Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 562 Forced

Chapter 562 Forced
Hearing this little disciple's words, Ji Jiashu obviously felt that the atmosphere around Tuoba Xun had changed instantly.

The originally hot midsummer seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and it was instantly icy cold, cold and alienated.

But this coldness only lasted for a short moment, as fast as his illusion.The next moment, Tuoba Xun's familiar gentle and careless smile hung on the corner of his mouth again.

The man in front of him was blinded by Bai Ling, no one could see his expression clearly, only the smile at the corner of his mouth.

As if nothing happened, as if nothing mattered.

This is Tuoba Xun, the great disciple of Beihan Pavilion who is blind but can ascend to a high position.

"Really?" Tuoba Xun smiled at the little disciple in front of him, "What is Bingqing so urgent about?"

"He Lancheng is still playing this game, I want to listen here for a while and chat with Mr. Chunhua." He smiled casually.

"Elder brother, the saint said that it's the same wherever you are," the little disciple said with a respectful gesture, but his words were firm, "No matter what, I'll let you go to her immediately."

After speaking, the disciple straightened up and looked at Wang Zhusheng who was standing behind the wheelchair, his eyes became less respectful, and he scolded, "Zhusheng, hurry up and push senior brother down."

Wang Zhusheng's face tightened, he had only been in the cabinet for two years, although he was old and experienced, he was far inferior to these young disciples who grew up in the cabinet.Facing the domineering gaze of the other party, the pressure doubled for a while.

"Brother..." Wang Zhusheng said helplessly.

Tuoba Xun took a deep breath, then shrugged, "Okay, okay, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to Ji Jiashu and Jiang Yuanyuan, "You two, I'm going to change places."

Wang Zhusheng stretched out his hand to push Tuo Baxun's wheelchair, but at this moment, the wheelchair was suddenly pushed down by a strong force.

"Huh?" Tuoba Xun was stunned, and raised his head to face the man who suddenly pressed the wheelchair, "Mr. Chunhua, what do you mean?"

"Where are you going?" Ji Jiashu turned his back to the lotus platform, his eyes were cold, "What did she ask you to do?"

"What to do?" Tuoba Xun smiled, "No matter what to do, I don't have the right to take the lead."

"I said before," he stretched out his hand and patted Ji Jiashu's shoulder jokingly, "Little brother, I... oh, by the way, you are younger than me, big brother, I can't help myself."

"I am a disciple of Beihan Pavilion, and I was born as a member of the Tuoba family," Tuoba Xun said with a smile, "I am nothing but these two identities, do I have a choice?"

The Jixia Academy in Southern Chu is known as the school of the world, but before he won the ranking in the primary ceremony, he was rejected by him many times, just because the mountain gate palace instruction added to the sacrifice wine clearly stated .

Jixia Academy does not accept disabled people.

Of course, he didn't mean that there was anything wrong with such a regulation.

After all, Jixia Academy is a place to train immortal officials.

Although there are seven countries in the Mountain Sea Continent, and the customs and habits of each country are different, there is such a clause clearly written in the law.

People with disabilities are not allowed to be officials.

Although Beihan Pavilion imitated Jixia Academy nondescriptly, although there is no such voice now, some upright literati and historians once accused it of being a mob.

Because the Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty did not only recruit orthodox practitioners.

And it is precisely because Beihan Pavilion does not stick to small details, and besides orthodox practitioners, it also recruits capable people and strangers, so there is no restriction on the disabled or not, so he got his place in it.

The only location on the continent.

So he has no choice.

"I'm different from you," Tuoba Xun said, but the next moment he faced Ji Jiashu and suddenly smiled, "Wait, we are the same."

Ji Jiashu frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"We're not as good as ourselves, aren't we?" Tuoba Xun smiled and said, following the strange yet familiar breath, he opened his mouth to the girl playing chess on the lotus platform.

"Your engagement with her was not your choice at the beginning, was it?"

Ji Jiashu was startled when he heard this.

"Then you stay by her side, and I go to Bingqing's side, is there any difference?"

Tuoba Xun smiled when he heard the words, then mobilized his true energy and stretched out his hand to push Ji Jiashu's hand off the back of the chair. The two people's true energy collided in the air, as if a thunder had exploded instantly.


