Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 590 Interweaving

Chapter 590 Interweaving
The moon is like water.

Ying Baoyue sat hugging her knees on the roof of Qing'an Yuan, and looked at the young man beside her when she heard this.

Only one son of God can undo the curse on her hand?

Who is that person?

Looking at Li Ji's dark eyes deep in the bronze mask, an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in her heart, and she smiled wryly, "Don't tell me it's Ji Mo."

If so, it's too scary.

"No." Li Ji was taken aback when he heard the words, with a strange expression on his face, "It's another one."

At first hearing that there is a son of God who can break the curse, everyone would guess Ji Mo, because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi Ji Mo is the strongest son of God on the Shanhai Continent.The more powerful the curse, the stronger the Son of God should be able to break it the most.

But the fact is not the case.

On the contrary, it is the one that everyone can hardly believe when they hear it for the first time.

Li Ji recalled his surprise when he heard that person's name for the first time, if Dongfang Yi hadn't told him, he probably wouldn't have believed it.

It's really unbelievable.

Li Ji looked at the girl's wrist hidden under her sleeve.

The strongest level of curse existing on the Shanhai Continent, the Ruby level curse.

And who would have thought that the one who could crack it was not the strongest God Son in the world, but the weakest God Son in the world?
"There is only one person in this world who can undo the curse of the ruby ​​in your hand." Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "It is the observer of this continent."

"Observer..." Ying Baoyue said in a daze, thinking that she had heard this title somewhere before.

"Observer," Li Ji said while looking at Ying Baoyue, "that is, the master of the Hou Liao Kingdom, the mountain ghost."

"Mountain ghost?" Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank when he heard this.

The most powerful person who can see everything from thousands of miles away is called an observer.

At this time, Ying Baoyue finally remembered the origin of the name Observer.

She lost all her memories of cultivation in her previous life, but she still remembered some things related to practitioners.After transmigrating back in this life, in order to investigate the cause of Master's death, she had carefully investigated the information related to the observer.

The strongest Wind Sorcerer in the Shanhai Continent, the Observer of the Shanhai Continent, the Son of the White Tiger, the eighth lowest rank of the Eight Gods.

Later Liao Guoshi, mountain ghost.

If it were described in one sentence, the title of this Son of God should be so long.But apart from these official materials, this Son of God has a special identity.

That's why she investigated him.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the bright moon in the sky, her expression became complicated.

Then he is still her master, the last fiancée of Da Si Ming Lin Shubai.

Not long after Da Si Ming and Shan Gui got engaged, she and her master passed away one after another. Ying Baoyue had never seen her master and this god son together, and she knew very little about this god son who almost became her "mother" few.

Although little is known about it, the sudden appearance of the engagement between the master and the mountain ghost is too close to the time of their death, which inevitably makes people feel strange.

So after being reborn in this life, recalling the doubts in the previous life, Ying Baoyue once investigated the matter of the Son of God, but the useful information he obtained was pitifully small.

It's just because this continent's weakest god son is also the most low-key god son in the entire continent.

Mountain ghosts have lived in seclusion in the sparsely populated Xiling Snow Mountain for many years. It is said that they have not gone down the mountain for 20 years.

Because of the ability of the wind magician, this son of God can see the world's affairs without leaving home. In addition, he has nothing to do with the world. He is content with the lowest position of the Eight Gods and never participates in the battle of ranks, so there is no need to downhill.

In the Mountain Sea Continent, where the Eight Gods were at the pinnacle of practitioners and regarded as the goal of struggle and gods in the world, this Son of God didn't even have a portrait.

Even... not even the name before becoming the Son of God.

She really didn't expect this.

In her previous life, Ying Baoyue had always heard his master call him Shangui, Shangui, and felt a little strange that he had never mentioned his name.At that time, she also asked what the mountain ghost's name was, but her master just smiled and said nothing, telling her that he would know later.

She thought it was just because they were not familiar with each other, and when those two got married, they would know sooner or later.

But their story ended eight years ago, and there is no future.

And in this life, after checking so much information, she still doesn't know the name of this white tiger son.There is no record in any literature, as if... it was artificially eliminated.

Ying Baoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

The last close relative left by her master during his lifetime.

But she is also the one she doesn't know the least among her master's old friends.

In her previous life, she didn't have time to know this person.

Ying Baoyue thought that she and that mountain ghost would not have any intersections in this life, but she didn't expect to have a connection suddenly at this time.

Clues and mysteries intertwine at this moment.

She clenched her wrist tightly, feeling the existence of that scar.Who would have thought that the name of the most mysterious son of God in the mainland would appear in the matter of breaking the curse.

Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji, whose eyes were serious and not fake, and his expression was very complicated for a while.

"Master Hou Liao..." Ying Baoyue naturally couldn't tell him about her relationship with the mountain ghost. When she heard Li Ji's words, she closed her eyes and said with some doubts, "I remember that this son of a god is obviously a god of eight people. middle……"

"The weakest one." Li Ji continued.

He naturally knew what the woman in front of him was wondering about.

After all, there is only one person who can break the curse, and this person is the weakest among the Sons of God, anyone would be puzzled.Not questioning that he was playing with her was beyond his expectations.

"This matter..." Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and asked, "Which senior told you?"

Before Li Ji said that he asked for her, apparently he got this information when he returned to Soochow this time.The source of information is related to the authenticity of the information, and Ying Baoyue was about to inquire about it.

"I can't tell you exactly who said it," Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "but it's a trustworthy heavenly senior."

Although Dongfang Yi would make small jokes from time to time, she never lied about these important matters.

As for why the mountain ghost, who is obviously the weakest son of God, can break the curse of the ruby ​​level...

"The curse of the ruby ​​level, in fact, no one is capable of unraveling it among the gods who are still alive." Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and said, and the complex emotions that Dongfang Yi showed when he said these words emerged in front of his eyes.

Curses are like tarsal maggots once they get on them, and getting rid of a person is much harder than solving the curse itself.

A non-celestial cultivator with a jade-level curse would undoubtedly die, and this girl was still wearing a red color that is rarely seen in jade-level curses.

"To get rid of the jade-level curse that has been planted on others, I am afraid that only the reincarnation of Da Si Ming can do it."

Li Ji quietly repeated what Dongfang Yi said to him at that time.

Hearing this name, Ying Baoyue was shocked, "Then..."

She already understood what Li Ji meant, which meant that the curse could only be solved by waiting for the first rank, so why did he still say that the mountain ghost could be solved?

"It's true to get rid of others," Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "but it's not the case to get rid of yourself."

"I said before, so that you can become the second rank within a year, and this curse can also be resolved." Li Ji took a deep breath.

"The reason why the mountain ghost can solve this curse is related to the special ability of the wind magician."

He explained seriously.

"It's all because the mountain ghost has a certain ability." Li Ji paused, "He can transfer the wounds of others to himself."

This ability is really special.Should it be said that it is a wind magician?Ying Baoyue said heartily.

Seeing the surprised expression of the girl in front of him, Li Ji hesitated whether to say a word or not.

Because what Dongfang Yi told him at the time, not only was this God Son the only one who could break the curse, but the Soochow National Teacher also said another sentence at the same time.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you," Li Ji said while looking at Ying Baoyue.

"What?" she asked.

"The Mountain Ghost of the Later Liao Kingdom is indeed the only one who can undo this curse, but at the same time..."

Li Ji paused, looked at Ying Baoyue and said.

"It is said that he is... the only one who can cast this curse among the living people in this world."

 In the past and present, all the foreshadowings are strung together in a big net, connected layer by layer
(End of this chapter)

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