, as if he was used to all this.

After sitting on the bed and saying this sentence, he suddenly reached out and touched the straw rope behind his head instead of a hair tie, and then looked around the interior of the wooden house where there were almost no decorations, and everything was almost clear at a glance.

He looked at all of this quietly, then stood up, walked to various places in the house, and began to search around.

He searched every corner and crack carefully, as if he was looking for something small. He didn't know how many times he had done this. What he was looking for was not found.

However, there was no disappointment on Li Ji's face, as if he was doing some routine work, he straightened up after searching every corner, and said to himself.

"Sure enough, I can't find it." He touched the straw rope behind his head again.

After that thing was lost, he couldn't find it anymore. Where did it go?

However, he has already found all the places he can find, and he has done all the usual things he can do every time he comes to this place.

Li Ji quietly looked at his palm, and then his gaze inadvertently fell on the wrist of his left hand.

Of course, he has nothing on his wrist.

He clenched his fists, as if he had made up his mind, pushed the door out of the wooden house, and then supported the vines to fall straight down and returned to the tree.

Just slightly behind the vines is the root system of this giant tree exposed to the ground, and between the two root systems, you can see the slightly protruding soil.

Everything looked like an ordinary tree root, but Li Ji walked under the thickest tree root, knelt down on one knee regardless of the dirt on his knees, stretched out his hands and started digging.

Obviously, the use of the fourth-order true energy can instantly raze the nearby soil to the ground, but there is no flow of true energy on his body, nor does he use any tools, he just keeps digging down with the palm of his hand.

More and more dirt piled up in front of him, as if it was going to bury his whole body in it, but the movements in Li Ji's hands didn't stop at all, but got faster and faster.

Just as the soil was piling up on his chest, his fingertips suddenly touched a smooth object, Li Ji's eyes paused, and he stopped.

He lowered his head slightly, pushing away the dirt in front of him.

Moonlight penetrated layers of branches and fell in front of him.

In the pit in front of him, a dark box appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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