Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 517 Luoyang

Chapter 517 Luoyang
Hearing Tuoba Xun's self-deprecating words, Wang Zhusheng couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

Although he was really surprised when he saw Tuoba Xun for the first time, he thought the disciple leading the way was joking with him.

The scene in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Who would have thought.

After all, Tuoba Xun, the eldest disciple of the master of the Beihan Pavilion, the first son of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was blind.

From the perspective of ordinary people's common sense, this matter sounds incredible at first glance.

You must know that the strength of Beihan Pavilion is paramount, and the title of eldest disciple is not a false name, but a position that must have the strength to be able to stand out from the crowd.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, blind people can't see walking, and they don't even have the ability to protect themselves. How can they become a practitioner who can defeat a hundred with one enemy?
I also know that it is impossible.

Before entering Beihan Pavilion, Wang Zhusheng also thought so.

He is not a real Northern Wei person, but a refugee who fled from the former Qin Dynasty to the Northern Wei Dynasty to escape corvee.After his parents died of exhaustion in corvée, he no longer had the intention to serve. Relying on the little state he had in his body, he escaped from the former Qin Dynasty all the way.

But when he fled to Luoyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, he was betrayed by his companions. He was desperate for a while and was besieged by many practitioners.When he was about to die from poisoning, it was Beihan Pavilion who rescued him.

And the person who saved him was the blind young man in front of him.

At that time, he was dying and did not see the face of the person who rescued him clearly. When he woke up, he was already in the Beihan Pavilion.When he woke up and begged ordinary disciples to take him to meet his benefactor, Wang Zhusheng thought he would meet a big man from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Because although his vision was blurred at that time, he saw in a trance that the person who rescued him knocked back the six practitioners with one blow.

To be able to do such a thing must be a strong man on the prairie.He thought so.

However, when he was brought in front of that person by his disciples, what appeared in front of him was not a strong man of five big and three thick, but a young man with white silk blindfolded and looked a little weak.

That scene shocked him for a whole year.

Later, he desperately passed the assessment of Beihan Pavilion and became a disciple at the bottom. The benefactor who rescued him at the beginning became his senior brother.Only then did Wang Zhusheng realize that the person who saved him back then was not a weak man at all.

It was the youngest practitioner of the Godly Dance Realm in the north who frightened all the practitioners in Luoyang City.

Wang Zhusheng stared at the boy sitting on the chair in front of him.

Even if you can't see it, the Tuoba family and the Yelu family are generally prosperous, and Tuoba Xun's family background is not high in the Tuoba family, but the strength of this young man is obvious to all.

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, he and Yeluhua, the eldest son of the great prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty, were called "Shuangjie". If it wasn't for the fact that Yeluhua was of a higher birth and younger age, the Tuoba clan always gave Yelushi a head in order to avoid suspicion. Wang Zhusheng always felt that the name of the sixth son of the Warring States The trumpet should fall on Tuoba Xun instead of Yeluhua.

Three years ago in the last Southern Chu Elementary Ceremony, Tuoba Xun was the only practitioner who could stand up to the Southern Chu Chunhua Monarch Ji Jiashu.

Although he lost to Ji Jiashu and passed by the leader in the end, and only took the No.2 Yakui, but with Tuoba Xun's blind body and that Chunhua Jun as his opponent, it is not easy to do so .

Practitioners who are physically fit and weaker than him abound. Wang Zhusheng doesn't understand why the Tuoba family still doesn't take Tuoba Xun seriously under such circumstances.

Although it is an aunt-nephew relationship, Mrs. Rong Tuoba Rong doesn't care about this nephew at all, and usually shouts at him.And his only daughter Xu Bingqing, the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, has no respect for this cousin, and has always been reluctant to take a second look at him, only coming to say a few words when he is needed.

"People from the Tuoba family are like this." Sensing Wang Zhusheng's incomprehensible and aggrieved eyes, Tuoba Xun just smiled and said, "People from the Tuoba family always pursue perfection, and only the strongest things can impress them."

For example, the name of the sixth son of Southern Chu, such as the leader of the primary ceremony.

It's a pity that these all passed him by in the end. Whether it was in the competition for the sixth prince of Nanchu, or in the competition for the leader of the primary ceremony, he would always be No.2.

But to be honest, his current situation is much better than when he was a child.

"For the members of the Tuoba family, just tolerating my shortcoming is exhausting." Tuoba touched the white silk on his eyes and said lightly.

He was not blind from birth, but when he was eight years old and awakened to a natural level, he suddenly had an accident with the reverse flow of his true energy. He didn't know how to control it at the time, and when he discovered it, the corners of his eyes were bleeding and his eyes were dark.

His father hadn't cared about him at all, and he only cared when he learned that he might have awakened to a higher natural rank, which caused his mother to pin all her hopes on his awakening.

It's as if he can completely change the status of the fourth house by awakening a higher level.

I don't know if all this caused him to be overly nervous, but in the end he did awaken the natural level of eighth level, which is higher than normal people, but at the same time he lost his eyesight and became blind.

Aristocratic families rarely accept children and grandchildren with physical disabilities, and once they appear after birth, they will be killed immediately.Seeing that the family's children are more radiant and healthy than ordinary people, the fact is that they have been obliterated once when they were born.

At that time, many people in Luoyang City ridiculed that the Patriarch of the Tuoba family had done too many bad things to repay his son. His father became furious and took him to the Great Wall of Eternal Night, lifted his ankle, and almost wanted to kill the general. At the age of eight, he fell down and fell to his death under the Great Wall.

If someone hadn't passed by and saved him, his life might have ended at the age of eight.

The man who rescued him told him that he could practice even if he couldn't see. After saving his life, he was kicked out of the house so far and he practiced desperately. Finally, he won the attention of his uncle Xu Canghai, the master of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and became the first disciple of Beihan Pavilion.

After that, the Tuoba family recognized him again.

But since the first time can be driven out, there will naturally be a second time.

In the eyes of the Tuoba family, who are after the strongest, the most important connection between the Tuoba family and Beihan Pavilion is still Xu Canghai, the national teacher of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

And he is insignificant.

However, after all, he is a god son of the second rank, so it is only natural that he is not as good as him.

And even though he was in Xu Bingqing's realm, according to the rules of Beihan Pavilion, she was not qualified to send him as a junior sister.

But Xu Bingqing has a mother who loves daughters like life.

But recently, the national teacher retreated, and no one could restrict her.

If he dared to refuse Xu Bingqing's request, Tuoba Xun could already imagine how his aunt would rush here angrily.

"By the way, why do you have to go to Nanchu at this time?" Wang Zhusheng said helplessly, "I have already lost the first round of the personal battle, and you can't change the result if you go, senior brother."

"I know this well, Tuoba Xun slightly raised his head and smiled.

"After all, the second round of this personal battle happens to be something I'm good at."

(End of this chapter)

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