There was a barrier on the examiner's high platform, and the sound did not scare the chess players and the public on the stage, but some people heard some movement and looked over.Jiang Yuanyuan was taken aback by the side, and Mr. Mengyang also opened his eyes and took a look.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yuanyuan took a step back, feeling that these two fifth-level practitioners were really scary, and that just a light touch could cause such a change.

If one day they really confronted each other, how much trouble would it cause?
But fortunately, the two of them were calm enough at this time.

"We can't fight in this place," Tuoba Xunwen said with a smile, "Without the protection of a large formation, if we have a conflict, it will affect ordinary people."

The next moment was exactly as he expected, Ji Jiashu put away his true energy.

A gentleman deceives him with a prescription.Tuoba Xun heard the words and smiled, then turned his head and called to the stunned Wang Zhusheng, "Ah Sheng, let's go."

Wang Zhusheng came back to his senses, and hurriedly pushed Tuoba Xun's wheelchair down under the urging eyes of the little disciples.

This time no one stopped him.

But just as he was moving Tuoba Xun's wheelchair down the steps, the boy's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Tuoba, I know you think you have seen everything, but there is one thing you said wrong."

Tuoba Xun's hand on the wheelchair must be fixed, his back turned to Ji Jiashu with an expressionless face.

"I stayed by her side with my own will." Ji Jiashu said quietly.

Wang Zhusheng felt a slight shock in the shoulders of Tuoba Xunyan who was sitting in the wheelchair.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment.

next moment.

"Really?" Tuoba Xun lowered his head and smiled, but he didn't turn his head, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I remember she told you before," Ji Jiashu said lightly, "You also have a choice, but you gave up to choose."

Tuoba Xun was startled when he heard the words, the smile on his mouth disappeared.

Ji Jiashu stared at the figure in the wheelchair and stopped talking.

Under the white silk, Tuoba Xun closed his eyes, and finally said to Wang Zhusheng, "Let's go."



Tuoba Xun left, Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the wheelchair being pushed towards the position of the Northern Wei Saintess, and took a deep breath.

"This person is still so transparent," he said lightly, "it's still so scary when he speaks."

Everything can be seen extremely far, obviously invisible, but it seems to be able to see through anyone easily.

Ji Jiashu nodded upon hearing that, "But..."

"But his problem is that he sees everything too clearly." Jiang Yuanyuan said lightly, "Now I know why he lost to you back then."

Those who see too clearly will not resist.

Because I know resistance is useless.

But there are always exceptions in this world.

Ji Jiashu looked at Jiang Yuanyuan, only to see the cunning prince smiled at him, "He gave up after seeing it through, and you will continue as usual after seeing it through."

Commonly known as net doing useless work.

After all, Jiang Yuanyuan was the only person who was forced into an irresistible marriage contract and worried that his fiancée would be assassinated and go out of the city to pick up someone.

"Not everyone can live so purely like you," Jiang Yuanyuan sighed.

"Innocence..." Ji Jiashu frowned, "What the hell is that?"

Jiang Yuanyuan laughed, just staring at the boy in front of him.

Of course, I don't know how long this person can last like this.

After all, people of their origin can't just be a teenager forever.Sooner or later, the hands of this man will be soiled.

But now...

"Although people like you are rare," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the chess game under the stage with deep eyes, "but I really hope that at least this time, there will be more people like you in this world."

Accompanied by Jiang Yuanyuan's regretful sigh, half a quarter of an hour after Tuoba Xun disappeared from the high platform, the situation suddenly changed on one of the two chessboards on the lotus platform.

Bai Zi, who was originally suppressed by Hei Zi, changed his disadvantage, and turned from an extremely dangerous position to go straight up. His moves were exquisite, and he reversed step by step, gradually becoming more powerful.

He Lancheng, who was already doomed to lose, unexpectedly came back to life, and Bai Zi reversed the disadvantage in one fell swoop!

Meng Shi, who was sitting on the opposite side of the chessboard, opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and looked at the Beihan Pavilion disciple who was completely different from before.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that He Lancheng, who was sitting across from him, had blushed at some point, and large beads of sweat were rolling down his face.

What's going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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