Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 556 Top 8

Chapter 556
For a long time, wargames held before the final round of personal battles have been like a final round of skirmishes.

Although it wasn't as real as the last round of fighting with swords and guns, playing chess is the same as fighting with swords, it is a two-two duel.Just like a mild version of the battle, at the end of the fight, you can see the top duel that everyone is looking forward to.

When Hushan was almost at the top, the top [-] battles were held halfway up the mountain, on the battle stage near the top of the mountain.

The battle platform, as the name suggests, is where the fierce battle begins.

Under such a cruel elimination system, those who can get here are not vegetarians.

Hundreds of practitioners have been eliminated to the last 16, and almost everyone left is a long-established practitioner, and it is difficult to see these people gather together under normal opportunities.

It was the deepest night when the top [-] battle started, but under the light of the fire, not only did the faces of the crowd not feel tired, but everyone's eyes widened brightly.

In the darkness before dawn.

The bell rang for the start of the round of sixteen.

Everyone looked at the remaining eight chessboards on the battle stage with great anticipation.

There are peddlers carrying loads on the mountainside to sell syrup, water and snacks, and the onlookers are eating and drinking while accumulating energy for the next chess game.

After all, every next chess game should be longer than any previous game. This game started when everyone was most tired, and the fierce battle was about to break out.

Everyone originally... thought so.

But the next quarter of the bell rang, the chess game between Ying Baoyue and the Beihan Pavilion disciples was over.

What about the fierce battle?

This sudden opening made the onlookers, whose eyes were all red, widen their eyes.

"The person who just played against the former Qin princess is Du Heng, right? Beihan Pavilion is second only to He Lancheng's second-in-command."

"I remember that I often heard the shout of the saint, Ah Heng, Ah Heng. Is this Du Heng so weak?"

"Wait, is this really because Du Heng is weak?"

The question suddenly raised by someone in the crowd silenced everyone.

No matter what caused this result, even the practitioners who were eliminated and turned into spectators were once again shocked by this terrible speed.

"How many Beihan Pavilion disciples have lost to her this day?" Jiang Yuanyuan asked in amazement on the high platform.

"Three." Ji Jiashu replied immediately.

Well, this guy really counted.

"What are all these people trying to do?" Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at Tuoba Xun, who was hanging high beside him as if he had nothing to do with him. "If Beihan Pavilion really wants to defeat her, let He Lancheng directly Is it okay to go up?"

This statement is tantamount to tacitly acquiescing that Beihan Pavilion can control the lottery.

Ji Jiashu clenched his fists in his sleeves, and also looked at Tuoba Xun at the side.

If there is really any trump card, using it in advance can make Ying Baoyue lose earlier, and the ranking will naturally be lower.But at this time, she had already defeated all the Beihan Pavilion disciples except He Lancheng.

Became the first cultivator to enter the quarterfinals.

"The Second Highness thinks too much?" Tuoba Xun said with a smile when he heard the words, "The princess of the former Qin Dynasty met so many Beihan Pavilion disciples, is it just because there are so many people left in our Beihan Pavilion?"

"After all, we are already too numerous to start a civil war." He raised his chin towards the stage.

Jiang Yuanyuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and returned his attention to the stage.

Ying Baoyue's rapid victory once again was indeed amazing, but the wins and losses in the other games on stage at this time also made people very concerned.

"The former princess of Qin actually won just like that..."

"She just took away one of the top eight places..."

"Then who's going to be next?"

At this time, the final bell rang again on the stage, and everyone was refreshed, but they lost interest after seeing who the winner was.

"So it's Mr. Helan..."

"There's really no suspense at all..."

After winning Baoyue, it was the second chess game to end in the round of sixteen, and the winner was He Lancheng.

But this ending was expected by everyone.Among the Beihan Pavilion disciples participating in the primary ceremony this time, He Lancheng was the strongest, and the one he met just now was none other than him. It would be abnormal if he couldn't win.

Both Ying Baoyue and He Lancheng ended the chess game within an hour, but since then, almost an hour has passed, and no one else has won.

The chess game has entered a stalemate as everyone thought before.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky was also pale. The whole night was about to pass, and the chess game was still going on.

The remaining six games illustrate the intensity.

The chessboard itself is full of opponents with similar chess strength, and the remaining few games have been evenly matched in terms of chess situation, and it is impossible to see who will win or lose.

And looking at the chess players who played from dark to dawn, the faces of the onlookers were full of respect.

"Who will win..." The examiners on the high platform watched the scene and began to anxiously speculate about the ending.

But the strength of each practitioner in front of the six chessboards is similar in the rumors from the outside world, and people don't know how to judge for a while.

But just when everyone was about to fall asleep unbearably, the long-lost bell finally rang!

"Some new results? Which chess game? Who won."

"Chessboard No. [-], Nan Chu, Chen Zihan wins!"

Accompanied by the examiner's shout, the Southern Chu practitioners and the people were overjoyed at first, and then showed complicated gazes.

Under the high stage, Ying Baoyue, who was resting beside Ji Qingyuan, Ji Ange, Guichen and the others, raised his head when he heard this result.

It was because Chen Zihan's opponent this time was...Xu Yishan.

People in Nanchu are in complicated moods because Nanchu is also involved in a civil war this time.

"Xu Yishan actually lost..."

After the banquet at Jixia, Xu Yishan's status as the senior brother of the Water Academy has risen, and the cultivation world has also recognized his strength.

But I didn't expect Xu Yishan to lose in this match based on even strength.

"The actual strengths of those two should be about the same," Ji Jiashu said quietly on the high platform, "but the wind magician has the advantage in the ability to see the overall situation and judge the direction of the wind."

After the first round of the multiplayer battle, Chen Zihan's ability in this aspect improved further, and finally defeated Xu Yishan in chess.

Southern Chu Chen Zihan entered the top eight.

"Sure enough, it's because I'm a Wind Sorcerer," Jiang Yuanyuan sighed after hearing Ji Jiashu's words, "Sure enough, a Wind Sorcerer still has some special abilities."

"Chen Zihan may not be Xu Yishan's opponent if it is really a chess match, but if it is a chess match, the Wind Magician will definitely..."

While Jiang Yuanyuan was still discussing with others on the high platform, the bell rang again. When they saw the result, everyone was surprised only after the scene of Ying Baoyue.

"Chessboard No. [-], Northern Wei Dynasty, Mo Huasheng!"

This cultivator is not well-known, but his opponent in this game of chess is... Zhao Guang, the stepson of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

On the high platform where the examiner was, Jiang Yuanyuan and Ji Jiashu had just finished talking about the strength of the Wind Sorcerer in the chess game, and Zhao Guang, who was also the Wind Sorcerer, lost to Mo Hua.

The smile on Jiang Yuanyuan's face was a little stiff.

Ying Baoyue looked up.

This result...

It was a slap in the face on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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