Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 576 Remember

Chapter 576 Remember
To Tuoba Xun without the memory before blindness, it is more like a dream.

The descendants of the Tuoba family all grew up on the sidelines of the battlefield.

In order to preserve the glory of the family from generation to generation, the Tuoba family will pay attention to the rigorous training of their descendants since childhood.Even if he became a descendant, he never slackened in this point.

The Northern Wei Dynasty was close to Xirong, and Erlang of the Northern Wei Dynasty grew up on horseback. Naturally, riding and shooting and fighting were one of the most important aspects of the Tuoba family's cultivation of their descendants.

When Tuoba Xun was born, it was the era when practitioners controlled the battle and made their debut in the long river of history.

In the battle for hegemony with the previous dynasty, Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi and Chief Commander Lin Shubai initiated the practice of sending a large number of practitioners into the battlefield.

Since then, galloping on the battlefield and flattening mountains and rivers has become the dream of every young practitioner who is eager to make great achievements.

This point, Tuoba Xun is no exception.

If there is anything slightly different from other practitioners, it is probably only that he is eager to go to the battlefield to make contributions, and he is a little earlier than ordinary practitioners.

Long before he awakened as a natural practitioner.

In order to make their children and grandchildren always have a sense of urgency, the Tuoba family built Beppu in the Guancheng within the Great Wall of Eternal Night.Guancheng is a city on the Great Wall, and it is an extremely important pass. The famous Shanhaiguan is the largest pass city on the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Every descendant of the Tuoba family must live in this Beppu located in the Guancheng before the age of ten.

The Befu where Tuoba Xun lived was built in Guancheng, the most dangerous section of the northern section of the Eternal Night Great Wall.

Although Guancheng is not the frontline battlefield against Xi Rong, the common people are all soldiers. The children in the city, regardless of their status, usually love to play the game of war.

The same is true for Tuoba Xun.

But just a few bamboo poles and mounds of earth can't satisfy him.As the son of Tuoba Xunjia, he also has a privilege, that is, he can sneak around the barracks stationed on the Great Wall of Eternal Night without being caught or thrown out by the guards.

That is, when he ran to the military camp to take a peek, when he was still young, he saw the most special army in the world.

There are not many people, but they are all special, even women.

None of the women in this team dressed themselves up as men, they were talking and laughing with swords in their arms, and the whole camp was extremely lively.

But when he was young at that time, he just found it unbelievable, thinking how such a messy team could defend the most dangerous section of the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

But just a month after meeting the team for the first time, his shallow doubts were shattered.

When Xirong harassed and robbed the border again, the imperial soldiers guarding the city set off with trumpets.

It just so happened that his father came to this pass city to check his homework. The Patriarch of the Tuoba family was invited by the city guards to climb up the tower to watch the battle, and he climbed up the tower together.

Standing on the high tower, he saw the scene of the two armies fighting for the first time.

Only at that time did he know that the confrontation between the two armies does not necessarily require a large army to suppress the border.In the offensive and defensive battle at that time, both the enemy and the enemy were small groups and were extremely flexible.

The Xirong cavalry is known for its fast movement speed. It is good at catching opponents by surprise, fighting if they can grab it, and running if they can't grab it. They are very difficult to deal with.It was also extremely difficult for the soldiers of the empire at that time.

Of course, he didn't understand these things at the time. All he could see was a team in silver armor fighting out among the dark and fierce Xirong cavalry.

The speed of that team was neat and varied, and the orders and prohibitions were crisp and clear. It was completely different from other Daqin cavalry. It was like a silver sharp blade composed of people on horseback. It stabbed the Xirong cavalry team to the core. .

The Xirong cavalry, which was originally aggressive and black, was chopped up by the silver sharp blade and smashed into pieces, and finally the remaining troops fled.

Standing on the tower and looking from top to bottom, the scene at that time was very shocking, it was a simple, neat and majestic beauty.

"Good speed, good command!"

He heard his father laughing and applauding with the other generals on the side.

"That's Yin Chanwei?"

"It really lives up to its reputation!"

Silver Cicada Guard.

Amidst the excited conversation between his father and his old friend, he opened his eyes wide and firmly remembered the name.

The Xirong cavalry wore black armor, and the cavalry team named Yinchanwei wore silver armor.

The two armies are fighting each other, water and fire are incompatible, black and white.

When he stood on the city tower back then, the scene of the black and white cavalry fighting was firmly in his mind.

just like...

It's like the black and white chess pieces competing on the chessboard today.

Wang Zhusheng reported Ying Baoyue's next move, and Tuoba Xun quietly watched the chessboard in his mind.

Everything is like a wonderful offensive and defensive battle of course.On the chessboard, the black pieces held by He Lancheng, which were in a good situation in the northwest corner with a fierce attack, were cut off by the white pieces at this time, and were cut into several pieces, which were about to be divided and eaten.

Facing his tough attack, the girl whose true energy had been exhausted did not evade at all, but swung chess like a sword.


In the sound of Wang Zhusheng's announcement, another white piece fell on the chessboard in Tuoba Xun's mind.The moment he saw this hand, Tuoba Xun heard his heart beat heavily.

The original situation on the chessboard, the disadvantage of the white piece held by the girl, suddenly changed.

Once again, she withstood his attack and ate a lot of sunspots.

Tuoba Xun took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

He Lan Cheng Luozi.

Ying Baoyue followed again.

Even though the two didn't do anything, the people watching the battle seemed to be able to see the sparks bouncing on the chessboard.

Sparks splashed everywhere, murderous.

So hot!

The practitioners watching the battle grabbed their fronts and stared wide-eyed.

Who would have thought that it was just a chess game, but it could bring such enthusiasm out of thin air, as if it was really fighting on the battlefield.

He Lancheng took a deep breath, his face also turned red, and after another move, Heizi tried to open the chess path elsewhere.

Ying Baoyue fell extremely fast, as if she didn't think at all.

The child was shocked by the wind and rain.

The black chess way is once again blocked by white pieces.

The next moment, He Lancheng's eyes widened when he heard Tuoba Xun's voice, but he obediently made the move.

Seeing Heizi's direction, the surrounding spectators and practitioners stared wide-eyed.

"Heizi retreated! Withdrew this horn!"

"It actually makes the forerunner retreat, but it's a good move anyway!"

Looking at the white chess that is winning every step of the way, watching the fierce battle between black and white, all the onlookers are boiling.

Tuoba Xun's heart gradually boiled up.

On the chessboard, under the absolute advantage, the black pieces were intercepted by the white pieces.

The elusive silver cavalry, the elusive white pawns.

He has seen such tactics.

Tuoba Xun clenched the armrest of the wheelchair beside him. Even now that he lost his eyesight, the offensive and defensive battle he saw under the Great Wall of Eternal Night that day will remain in his heart forever.

Even if he had no chance to see this kind of tactics with his own eyes again.

Even if no one remembers anything.

His heart also remembers.

(End of this chapter)

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