Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 601 Sweat

Chapter 601 Sweat
Since the two schools, realms, and reputations are similar, except that they were born in different schools, then this duel is actually the first collision between Jixia School and Beihan Pavilion in this elementary ceremony.

Whose disciple is the strongest, one can tell by comparison.

Watching He Lancheng step up to the battle platform, other people around gradually became aware of this.

For a long time, Jixia Academy was the strongest in their hearts, but in recent years, the reputation of Beihan Pavilion has gradually caught up.The last battle between Ji Jiashu and He Lancheng for the leadership was a fierce collision between the forces of Jixia Academy and Beihan Pavilion.

But in the final result, everyone knows that the son of the national teacher is so powerful that no one can challenge him.

In the last primary ceremony, Nanchu and Jixia Academy were undoubtedly the biggest winners.

This year's primary ceremony, the Northern Wei Dynasty can be said to have come prepared, although the appearance of a certain former Qin princess took away at least half of the attention.However, the results obtained by Beihan Pavilion disciples this time were much better than those of Jixia Academy in the previous rounds.

"Who will win?"

"They're all thunder swords, and I don't know what kind of sword master He Lan will use..."

There was a lot of discussion under the high platform.Ying Baoyue was also a little curious.

After all, she had never seen He Lancheng's sword skills.

"This Mr. Helan knows how to use swords..." At this time, among the people watching the battle under the high platform, Gui Li curled his lips and said.

"I really can't imagine the appearance of this young master holding a sword..." Ji Ange responded lightly.

Ji Qingyuan, who was responsible for taking care of the two younger sisters while Guichen was away, smiled wryly upon hearing this.Because of He Lancheng's surrender at the Qing'an Yuan, He Lancheng's image in the eyes of the Qing'an Yuan can be said to be low to a certain extent.

Be it Guili or Ji Ange, the impression of this Beihan Pavilion disciple in his eyes is probably nothing but uselessness.

"That's not what I said, Ah Cheng still has some skills."

However, at this moment, a man's smiling voice suddenly came from beside them.

Hearing this, Ji Qingyuan looked expressionlessly at a man beside him who had sneaked into them with his junior brother, "Why are you here?"

"I can't go back to Beihan Pavilion for the time being," Tuoba Xun said with a smile, "Anyway, I'm staying at a place where the people watch the battle, and I'm also a person who lives in the National Teacher's Mansion, so let me join."

Ji Qingyuan supported his forehead upon hearing the words.

But it has to be said that Tuoba Xun's defense for He Lancheng just now is not very convincing.

After all, be it He Lancheng or Tuoba Xun, the first two Beihan Pavilion disciples looked like frail scholars in appearance.

Tuoba Xun was naturally not weak, but he wasn't too strong in battle either.

With such a realm and real energy, but the last round of rankings was not particularly high, and he never carried a sword.

Like Tuoba Xun, He Lancheng rarely wears a sword on weekdays.Among the practitioners who participated in the first round of the battle before, it was obvious that his reputation and ability were outstanding, but he didn't have any sense of existence.

At this time, he quietly walked up to the high platform. He was also a thunderbolt, and he did not give people a strong sense of oppression like Hong Beidou.

Those who didn't know thought he was a wind magician.

Hong Beidou originally felt timid for a moment when he saw that the opponent was him.But after feeling the aura of He Lancheng's body, his expression became arrogant again.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at He Lancheng standing on the battle stage. After the failure and betrayal in the previous war on medicine and drugs, He Lancheng's modest publicity and arrogance had all subsided.

Standing on the stage at this time, quietly like an ordinary scholar.

Even the long sword at his waist looked out of place with him.

"Huh? He Lancheng didn't use a scimitar?" Jiang Yuanyuan said suddenly on the high platform.

In terms of weapons, the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty mostly used the scimitar commonly used by cavalry, and the scimitar itself was also suitable for violent thunder.But at this time, He Lancheng, as the first disciple of Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty, was using a sword.

"At this moment, I can't tell which of these two people is from the Northern Wei Dynasty and which is from the Southern Chu Dynasty."

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the two people facing each other on the high platform and sighed.

"Get ready!" At this moment the examiner rang the start bell.

