Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 554

Chapter 554
The first closing bell rang from the Dengyuntai.

But it came from the hands of people that no one expected.

Ying Xun, the stepson of the former Qin Dynasty, surrendered.

Not many people guessed the ending.Even those who guessed the ending did not guess that it would end in this way.

"Senior brother..." Wang Zhusheng stammered on the high platform, "Young Master haven't made ten moves yet?"

Tuoba Xun had just predicted that Ying Xun would lose after ten moves, but when Ying Xun conceded at this time, there were still several moves away from ten moves.

"Of course." Tuoba Xun didn't expect this result, he frowned when he heard Wang Zhusheng's foolish words, "Because this game is not dead yet."

Although Ying Xun's defeat was certain, he did not struggle to the last step.

If it is changed to chess, it means that the chess game has not reached the last move of the "general", and Ying Xun conceded in advance before being three moves by the general.

"That Ying Xun... unexpectedly surrendered ahead of time." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise.

Unlike chess, the longer the game is dragged on, the better the game. As the former stepson and possible heir of the Qin Dynasty, it is common for Ying Xun to prolong the game for the sake of face.

But not only did he not procrastinate, he also conceded in advance under the normal process, and he conceded so quickly that he even rang the small bell beside him.

Ying Baoyue raised her head from the side of the chessboard and looked at the calm young man opposite.

In the previous chess game, even if one side conceded defeat, they would first signal to the examiner. After the examiner finished checking the chess game, the examiner would ring the bell next to it.

And Ying Xun didn't even wait for this process, and directly rang the bell by himself.

He didn't even give him or anyone else around him the room to repent.

"Eldest son..."

"The eldest son actually admitted defeat..."


"Could it be that you want to miss the princess? But what is there to give up on this occasion?"

The onlookers of the former Qin practitioners were shocked at first, and then gradually turned into disappointment and heartache.

"You..." It seemed that Ying Baoyue glanced at the patrolling examiner who hurried over, and looked at Ying Xun, "Actually, you can wait a little longer."

Their previous chess game was actually controlled at an even speed. If they waited for the normal game to finish, the final outcome would look like Ying Xun made a mistake, while she seemed to have a flash of inspiration.

There will be no feeling of crushing power.

Ying Xun paused the hand holding the hammer, and then looked at Ying Baoyue helplessly, "I said cousin, have you considered your situation?"

If he admits defeat, people will think that he has no ambition.

But she went down to the last moment and forced the former Qin stepson into a corner. In the eyes of those who supported him, it was her ignorance.

Ying Xun's eyes were slightly cold.

All the attention will be on her winning him.

Of course, this victory belonged to her, but because of his sensitive status, winning him would bring criticism to her instead.

She protects his face, who will protect the justice she deserves?
Ying Xun remembered those people who deliberately lost to him in chess when he was a child. When he first discovered the truth, he felt extremely angry and disdainful towards those people.But now he can understand that those people are just cowards.

If he wins, he will be punished and criticized. Who dares to win against him?

From the beginning to the end, there was only one person.

That amazing person.

And at this time, there was one more amazing person.

Ying Xun quietly watched the girl on the opposite side of the chessboard, and spoke softly.

"Although I am not as strong as you, at least I can know that you are stronger than me."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and a childish reprimand from a little boy suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Such a big man actually made the little grandson cry, that Princess Zhaoyang really has no sense!"

"Your Highness, no matter how good-tempered you are, you shouldn't be able to bear it, right? If you are so rude to the prince and grandson, sooner or later someone will make that woman look good!"

That was the night after she won Ying Xun, when she went to treat Ying Su through the secret passage, she overheard the chatter of palace people near Ying Xun's bedroom.

The voice was from the palace of the eldest son of the emperor, and she didn't intend to go overboard to teach other people's servants a lesson, but when she was about to walk over, she heard a childish but imposing reprimand.

