Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 534 Brothers

Chapter 534 Brothers
"Northern Wei's stepson and his younger sister's birthday..."

Ji Jiashu stood outside the gate of Qing'an Yuan, frowning suspiciously, "Why did you come to find her?"

He did hear that Meng Shi had a younger sister, but he had never heard of any intersection between this younger sister and the former Qin princess.

He didn't discriminate against Meng Shi's identity in the slightest.But in fact, Meng Shi's younger sister, who was born as a commoner, is unlikely to have seen the princess in the deep palace under normal circumstances.

Ji Jiashu's expression was calm, but doubts were unavoidable in his heart.

After all, they are not in the circle of noble girls, even if they happen to meet in some public places, it is impossible for them to have any deep acquaintances.

And if it wasn't for ordinary friendship, it would be hard for him to imagine that he could invite that woman out the day before the war chess game.

"When did you leave?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ji Qingyuan and asked, "Is her body still able to hold on?"

She had been sitting in front of the chessboard for two days and two nights. He had seen her from a distance outside the courtyard before. Her expression was very focused, so he didn't come to disturb her.

"Half an hour ago, it looked okay," Ji Qingyuan replied, looking at the rarely worried expression of his calm brother in front of him, his eyes were a little complicated.

"You don't have to worry too much." He lowered his eyes slightly and said quietly, "You also know that it is impossible for her to sleep in this situation, and she can relax a little bit by going out for a walk."

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard the words, and immediately understood what Ji Qingyuan meant.After all, he also had a similar experience.

In the case of thinking about the chess game all the time, people will not be able to fall asleep because of the high mental tension.

When he participated in the elementary ceremony back then, he had trouble falling asleep before the war chess game started, and he didn't sleep well until the game was completely over and his head was cleared.

However, at that time, he had almost achieved a quick victory against all opponents, and the spirit of a practitioner was stronger than that of ordinary people, so in the end there was no serious problem.

Looking at Ji Jiashu's reaction, Ji Qingyuan knew that he wanted to understand.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the woman accepted the invitation.

"Don't worry if you know." He looked at Ji Jiashu and said calmly, "She said she would be back in an hour."

Facing Ji Qingyuan's gaze, Ji Jiashu's ears felt hot for some reason, and he instinctively said, "I'm not worried."

"It's just a little strange for a while," he explained, "after all..."

After all, she has been in Southern Chu for so long, except for Ji Ange and Guili in the Qing'an Courtyard, he has never seen her get along with other women of the same age, and it is hard to imagine such a picture.

Ji Jiashu thought.

From the first time he met her, all he saw was the figure of the girl who was going forward and never stopping towards her goal, and he had never seen her playing with other little girls in private.

For a moment his curiosity was aroused.

"That girl Meng who celebrated her birthday...did you say what to invite her to do?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ji Qingyuan and asked.

"The girls are going to play, why do you ask so many questions?"

Ji Qingyuan frowned and looked at his younger brother, who was not interested in anything other than cultivation, with a delicate expression, "Do you want to go too?"

Ji Jiashu shook his head quickly, smiled and said, "I'm just a little curious about who can invite her out, brother, don't be kidding."

What is he going to do.

"That's right," Ji Qingyuan patted him on the shoulder, "When she left, she said she wanted to go shopping with that Meng girl, but she didn't say where she was going, but..."

"Shopping?" Ji Jiashu didn't understand the word, but it wasn't hard to guess that it meant going to the street. He looked at Ji Qingyuan and asked, "But what?"

Ji Qingyuan took a deep look at Ji Jiashu, "But since it's that girl Meng's birthday, it also means that it's also the birthday of that boy Meng Shi."

Meng Shi...

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard this.

It is no secret in Danyang City that the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty has a twin sister.The twins' birthdays are naturally on the same day, and Meng Ge's birthday is also Meng Shi's birthday.

Having said that, Meng Ge invited Ying Baoyue out today, but whose birthday it is for is open to debate.

Compared with this little sister who has never heard of it, Meng Shi, the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Ying Baoyue, the former princess of the Qin Dynasty, have more intersections.

After all, in the night of the first round of the crowd battle, the only former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue who did not win the top spot, there were rumors about the extraordinary relationship between the two.

The former Qin princess once threw her stepson down in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Because Meng Shi's reputation is not as good as that of the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period, this matter is not as famous in Danyang City as the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but it was also widely spread for a while.

Chen Zichu once ran over to ask him what was going on. It is said that he saw that scene with his own eyes and was greatly shocked.

But Ji Jiashu drove the kid back with reasons that he didn't understand and was not qualified to ask.

Ji Jiashu looked frank.

Just as she hadn't asked him about the rumors about the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, he naturally wouldn't have asked about the rumors between her and the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Brother, why are you mentioning this?" Ji Jiashu said helplessly.

"Meng Shi must be here today," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled, "The scene around her should be quite lively."

Ji Jiashu's forehead twitched, and he looked at his elder brother speechlessly and said, "Brother, do you know what it means to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred?"

If the speaker does not care at all, it is impossible to notice this, let alone point it out.

Ji Qingyuan's forehead also twitched, and the two brothers looked at each other speechlessly for a moment.

After a short silence, Ji Qingyuan closed his eyes, looked at the younger brother and smiled faintly, "You are so courageous, you dare to mock the elder brother, what are you talking about."

Ji Jiashu was startled, and then handed over his hands to make amends. Seeing him like this, Ji Qingyuan's expression became more complicated.

He is five years older than Ji Jiashu, but he is an illegitimate son, and Ji Jiashu is a legitimate son.In the aristocratic family, illegitimate children are not ranked, and it is rare to see a concubine as an elder brother, let alone an illegitimate child.

But he and Ji Ange's mother status is very special, not too low but too high. As a human god, he was also engaged to Ji Mo before. This unprecedented status puts the current wife of the National Teacher's Mansion in an extremely embarrassing position. And Ji Jiashu, who was born under such circumstances, is destined not to be able to obtain a unique status like the ordinary eldest son.

When he and Ji Ange appeared at the occasion where the family gathered, no one dared to approach them and no one would treat them as air, and would only look at him and Ji Jiashu with extremely complicated eyes.

He and Ji Jiashu have good reason to hate each other.

It's better to say that the other families always thought that they were irreconcilable, and that their own existence should be a thorn in their hearts.

He thought so too, not to mention that Ji Jiashu's mother wanted to kill him and Ji Ange, and it was their cultivation that he and Ji Ange didn't want to take revenge on that woman's son.

Although he would fight to the death before meeting, but he always regarded this "brother" as non-existent until he was 15 years old.

But he didn't expect that the young boy who was taught by his mother that "this illegitimate child took away what you should have" has always treated him like an elder brother.

He originally thought that all of this was faked by this kid, but when the young master passed away one after another, and when he and Ji Ange had no support in this world, this young man's "true face" was not revealed.

Ten years have been like a day, and the rock has not shifted.

Ji Qingyuan looked at the young man with clear and consistent eyes in front of him, and remembered the scene when he peeked at the corner of the wall and saw Ji Jiashu, who was only five years old, refuting his mother.

That scene at that time.

It really opened his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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