Looking at the two people on the high platform who drew their swords respectively, the people in the audience held their breaths with anticipation in their eyes.

Everyone can foresee that this match will be more exciting than any previous match.

Many people speculate that maybe these two people will be inseparable until the examiner draws lots to determine the winner.

"It's coming! What kind of swordsmanship do these two people use?" The audience excitedly discussed, and Ying Baoyue also looked up.

Leifa sword is a sword technique with a high degree of freedom, with many branches. Generally, famous practitioners will have their own unique Yeluzi sword technique.

Such as Bright Sword and Ji Jiashu's Spring Thunder Sword.

At this time, after the examiner finished calling "begin", Hong Beidou's sword was already thundering.

Through the thick formation, people seem to have heard the rumbling thunder.

However, He Lancheng still just stood there with a flat expression, like a statue.

"What's the matter? Could it be that after losing to a woman, the majestic Beihan Pavilion disciple didn't even have the strength to draw a sword?" Hong Beidou's mocking laughter reached everyone's ears on the high platform.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes slightly upon hearing this.

Ji Jiashu on the high platform also frowned.

At this time, the young man who had been silent all this time, looking up for nothing, raised his head and just glanced at Hong Beidou.

"I did look down on her before, but compared to her..."

"In comparison?" Hong Beidou frowned.

"You are too weak." He Lancheng said lightly.

"What did you say?" Hong Beidou's face became ugly, his eyes were bloodshot with rage, and at the same time, the momentum of the thunder on his sword became more and more powerful.

"What is He Lancheng trying to provoke his opponent on purpose?" Jiang Yuanyuan frowned, "Didn't the thunderbolts get stronger the more angry they got?"

Thunder method is violent, and opposite to this characteristic, when the practitioner is angry, it will burst out with stronger power.

Of course there are exceptions.Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at another young man standing upright beside him with lingering fear.For example, he has never seen Ji Jiashu angry.

But at this moment, before anyone could answer him, all the voices around the stage paused.

Because at this moment, Hong Beidou moved.

"What big disciple of Beihan Pavilion, the man's face has been lost, go to hell!"

At this moment, Hong Beidou, whose anger reached the peak, struck a bolt of lightning with the tip of his sword. The sword light flashed, and the long sword stabbed at He Lancheng with the force of thunder.

He Lancheng still didn't move, and there wasn't even the slightest electric spark on his sword.

Thunder is fast, and Hong Beidou's sword is extremely fast.

He Lancheng had no room to dodge.

Hong Beidou's long sword struck He Lancheng's head with the force of wind and thunder.

There was predictable blood splatter and rare screams from the crowd.

However, the next moment, the world was quiet.

It all happened so fast that many people didn't see it clearly.

Come like a thunderbolt to receive anger, stop like a Jianghai condensing clear light.

There was a flash of thunder, and people only saw a heavy figure flying high, hitting the edge of the formation with a scream and vomiting blood.

With a click, a sword on the ground broke in two.

The person who flew out was huge, and that person was Hong Beidou.

It wasn't He Lancheng who stood still, but Hong Beidou who attacked.

And it could only be another person who did all of this.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the other young master who stood quietly in the middle of the platform as if nothing had happened.

If it weren't for the long sword in his hand dripping with blood, people would hardly believe their eyes.

With a click, He Lancheng shook off the blood beads on the sword, and put the sword back into its sheath.

"Say I'm ashamed," the young man glanced at Hong Beidou who had fallen to the ground in the distance, and muttered lightly, "Say it as if you are better than me."

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment and was speechless.

"It's like a flying lightning, and it's like a white rainbow." In the crowd, Ji Qingyuan heard Tuoba Xun who was beside him smiling slightly.

"Does it look good?" The man smiled, "This is Ah Cheng's Baihong Sword."

 This scene is estimated to overturn the image of many people.

  "Come like a thunderbolt and stop the wrath, and stop like a river with a clear light." --Tang Du Fu "Watching Gongsun Da Niang's Disciples Dance with Swords and Weapons · Preface"

  "It's like a flying lightning, and it's like a white rainbow."--Tang Li Bai's "Two Poems Looking at the Waterfall of Lushan Mountain"

(End of this chapter)

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