"Princess Zhaoyang won against me because she is stronger than me!"

"It's my fault that it's useless. What's the matter with her?"

"But Your Highness, you are still young...that princess is so ruthless..." the maid whispered.

"Humanity? Deliberately losing to me is an insult to me. The chess game should be fair."

"What's wrong with her? It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks and turn black and white!"

Hearing that immature voice, Ying Baoyue's first reaction was that this child is quite talented in using idioms.

But in this immature voice, the two broken-mouthed palace servants pleaded bitterly, but they were still driven out of the palace by him.

"Whoever dares to turn right and wrong again will end up like this." The little boy's voice was still hoarse from crying too much, but he didn't have the slightest bit of jealousy.

"She's not bad, it's me."

"Why should someone be blamed for doing nothing wrong?"

He said as if talking to himself.

It was hard for Ying Baoyue to imagine that this was said by the child who was very cold and alienated in front of her during the day.

Of course, Ying Xun didn't know she was there at the time, if he had known, maybe he wouldn't have said that...

The night passed quietly, and the next day, the child found her with the chessboard.

"I lost yesterday, but you were right. You are never allowed to deliberately lose to me in the future."

The person who was filled with righteous indignation last night didn't seem to exist, but turned into a cold and awkward look again.

"Don't worry, I can't do something like this," she remembers her answering.

She watched the child in front of her choke, then puffed out her small chest, clenched her fists and said to her.

"Although I am losing now, you wait for me. Whether it is ten years or twenty years, I will win you one day."

"Then work hard," she said.

But she couldn't wait for him in the end.

She broke her promise.

Ying Baoyue looked at the chess game in front of her.

From eighteen hands to 150 eight hands, it has been ten years.

As time goes by, some things change and some things remain the same.

"What's wrong?" Now the 16-year-old boy stared at her quietly, frowning slightly, "Don't you think I just said something very clever and extra points?"

Where did this man learn these words from?

"Add points, add points," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "but this cannot be added to chess."

"Of course," Ying Xun snorted coldly.

"Although I haven't been able to beat you now, and losing to my cousin is also embarrassing, but I won't lose to you again and again in the future." Ying Xun snorted again, "Wait a minute..."

He paused, "Maybe wait another year or two..."

How did the time to get to my cousin become so short.

Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you work hard for ten years."

Hearing this sentence, other practitioners and onlookers around widened their eyes. To the majestic former Qin stepson, this was a real humiliation. Everyone was waiting for Ying Xun to get angry, but Ying Xun was suddenly startled when he heard the words .

After being startled for a while, he quietly looked at the girl in front of him, "I won't lose again, and you can't lose either."

Ying Baoyue stood up, looked at him and smiled, "I won't lose."

The bells on other chessboards sounded not far away, and the 64-player battle gradually came to an end.Originally, everyone's attention was focused on the game between Ying Xun and Ying Baoyue. Only after this game ended did everyone realize that the other games were also very exciting, and the result of the game was of course extremely tragic.

The practitioners of the former Qin Dynasty were still aggrieved by Ying Xun's ending, but when the 64th battle was over, someone suddenly said in astonishment.

"Is there only two people left in the former Qin Dynasty?"

At the end of two hours, the battle of 64 into 32 came to an end, and the top 32 players in the war game were decided.

Among them, there are 12 people from the Northern Wei Dynasty, eight people from the Southern Chu Dynasty, six people from the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and three each from the Later Liao Dynasty and the Middle Tang Dynasty.

In the former Qin Dynasty, there were only two people left.

They are Huo Zhan and Ying Baoyue.

In fact, there is only one orthodox practitioner in the hearts of former Qin people.

"From now on, it's all up to Mr. Huo to support the facade..." someone among the former Qin practitioners murmured.

But what they didn't expect was that in the next 32-man battle.

Huo Zhan lost.



 Huo Zhan: It was quite sudden

(End of this chapter)

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