Big Moon Ballad

597 The Way Forward

597 The Way Forward
"When she was a child..."

Facing Chen Zichu's question, Ying Xun was rarely speechless.

Just because he really recalled it, but found that the matter of this cousin was pale and pitiful in his childhood memories.It can be said that he never felt that he had such a sister.In the memory of Ying Baoyue, he has always been Ying Hanri's younger sister.

Until they met again in Nanchu.

"When she was a child?" Chen Zichu repeated, looking at the silent Ying Xun.

"We separated very early," Ying Xun looked up at him and finally said, "I don't even remember things that are too small."

In fact, he remembers everything from when he was three or four years old.

"Really, blame me for asking too much," Chen Zichu smiled at the complicated expression of the young man in front of him, "It's getting late, I'm leaving first. I'm going back to hold my feet."

"Well," Ying Xun nodded, "See you tomorrow."

"Farewell." Chen Zichu laughed, "I hope to meet an easier opponent tomorrow."

"Yes," Ying Xun and Huo Zhan also nodded in agreement.

Everyone of them knew that if they really met tomorrow, their swords would be tense.

At the same time, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

"Farewell." The three of them bowed each other to salute, and finally parted.

Seeing Huo Zhan and Ying Xun leaving, Chen Zichu thought of what Ying Xun said just now.

How will that woman prepare for tomorrow's battle?



On Zihua Mountain, on the steps of Jixia Academy's water courtyard, Ying Baoyue sneezed hard again.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Yishan, who put his sword into its sheath in the courtyard, looked over, "Wind and cold?"

"No," Ying Baoyue shook his head, rubbed his nose and smiled, "Someone must be thinking about me."

This man was saying some weird words again... Xu Yishan took a slight breath, looked at the woman sitting motionless on the steps, "How are you resting?"

"It's enough," Ying Baoyue stood up, and slowly grasped the hilt of the sword by her waist.

Xu Yishan's pupils shrank.

All the real essence in this woman has been recovered.

Although in terms of the total amount that a seventh-level practitioner can accommodate, this is still not enough in the eyes of a sixth-level practitioner.

The rank nineteen eighty-seven is the human rank, and the rank sixty-five-four is the ground rank.Although rank six is ​​not as good as rank five and can bring a qualitative leap to practitioners, it is also the dividing line between human rank and earth rank.

The difference between practitioners who have crossed this line and those who have not crossed this line is extremely obvious.

"I've practiced all the water and sword techniques," Xu Yishan looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "How much do you think you can master?"

"To be honest, I don't know," Ying Baoyue looked at Xu Yishan and said, "Even if you can remember the sword moves, it's really hard to say whether you can show your strength in actual combat."

Of course.

If she could say that she had seen it all, Xu Yishan felt that he didn't have to stay here, and the past ten years would be considered in vain.

It's just that before the sword move, the woman first faced another serious problem.

"If you meet a practitioner who is higher than you tomorrow," Xu Yishan looked firmly into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm trying to figure out a way," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "There will always be a way."


He now understands why the master ran away and refused to guide them before the battle began...

Because the master taught him everything, but facing this woman... the master probably didn't know what to teach.

Teach nothing and don't know how to make her win.

Xu Yishan took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the long sword at Ying Baoyue's clenched waist.Although it had been re-polished, he could vaguely recognize that it was the rusty sword she had picked out from the pile of scrap weapons that had been broken and reconnected once.

Sunset... a sword?
In a situation like hers where the realm is insufficient, the rich and powerful families will usually look for the magic weapon blade with the true energy of other practitioners for their descendants at this time.

The strength is not enough, at least weapons are available.

But she only had a rusty sword at her waist.

"Your sword..." Xu Yishan looked at Ying Baoyue and hesitated to speak.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "This is my sword after all. Naturally, I will take it to the battlefield."

Xu Yishan was startled when he heard the words, and reached out to grab his own sword.

Is it your own sword?
For a long time, his sword was actually more famous than him.

Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the dark blue long sword on the side of Xu Yishan, and asked softly, "Brother, can I touch your sword?"

Xu Yishan was startled, remembering that Ying Baoyue used the water-breaking sword for a short time at the Jixia Banquet, setting a record of sixteen consecutive victories.

This is of course very remarkable, but...

"You can touch it, but..." Xu Yishan looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "If you say it, you won't be able to pull out this sword."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and smiled the next moment, "I know."

She stretched out the hilt of the Duan Shui Sword with her hand, and sure enough, the sword did not move at all.

Xu Yishan watched her quietly.

Back then at the Jixia Banquet, Ying Baoyue was able to use this sword because he had already pulled out the Duan Shui Sword.After all, she is also a water magician, and his real essence is still attached to the sword, and he has no ill feelings towards her, so she can pick up the sword.

But with this woman's realm, she couldn't pull out the sword by herself.

Practitioners cannot control weapons that exceed their own strength.

The four famous swords representing wind, fire, water and thunder, the sword master needs to be at least rank six if he wants to control the realm.

Among them, it is said that both the fire sword and the wind sword need to be at least level five.

Xu Yishan felt that this was probably one of the reasons why these two swords hadn't appeared in the past ten years.

Xu Yishan also expended a lot of energy to master the water magic sword at the beginning, but he can't say that he has completely mastered the water breaking sword until today. He thinks that he will have to wait until he reaches the fifth level at least.

This is true for him who is in the sixth rank, let alone this woman who has only been a water magician for more than a month.

The boy quietly stared at the girl in front of him.

Using weapons that you cannot control will inevitably lead to mistakes.Back then at the Jixia Banquet, most of the opponents she met were of the seventh rank except for Yeluqi, so it was fine to use the Duan Shui Sword.

But when fighting against an opponent whose realm is higher than his own, a single flaw is enough to be fatal.

It may even lead to the backlash of weapons.

All swords in this world are double-edged swords.

And once the weapon bites the master, the result will be more dangerous than the damage from the outside world,
"It's not that I won't let you use this sword," Xu Yishan said while watching Ying Baoyue, "You will hurt yourself."

"I know," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Brother, you should also be careful."

Xu Yishan was taken aback, did she also see that he didn't fully control the Duan Shui sword?
"We all have to be careful," Xu Yishan looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "There are only two of us in the water courtyard."

Ying Baoyue nodded, and drew his sword out of its sheath the next moment, "Brother, let's continue."


Xu Yishan's teeth ached after hearing the words, he really didn't know how long this woman would have to practice until she was satisfied...

But whether you like it or not, it's the last day.

They just go all out.



A day full of undercurrents, planning, and sword practice finally passed. After a night where many people could not sleep peacefully, that day finally came.

No matter how many people prepared and what happened before, the final battle of this elementary ceremony finally came as scheduled.

It was dawn, and Gui Chen walked out of the room, and as expected, he looked at the slender figure of the girl leaning against the gate of the courtyard with a sword in her arms.

Her figure was still slender in the morning light, but the long sword at her waist gave her a touch of iron and blood.

"Let's go." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

From past life to present life.

From the former Qin to the Southern Chu.

Their last battle in Nanchu, the place where the final round of the individual battle of the primary ceremony was held.

It's where Jixia Academy is located.

Southern Chu, Zihua Mountain.

 In the end, it will return to the original place.

(End of this chapter)

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