Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

The girl's movements were so natural that no one else in the room could react for a moment.

"Mingyue, this is..."

Gui Chen stared blankly at the cloth bag spread out on the table, and found that it was actually the medicine bag that Ying Baoyue had used in yesterday's battle against medicine and poison.

Ying Baoyue smiled and said nothing, then her hands moved quickly, and He Lancheng, who was standing outside the threshold, looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment.

The girl's hand shuttled between the medicinal materials at a speed as fast as a god's help.I saw that she found several medicinal materials in different shapes from the medicinal material bag, crushed the hay-like ones at her fingertips, and crushed the fruits with a small knife on the table...Bowls and chopsticks, cups and spoons, steamers...almost anything can be her tool.

And what she was standing at this time was not in front of the medicine testing table, but an ordinary dining table in front of her.

It's just that at the dinner table, the girl concocted the medicinal powder with a very complicated formula in a short while, and the process was so fast that He Lancheng didn't even realize how many herbs she used and what kind of medicine she was mixing.

Now he finally understands how this woman was given ten steps during the battle against drugs yesterday.He had guessed whether Ji Jiashu had prepared the medicine for her in advance, and even made her bring the medicine into the mountains by lying for her during the body search.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, he realized that she had mixed the poison and medicine on the spot.

That's her speed.


It's just... He Lancheng stared blankly at Ying Baoyue who had quickly prepared the medicine powder on such an occasion, and didn't understand what she was trying to do.

"Why are you still standing there?"

At this time, Ying Baoyue adjusted the medicine in her hand, looked at He Lancheng who was still standing motionless outside the threshold, waved and repeated.

"come over."

This statement... The expressions of the other teenagers in the room were a little strange, and He Lancheng's figure was even more stiff.

Looking at the figure of Ying Baoyue standing up not far away, although she didn't know what she would do, but in the current situation, it was too late to do anything to him.

However, today's surrender really exceeded He Lancheng's expectations.

How did all this come about?

He obviously came to Qianqin to surrender to her.

Seeing the figure of the young girl staring at him quietly holding a medicine bowl not far away, He Lancheng could only stiffly lift one foot and walk towards Ying Baoyue.

And just as he stood still in front of her, Ying Baoyue raised the bowl containing the freshly prepared powder in his hand to his face.

"Drink this."


He Lancheng had a strange expression on his face, "This is..."

Beihan Pavilion disciples will not drink medicine casually outside.

"It's poison," Ying Baoyue glanced back at Gui Chen, then smiled at him, "Regardless of whether you came here to surrender today, do you still remember what I said yesterday that we still have a debt to settle?"

"You poisoned Guichen once," Ying Baoyue looked at He Lancheng and smiled, "Then I need to poison you again."

"Of course, I'll give you the antidote after a while." Ying Baoyue said lightly, "It's just like how you treated Gui Chen back then."

Indeed... it seems that there is such a thing.

He Lancheng's pupils shrank when she heard this, she had indeed said that when she left yesterday, and said that because he was in poor health yesterday, he could choose another day, but he did not expect that today he would come to the door himself.

"Don't worry, even if you don't come today, I will find you with poison," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled as if she knew what he was thinking.

Offending her is really terrible.

But he came to surrender today, if the grievances between the two sides are not resolved first, there is nothing to talk about.

He Lancheng looked at the bowl of powder in front of him, the veins on his forehead twitched, he took the bowl and ate all the powder.

However, at the next moment, a sharp pain rose from his chest. This pain was so heart-wrenching, as if it had penetrated into the marrow of his bones, digging out everything deep in his bones.

With a click, the medicine bowl in He Lancheng's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

He fell to the ground and twitched continuously, looking horrific.

"Your Highness? What did you feed him?" Seeing this scene, Ji Jiashu stood up abruptly.This woman has always been fair, and seeking justice for Guichen is what she would do, but he never expected that she would use such a powerful poison.

And seeing He Lancheng struggling painfully on the ground for a while, she didn't give him the antidote immediately.

"Your Highness, what are you..."

Although it was revenge, such a move that seemed to vent her anger was not something she would do.

"Mingyue, if you don't give him the antidote, this person will..." Seeing He Lancheng's miserable condition on the ground, Ji Jiashu changed his name, and watched anxiously standing beside He Lancheng like a stone. A girl with a normal heart.

If Ye Jingshu or the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty saw this scene, there would be many rumors slandering her tomorrow.

Gui Chen looked at the scene in front of him and took a deep breath, "Mingyue, it's okay, this time is enough!"

However, facing their eager suggestions, Ying Baoyue looked at He Lancheng on the ground and said quietly, "Wait a little longer."

She spoke softly.

"After all, sickness comes like a mountain, and sickness goes like a thread."

Ji Jiashu and Gui Chen were startled when they heard the words, what does this mean?
"Cough, cough, cough." But at this moment, He Lancheng, who was writhing in pain on the ground, suddenly coughed loudly, spitting out a big mouthful of black blood.

The blood was extremely black, and it looked very ominous, and it was even mixed with a large number of blood clots.

Everyone in the room was shocked when they saw this scene, Gui Chen even wanted to get the antidote from Ying Baoyue's hand, but at this moment he opened Ying Baoyue's palm, but found it was empty.

Guichen opened his eyes wide.

No matter how much He Lancheng hated him, if he really died, Beihan Pavilion would definitely make trouble for her. She was the first to understand such a simple truth, so why was she so impulsive today?
"Mingyue... this is..."

However, just when everyone in the house thought that someone was about to die, He Lancheng who fell on the ground stopped twitching at some point.

Then, everyone looked at He Lancheng who had just vomited a large pool of blood in astonishment and sat up slowly, his eyes became much brighter.

"This...this is all..." Ji Jiashu was a little stunned.

He Lancheng looked at his blood-stained hands and felt that he was dreaming.

At this time, Ying Baoyue took a step forward, quietly staring at He Lancheng and said, "It seems that the poison has been pulled out quite cleanly, and I can speak normally now."

"Extract the poison?" Everyone around was taken aback when they heard this.

"What you said before is not without reason," Ying Baoyue looked at He Lancheng and said with a smile, "but what the person who took the soul guide said is really unbelievable."

"Ban Hun Yin?" Ji Jiashu realized that he had never heard of this name before, looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "That's..."

"It's a chronic poison that attacks every three days," Ying Baoyue said, "Once you take it, you must take the antidote regularly."

"Then this is..." Ji Jiashu was shocked and found something.

"That's right," Ying Baoyue said quietly.

"It's a poison best suited to controlling people."

(End of this chapter)

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